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Was there, now.

I can't even tell what he's talking about because of the insane made up shitspeak like "Homonationalism" and "Pinkwashing". Also who and or what are PoC and QPOC?

Hey bud, I'd like to take a moment to better explain my feelings on the subject. I don't mean to offend people by criticizing the terms this dude used. Let me explain.

First let's get this out of the way. I'm a Xenophile. To the degree that I actually find Human women physically disgusting at most times. So I get how people struggle with sexual identity- when I was working the oil field, I always got into fucked up situations about having to explain why I didn't think some lady was hot, or etc. But in general I have a really good attitude about it, you know, I tell my friends that some girl is hot and they don't get it, and we all laugh about it and shit, and I call myself a freak and a wierdo and a retard. Shit's cool.

So I guess that's where my anger comes from, that while I understand the problems caused by "abnormal" (YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN) sexuality, I don't understand the feelings of being persecuted because I never have been. Okay, yeah, there are way more homosexuals than there are hard-xenophiles like myself. I get it.

I guess it also stems from living in small town Canada. In my experience people are pretty free to be into what they want to. So I sort of default to an admittedly incorrect idea that guys like this don't have a reason to be mad. It doesn't help that I actually had no idea what he was talking about because of the terms he used.

I assumed that he was making too huge a deal of it because of my limited understanding of the terms and his talk of colonialism and imperialism and stuff that I honestly don't understand how it relates to sexuality, even now.

So maybe commenting even though I didn't fully understand it makes me childish or dumb or something, I don't know. To be honest, if it did I really wouldn't care.

As a pretty final note on the matter I have pretty notorious anger management problems. I'm always 100% or 0% on shit. I'm sorry.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Pizza, do you know what a xenophile is?
author=Yellow Magic
Pizza, do you know what a xenophile is?

"Xenophily or xenophilia means an affection for unknown/foreign objects or peoples."

I'm probably not using the correct term for the sexual side, I don't know. I could have also said "A Xenophile is me". That's just what I call myself, I don't really have a better word for it.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Wait, what? Unknown objects as well?
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
this topic should be archived immediately, it is the cancer on my relatively clear history here on rmn

I wonder if Emmych will even respond at this point.
Apparently. That's just quoting Wikipedia. I could go into what it means to me but it'd probably end in me getting banned for being vulgar.

My point was really that I wasn't angry because I was "threatened" or whatever Emmy was getting on about. Just trying to break the ice in a really strange and uncomfortable manner.
Finally, remember: the onus of your education is on you. No one is going to take your hand and teach you all about this stuff. I have had to learn about racism and colonialism and w/e on my own, because PoC do not owe me a heart-to-heart enlightening discussion, and you will have to do the same.

Then how can you agree with Darkmatter's twitter posts? He continually asserts that imperialism and homophobia is seemingly only practiced by the United States of America. England is the country most notable for practicing colonialism back when it had an empire.

Truth be told, you can't pin the practice on one country. France engaged in colonialism as well. The issue is derived from Western culture.

Secondly, the United States did not "import" homophobia into an entire continent (That point pertains specifically to Darkmatter).

I examined your racism 101 link and was intrigued. You seem to only address white racists. I will refer you to Adon237's earlier post on the matter. Racism exists on all sides and we shouldn't be perpetuating a divide amongst groups.

I'd like to think the majority of us are allies to one another that don't judge people on the basis of their race, skin color or sexual orientation.
There is some truth to the idea of western evangelicals introducing toxic ideas to leaders/dictators of certain African countries. The most recent example is what's been happening in Uganda. Have any of you heard of Scott Lively? Truly scum of the earth, this man is. Fred Phelps has nothing on the damage he's done.

I don't even know what to say about this topic, so I will just tell a story about the haircut I had this morning.

My hairdresser is a woman from Iran, and her husband was laid off a few months ago. He has been unable to find another job despite being an eminently qualified environmental engineer, and I am 95% sure it is due to racism. He has a very arabianish name. Anywho, she tells me about a friend of their's who moved here from Iran last year and couldn't find a job, so he LEGALLY CHANGED HIS NAME TO SOMETHING NORTH AMERICANISH, like Steven or Mark or something. He (re)submitted his EXACT SAME RESUME to the SAME WORKPLACE and got an interview RIGHT AWAY and is now working. Last time he didn't even get a phone call. And the hairdresser says THEY ARE CONTEMPLATING CHANGING THEIR NAME so he can get a job.

Is this just not the most frustrating thing? it makes me so angry and helpless, that I felt that I had to rant about it on the internets just to get it out.

So anyway I continue to go to her for haircuts even though it is more expensive and I am almost broke and I always tip well and she always cuts my hair too short because, man, I have to.

What do I do? Like seriously, beyond not being a racist douche myself and teaching my kids not to be racist douches, what do I do?
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
There's nothing beyond that for you to do. Anyone who suggests otherwise is problematic. You can't force racist people top stop, unfortunately. It's a shame, and its causing a lot of unneeded tension on societies. :(

(There is also no way this topic or any of its posters is denying racism, for anyone who would claim otherwise.)

It is very bad that a person had to change their name just to get a job, it's disheartening and very real proof that racism exists still today.

people are cancerous to this earth
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Ouch. Reminds me of how my parents encouraged my brother to change his name from "Osama" to something a bit less, uh, thought-provoking for similiar reasons.

My name isn't the most typical Arab name so I got lucky, I guess. Then again, employers in the UK are (supposedly) taking great strides with regards to equal opportunities crap, so would I ever experience the same sort of trouble here? I don't know, but honestly the way I see it: Some employers suck and some don't, just like with anything in life. Just gotta take care to avoid the sucky ones.

Personally, I don't feel like my ethnicity prevented me from being job offers (and somehow I got quite a few!) - the offers I didn't get were more-likely-than-not due to my overall incompetence.
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
lel i hate being white

Emotional manipulation for a good cause. White guilt for a good cause.
The United States did not "import" homophobia into an entire continent.
Just to correct something that's been said a few times already, "importing" isn't boolean. There can be leftover belief from Christian missionaries centuries ago while an ideology is spread in a big way today.
I still don't believe this is an issue though (the OP).

@kentona ; Are you absolutely sure this hairdresser's husband isn't getting interviews because of his name, or could it possibly be because his name's mud in the field? Maybe he designed a bridge that fell or assigned the wrong lube oil and cooked a $1 million piece of equipment. It's human nature to hide a personal failing by drawing attention away to something mildly relevant.

The reason I suggest this is because we, in Canada, have a smorgasbord of programs, tax credits, federal requirements, etc for hiring visible minorities. Hell, I work with a caucasian guy whose only in our trade because at his RCMP interview, the interviewer outright said "I can't hire you today because you're white. We need to maintain an ethnicity quota."
Please stop saying lel. Please?

Also, while I'm requesting things. Emmy :) Can you go back to writing reviews? And maybe just ignore lgbt topics on RMN? That would be awesome. I honestly miss your funny, light-hearted posts. It seems the only time you show up is in a back alley like this.
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
this topic is a mess. can we just close this topic now?
i mean there was once a purpose to it, but it has been ruined by various things and then that /interesting/ xenophilia post

it's apparently irritating some irrelevant users to the topic (namely Link and Ratty) and i don't want to be associated with this. y'all already dislike me enough

Really the fault here is that everybody is being way too aggressive about it all.

thanks to pianotm though
@kentona ; Are you absolutely sure this hairdresser's husband isn't getting interviews because of his name, or could it possibly be because his name's mud in the field? Maybe he designed a bridge that fell or assigned the wrong lube oil and cooked a $1 million piece of equipment. It's human nature to hide a personal failing by drawing attention away to something mildly relevant.

Kentona said the guy submitted the exact same resume except one had an American name on it, and the second time the guy got hired. Obviously that's not 100% scientific proof, but it's a pretty damning correlation.

These are important issues to discuss, not something we should consider "back alley". That said, we should really treat them with more care.
I come to the site for RPG and gaming related stuff. I consider anything else to be back alley. Not because it shouldn't be discussed but that it's off topic to the sites purpose. People start religious, societal, and very personal topics and it always manages to spark battles and hatred between members. Not always, and not here exactly, but I'm sure some grudges have formed from topics like this. This site has become a little too social, imo.

A few off topic posts aren't enough to ruin a topic and people are not being too aggressive. I would say it's closer to passionate. So just chill Adon. A topic morphing into something unintended is pretty normal around here and as a topic creator you don't get to choose how it plays out.

As for the topic. I think it's simply going to take a few generations for racism to disappear and until then all we can do is be tolerant in our own little circle and push for others to be tolerant. Some people were raised to be racist and won't change. We just have to wait for them to die and hope that as generations go by less and less of them are around to teach their kids that crap.

edit: I agree that there is much more to life, but I don't agree that it should all take place on this site. But don't read into that beyond it being my own personal opinion. Do what you want. Now, how can I possibly resist reading the latest hot topic?
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
The subforum "General Discussion" doesn't always have to be about vidya gams though. There is much more to life than RPGs and RPG Maker, and it's not necessarily a bad thing to want to discuss them here.
You can always abstain from looking at topics like these and participating in the discussion.

I guess the topic has run its course. I'll lock it at the creator's request.
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