
RMN is having it's 8th birthday and as such we're having an event. Because God forbid we forget this year like we did the last two, right? Right!

And what's better than a short game making competition? Not much!

So grab your engine of choice and get ready to rumba!

What we doing?

We're makin' gam! In eight hours! Woo!

Basically, over this weekend we will be creating a short game based on the theme of self-insert/cameos within eight hours. That is, you have a total of eight hours over the course of the weekend, broken up however you like, to make a game in.

During the event we recommend that people make use of the RMN IRC chatroom in order to talk about what they're doing and give feedback, bounce ideas and just have fun.

This is a birthday event and as such it's social!

At the end of the weekend we show off the games we made and give feedback. The downloads will be compiled in to one game project which will also be released not long after - as such you won't need to create game pages for your games.

Yes, there's a theme. It's pretty simple, too!

Cameos/Self-inserts: The main cast of the game need to consist of either yourself, people you know in real life or people you know on the internet. This means you could create a true Craze vs LockeZ game if you desire, or throw yourself and a group of friends into a fantasy world of your creation.

Whatever you like, how ever silly you desire~ As long as it fits this theme it will count.

- Create a game within 8 hours over the course of the weekend of the 6th/7th of June.
- Game must abide by the site rules of game submissions (thus no pornography, hate speech and such).
- Game must fit the theme provided above.
- Upload to either your locker or a hosting site, then submit to the event page. (If you use a hosting site, put the link in the comments and make sure you use large text/bold in order for it to stand out.)
- The game may be made on any engine.
- Game should be complete and stand-alone, with all necessary files included.

There are three badges available.
- Gammak Cak (25 MS), which will be received if a game that fits the criteria is submitted.
- Feedback Balloon (15 MS), which will be received for giving feedback over the course of the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Gabby Gift (10 MS), for taking part in the chat sessions over the weekend.

If you have any questions or queries, ask here. We'll be operating on the honour system as there is no real way to determine if people are keeping time or not. Trust is the name of the game. Fun is the way we roll.


  • 06/06/2015 12:00 AM
  • 06/08/2015 01:00 AM
  • 10



You must be logged in to sign up for RMN Birthday 2015.

Teams Members Entry
In like Flynn
Wont get sucked into MC this time
I'm here, dammit!
Self-Inserts!? Lemme just insert myself into this!
Time for some more artsy bullshit!
Art for some more shitsy timebull!
Time for some more bullshitsy art!
Being Yellow Magic
8 goes to sleep
Team Ladybeard
Bludgeon of Inspiration
Team not submitting anything but sign up anyway...
This will be fun
Aw yeah Birthday!
Too cool for Rpg Maker
Marty Stu! The game
A dark and bright future merged together!
Longtime depression finally settling in! D:
Burn That Fat
Team Toni!
The World Warrior
Oshun is lazy
One hour left
richard garriot's revenge
snuffle snuffle
Short game? What's that? Is it edible?
It's just me guys
A Lannister always pays his debts, but I'll likely do nothing...
Deckiller Lives!
Get the money
Three O'Clock Naptime
what am i doing this
It's a team... *yayyy*
I like just noticed this :(
Let's do this!
Team RedRanzo-newbie at the moment, just looking around XD


RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
Whether you like it or not, that's a thing. It's in your game. People are going to going to identify it and point it out. Dealing with it is going to require a degree of equinamity.

But I expected people to play the game and give up :)
Just because I reply to those people and describe what I was getting at and what they could do to beat the game (if they feel like it) doesn't mean I don't like it or expect it.

Because I felt no reward for playing it - and a game needs to have some kind of reward.

And that's OK! Some people felt rewarded and some didn't, some felt the need to beat the game, others didn't.

A lot of this is relative to each person, some people find enjoyment where others don't.

Thanks for trying out the game! :)

(...) maybe frustration/annoyance could be the intention with his project?

Yes and I will explain everything below.

I'm glad you like the experience this game could provide :)

A game should have something for the player to enjoy in the gameplay, even if it is frustrating and ~artsy~.

I agree, but what each player finds enjoyable is relative, this game didn't work for many people, but it worked for other people and that's enough for me since it was never intended to reach a big audience.
First of all, thanks to all who tried the game! :)
Sorry for the frustration, but it was supposed to work that way.

What is the game all about?

Everything custom/edited in the game was made/edited by me, so it's naturally personal.

The background sounds and image effects were made from other projects but adapted well to this one.

I picked RPG Maker 2000 since it's not very common nowdays to see anything made with it and because I wanted to finish a game with it.

The game is a metaphor representing my struggle when finding internet forums and trying to join a community, the story starts in 2011 since I discovered internet at that time and ends in 2015 when I started being more active in RMN.

A few things can happen when you don't know how internet forums work.

You find a bad forum where you are shunned and you eventually quit.
You find a good forum where you are shunned and insist since there's something worthwhile.

In all forums you'll find people that don't like you.

In all forums you, the newcomer, will feel unfairly treated or wronged since most people already know each other and will either ignore your posts or attack you for having different opinions, these users will also gang up on you since they know each other and support each other, sometimes they don't even realise what they're doing since they never were on the receiving end.

It's frustrating and exhausting.

In a good forum you'll eventually find some cool people you'll get along with, if you stay around long enough (that was 4 years for me).

This is the main setting, now for what each thing means in-game.

The title screen has 3 words:
- ARRIVE > means that you arrived at the internet, starts the game.
- RETURN > return to the internet, loads the game.
- IGNORE > ignore the bad times you spend on the internet, exits the game.

The introduction shows the word "ALONE", this isn't the name of the game, only the introduction, you are then dumped in an oppressive environment in black & white, with limited visibility and "old movie" rain.

The game actually doesn't have a name, I didn't want it to have one, that's why you don't even get text in the game window, I would've taken out the icon too, but didn't have the time.
This was to reforce the empty notion.

The "old movie" rain represents what you see as somethin of old, a memory of the past.

The "black & white" shows how there is no happiness here, it's all dark and gloomy, these aren't nice places to be in.

The "limited visibility" represents how little you understand of this place you are now in.

The "background sounds" represent how empty and alien this place is, there is no music or melody, just weird ambient sounds, since it leaves the interpretation more open than using a music with a specific tone.

The main character "glows" to show it has some sort of light inside it even in such a dark place and to pop out in this black & white environment.

The way the dungeon is presented was inspired by:
- Old "Zelda" games where each screen is played individually.
- "The Heroe II" an old Spanish RPG Maker 2000 classic game that had a dungeon with a similar method of navegation, plus I love that game!

RPG Maker 2000 won't allow you to remove menu options, so I had to think of something for all of them.

The menu has the following options:
- Display > "concepts" you display to others in a conversation, the item menu.
- Thoughts > thoughts you have and use in conversations, the skill menu.
- Self > what you are and use, the equipment menu.
- Remember > memorize this point in time and return to it later, memories, the save menu.
- Stop > quit suffering through this abuse, you'll be asked "..." if you use it, this mean you won't say a thing and just leave, the exit menu.

HP and MP stayed that way because I couldn't think of anything clever to name them and also wanted players to immediately recognize their function.

The same goes for Level and Ex, but I'll go into detail about those later.

Inside the Self/equipment menu you'll find:
- Speech > this is the language one uses in conversations.
- Fact > a fact you can use to your favor in arguments.
- Me > you, something from you.
- Emotions > your emotions, I wanted to start the game with something equiped here, a negative emotion, but I though it would confuse the player even more.
- Motivation > this was supposed to the called "Inspired by/Inspiration" but it was too large and didn't fit, so "Motivation" was the closest thing, this is why there's 3 different people you can "equip" here, people that inspire me through their works.
- MS > this is Makerscore, you have "0" throughout the game, since you're new here, this was currency.

In the same menu you'll find, ATK, DEF, MAG and AGL. I didn't change them so the player could understand what they were.

At first I thought about giving all the items cryptic descriptions, but favoured gameplay over this to make it less confusing, plus I didn't have enough time to make clever and functional cryptic descriptions.

The items in the game are:
- A Point > to "show" (relating to "Display" being the item menu) a point in a conversation, it heals HP since conversations decrease HP and making a point will give you the necessary "vitality" to go on.
- Idea > to "show" an idea in a conversation, it heals MP because it's related with "Thoughts" which are the MP consuming skills you use.
- English > the language used in all the forums I visited, in order to better express yourself you need a better grasp of English, it's a weapon.
- Google > in order to back up some of your claims you need evidence/facts since some people won't accept what you have to say otherwise, google can sometimes provide that, it's an armour.
- Imagination > can make the worst situations seem better (sometimes), you need it to keep going, you need it to be creative, it comes from you.
- Joy > emotion to counter negative emotions, can be hard to find, elemental protection armour.
- Kentona > creator of "Hero's Realm", one of the greatest and most successful old school RPG Maker 2003 games and several other impressive projects, enables the use of the "Perseverance" skill.
- Spoonybard > creator of "Final Fallacy", the original best humurous RPG Maker 2000 game/demo and several other impressive projects, enables the use of the "Irony" skill.
- Zydin > personal friend, creator of good books and several other impressive projects, enables the use of the "Explain" skill.

The skills themselves are:
- Perseverance > don't give up, persist on your goal to achieve it, ATK buff spell.
- Irony > lightens up the mood with some humour to counter negative posts, attack spell.
- Explain > explains a point in detail, extends the conversation, heal spell.

I think the relation between each skill and the respective item is self-explanatory.

Irony and Spoonybard go hand in hand.
Perseverance is something Kentona has or he wouldn't have finished so many great projects.

In battles you have:
- Take Part > take part in the discussion, enter the battle.
- Don't Care > sometimes you just don't care, let the CPU decide what action to take.
- Turn Back > don't take part in the discussion, you can only do this with Bad Topic, I thought about taking out this option but it relates too well with the story, you can't turn back from other battles to make it harder gameplay-wise and to force you into an X number of mandatory battles.
- Commune > attempt to talk with someone, can be ignored, usually ends badly or can be perceived as an attack, attack command.
- Thoughts > what's in your head at the moment, can change the outcome of a conversation, your idea about something, skills/spells.
- Stand > make a stand about a point you made, not much use, you can use it against Darth Revan when he prepares an argument (accumulates power), defend command.
- Display > "shows" (should have made that "conveys") something relevant to the conversation, item command.

The enemies are:
- Anonymous > random people around the internet, you don't know each other, but they like to "attack" others in forums for the heck of it, if you don't pay them much attention or avoid them (there's no avoiding sometimes), they cease to be a problem. These encounters still take their toll on your well-being, you may not notice it at first, but you'll grow more tired each time you encounter them.
It looks like a ghost because of their fleeting nature.
- Darth Revan > a bad moderator from a bad forum, if you go unprepared into this argument you'll have a bad time, once you overcome this obstacle you will find there's much better forums out there. Just a minor evil.
- Bad Topic > you can post in them (even though you know you shouldn't), it can turn bad only after you post your dissident opinion or you can even create your own bad topic and burn for it. It causes you grief, you need Joy and Irony to counter it.
It looks like a tentacle-y thingy because of the different ramifications and posts it generates.
You may turn back from a bad topic, but chances are you'll have to overcome this forum phase too.
- Happy > at the doorway to RMN (the last forum I gave shot at) was Happy, for some reason he was kind of a dick to me, I could've used someone else since there were others, but went with him, he has since apologised (he doesn't even remember it! :P ) and for me it's all water under the bridge now, I just used him because it made sense story-wise and for another cameo. People change though, I don't think I've seen anything else of the sort from him.
Happy isn't particularly hard, since it wasn't such a big deal, it was only the last straw.
But you need something from yourself in order to overcome this last obstacle, you need "Imagination" to keep going, to not quit before reaching a better place.

Small bits and pieces:
- Move on > when you "win" a battle, you don't really win, you move on from it.
- Exp > you gain exp with each "forum conversation/battle" since that's what happens in real life, you gain experience, you actually level up, this is much clearer if you look at your posts years ago and compare them with your posts now. But leveling doesn't mean you get stronger, not when you haven't settled in, you'll grow tired and exhausted the more you try to participate and see your efforts brushed off.
- Lurks > not in the game, would be used when an enemy observes the battle.
- Ignores > like evading an attack or skill, posts/points can be ignored.
- Stops posting > the user quits the conversation or forum, KO status.

Every item positioning was studied, you're only given the bare minimum necessary to beat each area, it's not a game about freedom, there's only really one way to beat it.
In order to advance you need specific items/equipments to beat specific bosses and figure out what route to take, while avoiding as many Anonymous as possible.

You can't use healing items or skills against Anonymous.
You need to figure out what items to use against each boss.

This is the puzzle aspect and there's a lot of trial & error as such.

There's some amount of luck involved, but very little, or at least I tried it to be as little as possible from my testing.

There's no critical attacks to further reduce randomness.

Each boss has a specific way to beat and there's very little room for error, still I tested so it was possible to beat them even with a high level, what really makes Bad Topic hard is that most people have used up their healing items by then.

Still, if you reach Bad Topic with all healing items (HP x2, MP x1) and at least level 9 you can beat it.

If you can beat Bad Topic then you can pretty much beat Happy, even at level 10 since you are given everything you need after the battle (MP healing item, armour, healing spell).

Not leveling up just makes everything easier.

While using an RPG engine the game behaves more like a puzzle, where you need to follow a specific order to your movements and actions.

Approaching these battles like typical RPG battles won't do you good, each action is like a puzzle piece or puzzle action you need to use/do in a specific order.

Being confused about this is normal and I'll talk about that confusion in detail later.

How to beat the bosses:
- Dark Revan > needs "English" and "Kentona", in battle use "Perseverance" once, then attack until beaten.
- Bad Topic > needs "Joy" and "Spoonybard", in battle use "Irony", heal HP/MP as needed, taking care to heal as late as possible
- Happy > needs "Imagination" and "Zydin", in battle use "Commune" and heal HP/MP as needed, use "Explain" for HP healing and the last healing item for MP, once again taking care to heal as late as possible.

There were screens with no enemies/and or only chests for balance and to give a feeling of false security/and or reward.

Once you beat the last boss you can access a new screen, all previous screens had the same size and graphics, this screen is different in both aspects to represent entering into a different place, still dark and gloomy, but different from the previous place.

You wander around the darkness looking for some light, looking for your place or something you can relate with.

You arrive to a different screen, there's more people here, but they're not like the previous encounters, gradually the weird ambient background noise is replaced with a happier tune, there was no colour before, now colour begins to appear.

The short looping tune is from "Mr. Sandman", I picked this tune mainly because it's happy, relates with dreams and because of this sentence: "Sandman, I'm so alone".
Relating with the start of the game, we've come full circle.

You have found others who get along with you, they don't flail randomly at others for no reason.

Everything in the game up to this point was representative of 2011.
The dialog in the ending is made up of nice posts from nice people.
Some from my introduction thread, some from the Golden Week event where I got to meet a bunch of cool people.

I would've added more posts if I had the time since I feel I missed a lot of cool people.

Notice however that I am still devoid of colour, I still don't feel part of the community, but this new place is completely different from those other places, I may not feel like I belong entirely, but there's "something" for me here and people are generally much nicer.

The frustration is still here at times, just look at these last posts.

I needed 4 years to start participating, I quit in 2011, became a lurker and came back now and then to make a couple of posts in gamepages, I don't do forums.

How does this relate to you?

The confusion you feel about how to play the game represents the confusion I felt when coming into contact with forums for the first time.

Finding my way through the darkness with no one to help me or a comprehensive set of rules.

The game lacks explicit rules to portray the feeling of entering an environment you know very little about.

In this case the "internet forums".

This feeling of confusion, lack of visible progress and opression will drive most people to quit, just like I did in several bad forums, nothing you say or do seems to reach even one person (no visible progress), if you express a different opinion, people gang up against you for dissidence (opression), no one seems interested in helping out or show you the ropes, it's much easier to just drive you away (confusion, exasperation).

If you played the game you felt this frustration and exasperation, nothing you did seemed to matter, you got kicked around, nothing worked like it should, this system is broken! Your expectations ruined.

You quit, you've had enough of this abusive game, this represents me everytime I quit from a bad forum.

This outcome was expected, still I'd do what no one did to me before and tell these people what they could do, you know, in case they wanted to beat the game.

But maybe you were curious, wanted to know if there was something else here, you're the kind that persists, or maybe you actually liked the challenge.

You may or may not notice that leveling is bad and change your method, retry the game, after all you've lost what? 10 minutes?
In other words you start from scratch and behave more carefully, like I did when while searching for a better forum, not satisfied with the places I'd found.

If you insisted in playing the game, even if you had to consult my forum posts or a video playthrough, then this represents me when I arrived at RMN, I was close to be driven away but insisted, gathered information, tried again and again and here I am today.

You tried, it was hard, frustrating, it even seemed unfair!
But you did it, you gathered everyhting you could (be it my hints or trial and error) and you're here now.

Both kinds of players are representative of my choices.

That's why I don't believe I was ignoring feedback, your feedback was most welcome and it made a lot of sense, specially for a "normal" game, I would never have made these design choices in a "normal" game.

I'm sorry if I seemed to be ignoring feedback, it was not my intention.
I couldn't express myself better without writing this wall of text.

As intended some people had quit and others had beat it, changing what made people quit would be telling a different story and invalidate the struggle of the other players.

It's by no means a perfect game, nor did I even think that, but for 8 hours it achieved all I ever wanted it to achieve.

This is all I can say about the game :)
My reactions Part 4!

Craze and Versalia Dance against the Heavenly Host (Craze)

Je Veux Te Voir was really useful in most fights. The game told me it wouldn't work against the bosses, but it totally worked against the final boss. Made it really easy. Overall, it was really well done,

Gunfight (Pianotm)

Interesting idea. I'm reminded of the Showdown minigame from Kirby's Superstar. I wouldn't mind seeing an expanded version.

RMN Birthday 2015 (iddalai)

Creepy and very well presented. Some ideas could have been communicated better. I actually thought there was a trade-off between health/magic and other stats. Like you were getting better at dealing with these things, but at the same time was losing patience with them. I did manage to beat it though.

RMN Birthday Quiz (TungermanU)

I got 15/40. I guess I don't know RMN very well.

Curiosity Killed the Cash (CashmereCat)

I'm not sure how to feel about the art, but the gameplay was good with some decent humor.

8hourgam (Liberty)

Pretty funny, and the battles were good too.

Let RMN Eat Cake (dinkeberry)

Fun idea, it would be nice to see this expanded.

8 Hour Contest (Marsigne)

There's only an audio file in here? Well its a pretty good song anyway.

ZiggyOMFG (Ziegfried McBacon)

Ok. I'm trying the puzzle again, and despite me getting the solution right the door ain't opening.

I like this self-insert setup. Some passability errors like being able to walk under couches. I like the office setting though :) I believe when you interact with the door you mean "key card required!" not "key card acquired!" because you don't get key cards from observing doors ;) I quite like your sense of humour with Craze and LockeZ plotting insignificant hindrances towards each other around the office. Interesting arrow puzzles since they somehow are all facing down :P I like how you made LockeZ call you Aladdin. Craze/LockeZ and their crazy caffeine-related shenanigans. The end gag made me laugh out loud. Your strength is comedy, I think. The mechanics weren't all too complex, but the gags were definitely on point. Laughed during this one ^_^

There's a lot of stuff I should have caught during playtesting. I'm glad you like the humor though. Thank you and everyone who played my game!
That explains a lot about the design choices, Iddalai, and it does get across well.
I still stand by the fact that iti s a very engaging and fascinating game. I like it, but I can see someone getting frustrated.

Personal favorites from the contest were

- RMN Treasure Hunt
- Iddalai's game
- Cashi's game

Overall great entries and awesome job everyone!
All badges have been handed out. If I've missed you in any of the three, let me know so I can rectify (if it is either the gabby or feedback ones, let me know when you posted - a link for feedback would be appreciated).
Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
In all forums you, the newcomer, will feel unfairly treated or wronged since most people already know each other and will either ignore your posts or attack you for having different opinions, these users will also gang up on you since they know each other and support each other, sometimes they don't even realise what they're doing since they never were on the receiving end.

@iddalai It's funny though because in most forums I have never had this experience. Only on occasion have I felt unfairly treated or wronged, ignoring posts is rite of passage for forums. It seems like your experience of the forums has been quite different and more hostile than mine, and for that I can just say we'll try to be good people and welcome you into the fam.

Also, I'm playing your game again and I'm finding it more engaging than before, even though it's thoroughly hard. Although I understand the game a lot more now that I know what it's all about. I already figured the meaning from the game material, but now that I know about the mechanics of it, I understand it more. The dodging is at times very difficult but fun, although I imagine someone would have a hard time finishing if they didn't know about the F12 button ;)

Except for me, perhaps dodging topics has never been an issue, only in particularly inflammatory ones. This game suggests that dodging every single topic is the only way to survive bad ones. It's a very clever metaphorical concept though.
So, I wrote some stuff talking to people, and thought I might as well put it up here for Iddalai.

I think Iddalai got a little bit butthurt but I also think we can cut him so slack since it was not only a random game he worked on, but also a personal experience he showed off.
I can understand why this particular instance is harder to deal with than other instances. And I can understand the pressure in contrast to all the sillyness given to other games. Vice versa, it also goes to demonstrate how good of a job he did with this time, and how different (in a good way) his game is.
Strangely enough, this means he will get more critique and more nitpicking precisely because of that and seeing this gap must certainly be a little bit frustrating on him. So I think it's fine. I say let it calm down and then talk again. We will have a much better time.


Or in short. I know we treat serious games that way, but at the end of the day, it is alright as it is. Some games are even designed to be annoying - if frustration is a planned part, so be it, as much as a shame as that is.

I know you can deal with criticism better than that, so let it rest until you can.
Thank you for sharing your stance and explaining your game and the experience behind it. It goes a long way.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Also, I think that people just weren't expecting a dev to make a game on the principle of making you ragequit. I know, I read it, but I just couldn't believe it the first fifteen times he said it. The game was designed to make us get frustrated and not play it. It was when Unity started having her mini-meltdown that I started to realize that this was the whole point of iddalai's game.
You're magical to me.
Also, I think that people just weren't expecting a dev to make a game on the principle of making you ragequit. I know, I read it, but I just couldn't believe it the first fifteen times he said it. The game was designed to make us get frustrated and not play it. It was when Unity started having her mini-meltdown that I started to realize that this was the whole point of iddalai's game.

Yeah, it was quite a real-life demonstration of the principle that the game was made about. I certainly appreciate the game more for that, and I learned a valuable lesson about stepping away from the keyboard when my mood is being adversely affected.
I gave up on Idadalai's game when I finally reached Happy. Is he supposed to be unbeatable? I had a feeling that I wasn't supposed to level up when I saw my HP dropping but I don't seem to get enough items to actually beat him especially his amount of damage. (Even with Zydin equipped/irony) or I probably should have used kentona but .-.

Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
The screen before Happy has a chest containing a new piece of equipment that makes it possible to win. It's hidden, but it's there.
Oh I see it now. Sneaky. Thanks!

Lol finally finished it :'D
Now to move on other gams
Guardian of the Description Thread
The screen before Happy has a chest containing a new piece of equipment that makes it possible to win. It's hidden, but it's there.

Funnily enough, I don't actually recall that piece of equipment helping out all that much. Happy was doing the same amount of damage to me both with, and without it.

Either that, or my memory totally sucks.

*Edit: The healing ability was pretty integral in my fight against Happy in my play, though.
It's a healing spell. So it wouldn't effect the damage output.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Happy's basic attack did about 14-16 damage before. With that new equipment, it only did about 3-5. It helps just a little bit.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Wait, that piece of equipment did grant the healing spell? I could have sworn that I was corrected on that point earlier!

*Edit: The hell is going on? Is my memory really that bad? I can almost swear that Happy was always doing 5-ish damage to me.
No the hidden equipment is called imagination which ups his defense.
Zydin does the healing. kentona has preserverance which is atk+ and then irony which does like 6 damage. I didn't use the healing and just kentona'd the way out of there.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Well, Kentona does have the strength to rearrange posting threads with one finger and lift a banne hammer with a single hand.
You're magical to me.
Is the gamepage for this up yet? ^_^
Not yet. It should be up some time in the next few days.
You're magical to me.
Yay! Thanks! :D