
Jesus never placed limits on love, but he did tell people when they were wrong. Telling someone you think they're wrong and they need to change isn't the same as telling them you don't love them.

Anyway, I vote we ban slash for starting a politics topic that was only ever going to get people to fight. Bad slash.

LockeZ, I think you're wrong, but I forgive you and I still love you! Ho ho ho ho

But nah, it'd be silly for me to not create a topic just cuz it could cause a stir, just like I'd never avoid making a game just cuz it might not be easily digested. But, Soli's right, too. Sometimes it's nice to take a break and just be happy. Celebration now, debate later. So yea, let's do that!

Lol I thought Cash's post was facetious tbh. Never would have pegged him for that kind of response.

Any dogma that comes from "religious" institution is limited by its interpretation, so while I can (sometimes) respect anti-gay beliefs, it's insulting to legitimate spirituality to claim that it harbors prejudice.
well, regardless of all of that it's a fact that american kids born today will be surpised to know one day equal marriage wasn't everybody's right.
aaaaaaand there will be a lot less bigots then too. So we just gotta hold onto ourselves and not hide, society is already digesting us. We're part of it, and we're becoming more and more as time goes. One day, people will be as surprised and horrified of this past rejection of the lgbtqia as we get when we know women weren't (and still aren't, in some places) allowed to vote/work/study in the past.
well, regardless of all of that it's a fact that american kids born today will be surpised to know one day equal marriage wasn't everybody's right.
aaaaaaand there will be a lot less bigots then too. So we just gotta hold onto ourselves and not hide, society is already digesting us. We're part of it, and we're becoming more and more as time goes. One day, people will be as surprised and horrified of this past rejection of the lgbtqia as we get when we know women weren't (and still aren't, in some places) allowed to vote/work/study in the past.

Or we will enter a new dark age when the currant roman empire finally collapses, and new wars start springing up for the remaining nations to try to seize up the remainders of the American empire. Once the military that occupies 70-80% of the world is gone, the war will spring anew and spread like wildfire and the world will enter a new dark era.

This is the cycle of history. We are only now reclaiming the rights we had when we were Roman and not American. Now we are American, we are celebrating these small reclamations, but mark my words; This is only a reclamation. There will always be the men who lead, and those who follow, and as such, ideals will branch off. There will be bigots no matter what.
I'm just waiting to see what will happen...
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I actually just found out last month how recently interracial marriage was legalized in the US. I thought it was legal, like, before slavery was illegal. But it wasn't fully legalized in all states until 1967. Also, at the time, very few people wanted it legalized; it wasn't until the mid 90s that even half the nation approved of interracial marriage.

It's not a great parallel though because I think the reasons for disapproving of it are not religious but simply cultural. In fact Catholics in the US are twice as likely to marry outside their race as any other religious affiliation, including people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics, or no-affiliation.
well, idk about the us but here in brazil catholics used to preach black people have no soul, and thus can't marry or be treated as a human because people with no souls are basically animals.
and this is what they used as argument for the slavery, which ended in 1888

but yeah, @fatesforce is right. it's a cycle. only we're restarting the cycle with a much higher level of knowledge and technology, so it's kind of unpredictable how the events will turn. but yeah, a new dark age will (hopefully) not spring up on the next generation I think?

i mean, technology is advancing at such a steady pace people already invented organ printers.
The most beautiful user on RMN!

Sorry sort of out of date about USA law. Give a guy who is from Canada, but has been in Taiwan for 5 years a break for being out of touch from the real world :)

I view marriage as a legal contract between 2 people. So in terms of "law" there's no problem with 2 consenting adults to sign a contract. I mean we wouldn't stop Marvel and Disney from merging if both CEOs were men right?

And even as an atheist I can respect Cashmere and other Christians for their views. I mean people do have the right to voice their opinions (in countries where free speech is okay. I mean I don't live too far away from a country where free speech isn't a thing.)
You're magical to me.
I mean, a lot of like Game of Thrones even though they're not in favor of war. A lot of people like Harry Potter even though they're not in favor of the occult. A lot of people like Duck Dynasty even though they're not in favor of rednecks. Something you wouldn't want to do in real life can still make a good story.

That's a great point! I just wanted to make sure I hadn't gotten him to play a game that made him uncomfortable, though he probably would have said so if that was the case >.<;;
I actually agree with lockez's earlier claim that marriage shouldn't be thought of as a government institution anyway, and civil unions should allow all the same benefits. Actually, why do married people get extra benefits, anyway? Is it just to incentivize breeding good, strong Americans under the guise of 50s style values or am I being too cynical? I feel like we've made a nutty system more inclusive instead of just removing the nuttiness.

I mean, at least it's a step in the right direction.
author=Feldschlacht IV
EDIT: Didn't mean to double quote. Please delete?

For reference, this was aimed at a few people who acted like asses, not the majority of you who get a gold star for not being assholes.

People, stop shitting down someone's throat for having a different opinion please. It's pathetic to do, even if it's against your idea of 'what is right'. You're acting like twats. People have a right to their opinions no matter what they are. If one of you said "That Hitler was a nice guy." you don't condemn them to the pits of hell for it but ask them why they feel that way, and for examples. I mean, even Hitler had his good fucking side (he was very against animal abuse and brought in a slew of laws that saw people who abused animals fined and jailed for it. He also protected some Jewish people himself who he went to war with before everything got out of hand, mainly because they were his friends, but he still did it. Not exactly the devil in making, just a man who made some really really bad choices in hind-sight that spun completely out of control and saw the death of many, many people. I mean, he wasn't a great person but he had his good points.)

I grew up in a very religious family so I know what it's like to believe that homosexuality is a sin. Granted, I'm a LOT more open-minded than the rest of my family who would condemn people for it (though I gotta give my mum props for how she handled the gay friend I brought home one time - he absolutely loved her to bits and she didn't like his sexuality but still was fond of him as a person ("Love the person, not the sin", as she always says). It's something that is taught to you and there are some verses in the Bible that, when looked at a certain way, can be led to mean what most Christians believe. (I won't get into how a text translated through 3-4 different languages can lose it's nuance completely (nor point out what one translation can do to a game in that example - This guy are sick!) but I can see why people would believe it.)

That said, I'm a Christian but I subscribe to the whole "God wants us to search for our own truth, not have it preached to us without checking the source material and understanding it our own way" thing. And the source material needs to be taken in context, which most religious folk don't do - which leads to this issue.

So don't jump down the gullet over someone's opinion. Might as well jump down someone's gullet for liking jazz more than punk rock.

I'm still waiting for Australia to catch up with the marriage laws (fuck you Abbot) but I'm very happy for Americans who can now marry their loved ones.

Got any Dexreth amulets?
People, stop shitting down someone's throat for having a different opinion please. It's pathetic to do, even if it's against your idea of 'what is right'. You're acting like twats.
Liberty, I'm sorry, but when and where did that happen? I've seen exactly one single agressive response in this entire thread so far. Pretty much every other post is astonishingly respectful and calm, as far as I can tell.

Under hide tag because Godwin:
Also, as someone who lives in Germany and is confronted with this country's not-so-great parts of history a lot, your opinion on Hitler feels extremely badly informed and pretty much unbearable to me. I don't want to derail this discussion any further, but rest assured that most of those allegedly "good" sides of that person were deliberately set up as PR (and, while not the complete personification of evil we've come to see him as, he was much closer to that than you make him sound). In short, I think you're terribly wrong.

Anyway, I think it's perfectly okay to discuss difficult or controversial topics as long as things are being kept civil and constructive. But that doesn't mean we have to respect and like every opinion. Some opinions cause great pain and suffering. Some opinions get people killed. And even if I respect a person themselves and would never want to cause them any harm, I reserve for myself the right to tell a person I find their viewpoints wrong or even outright evil and therefore do not respect those views.

There can be worlds of difference between having an argument and having a fight. As long as we stay on the "argument" side, I don't see the problem.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
just a man who made some really really bad choices in hind-sight
In...hindsight? So, like, the Holocaust was a bad idea in hindsight??

@NeverSilent: Liberty's badly informed? Nonsense. Hell, she knows that most people in developing countries have iPhones!
Most of the comments in reaction to Cashmere's comment are pretty crappy. Also, excuse me for just waking up to this shit and having come back into the thread on that post (my sleep schedule is so seriously fucked up >.<;) so my wording is a bit bleh atm. I was trying to find a more apt word but rolled with it because brain wasn't working.

(also, I just grabbed a relative opinion thing. I'm not saying that Hitler was a great guy but some people believe he was and as you pointed out, that was very likely due to clever PR. Can you blame them for believing that? Not really. So why blame someone who has been brought up their whole life to believe in the Bible, told that it hates gays and that they're completely wrong and an abomination (even though that isn't what the Bible says)?
Looks like I made the correct relative argument even if I didn't expand enough. Thanks for the follow up that does it better than I did.)

What I meant was more along the lines of 'really fucking stupid and heinous as all fuck' but couldn't quite find the right words for it. It's hard to play devil's advocate as well as make the point you meant to when you just woke from a 5 hour nap that was supposed to make up for no sleep in the last 48 hours and running around after an engergetic 3-year old who is sleeping over. >.<;

You've been hanging on to that one for a while, haven't you YM?
Of course I meant mobiles in general, I just call them by the common denominator (iphone in this case, since all mobiles in my house are iphones I just call mobiles iphones) and the place I got my information on that subject from was someone who lives in South Africa. I mean, I wouldn't say 59,474,500 mobiles for 50,586,757 people in South Africa is a small amount. At all. (those numbers are from 2013, btw) South Africa ranks 28th out of 69 countries in the list of number of mobiles in use. That's pretty good considering Australia is 38th on the list. Who fucking knew?
More info: Top 10 countries with mobiles vs population?
- China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan.
- Canada is below South Africa on the list too.

And while they aren't all actually iphones, there's a decent enough amount of them that are. Who knew?
I've been considering myself Bi for a long time but I've been doing research lately and apparently Pansexual fits me a bit better but whatever I still like using the term Bisexual to describe myself just cause barely anyone would know what the heck I'm talking about if I say I'm Pansexual. lol

Anyway, I kinda skimmed through this topic since it's gotten pretty big but I just want to say.
I hope that the members of RMN can always strive to be nice to each other and respect other opinions even if they have different opinions from their own.
Arguments can be healthy but lets keep things civil.
Even though I disagree with Cash he still has the right to speak his mind. CashmereCat you are a nice person and I respect your opinion.


Hugs for all.
I know what you mean Red! I'm the same with the pan/bi thing.


All the motherfucking hugs.
You're magical to me.
I know what you mean Red! I'm the same with the pan/bi thing.

I'm having trouble understanding the difference. *confused*

All the motherfucking hugs.

bi is a person that likes boys and girls, pan is a person that likes people :^D
i know it sounds like the same thing, but pan also includes people outside of the binary gender spectrum and also has a lesser focus on the gendered aspect of physical attraction... or something


also brazil's also leading on the usage of internet
and I have like 3 or 4 phones? If you count the ones that have been robbed from me
i mean, I bought them
so I technically have them according to surveys and whatevs I think? XD
And thus the descent to Welp Welp territory has begun! Embrace the madness!

(We all knew that this would follow the trend of normal internet conversation. 1.Celebration, 2.Arguements/Anger, and 3.Welp, Welp.)
Pan is more about the person themselves, not about the gender. So it wouldn't matter if they were male, female, trans, hermaphrodite or anything else, you love that person.
Bi is more male/female oriented - trans usually don't fall under the header, so if you liked men and women, you'd be bi. If you liked a transwoman you'd be considered pan.

Pan is like the hippy version of sexuality. Don't care, will love. ^.^