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The hunt for Sci-fi stuff. (New screen inside.)

  • Alouroua
  • 08/20/2011 08:23 AM
For me,(and probably many others) the hardest aspect of mapping is balance. It can be quite hard to fill space without needlessly cluttering the area. For this reason alone; I find indoor mapping to be leaps and bounds more difficult than the outdoors. Often when people show off the mapping in their game they're bound to show you nearly all outdoor maps. With a forest or a typical town, it becomes easy to fill the space with trees, lakes and rivers. Resources for these environments are plentiful with the rpgmaker engines. However, for indoor environments your options are more limited and it can be difficult to find a practical way to fill space with them, as a room will only house so many appliances in a practical fashion. Nature, on the other hand, is robust and plentiful.

Top all that off with an even scarcer collection of Sci-fi resources and you get the predicament i'm in. I can make due with whats out there already, but the general lack of science fiction-esque stuff to fill my indoor environments with is really slowing down my mapping progression. The map below is from one of the opening scenes in the game. I worked for many hours on that one room, but I think it payed off in the end. If anyone has ever had the thought of making some quality sci-fi parallax resources, please don't hold back. The sci-fi community desperately needs them.

In other unrelated news, i've recently played some older games on rmn that I never got around to playing, such as: Space Funeral, Hero's Realm, etc. RM2k3 isn't really my thing but I'm really enjoying these titles. :D



Pages: 1
So, this is suppose to represent the future? Wood wouldn't be a common resource. In fact, wood probably wouldn't be used at all. Unless, this is only a few years into the future (which is possible because I didn't read the story).
Well if Evilcorp cut down all the forests for shit and giggles, wood would be a luxury product.

Or they're importing it from a Forest World full of lovable fuzzy aliens.

or maybe it's Plasti-Wood.

Doesn't hurt to keep your options open.
So, this is suppose to represent the future? Wood wouldn't be a common resource. In fact, wood probably wouldn't be used at all. Unless, this is only a few years into the future (which is possible because I didn't read the story).

I don't think that necessarily has to be the case. In Star Wars Yoda walks with a wooden cane and the wookie homeworld is full of wooden structures. It would be dependent on the culture of the people in question. Maybe the finest wood table or chair is preferred for comfort/decoration purposes over hard plastic or metal. Why do some writers prefer to hand-write their novels on paper rather than type them out? Economy can be a factor as well. Maybe if a jungle planet's most abundant natural resource is wood people will make use of it. Of course the use of wood would dwindle but I doubt it would disappear completely

or maybe it's Plasti-Wood.

Lol, I like that. Imitation wood made from special plastics; so you can live like back in the good ole' days.
Pages: 1