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Stream of consciousness - Abilites

  • Marrend
  • 06/04/2014 02:28 PM
As of a few moments ago, I was figuring that there's going to be three people that are able to fight in the Prince's party. This party consists of consists of the prince (duh), Ishihara Oharu, and the titular Oracle of Askigaga.

One thought was to retain the abilities both Hiroji and Oharu had from Chance Enouther, with the Oracle more-or-less taking Sakura's abilities. That just doesn't seem right, though. I mean, even if I re-flavor the damage abilities Sakura had to holy-elemental, it just comes off as "bleh" (at best) or "not trying" (at worst).

Another thought that came to mind is to delineate striker/tank/battlefield controller roles to these three, and assign appropriate abilities that way. I figure the Oracle would be the battlefield controller (High INT generally calls for spell-slinging.), with Oharu tanking it up (She's a mountain of HP with high DEF and WILL.), leaving Hiroji with being some kind of INT-based striker (He's pretty fast, but his STR isn't that great.). I suppose I could have Hiroji retain his debuff skills from Chance Encounter with this set-up?

Whichever route I go (unless I come up with something else in the interim), I don't see Oharu getting any healing skills. The way she "heals" is to take damage for everybody else, if that makes any sense. Hiroji? I dunno. Seems iffy at best. Definitely the Oracle, though.

Oh yeah. I guess I have the other perspective too. I mean, that perspective will only have the one character in the party (probably), so, there's going to be a lot of weirdness going on with it to begin with. Assuming I actually go that route. I think players having that insight might help, in some ways, but, in other ways, that side of the story would be the most difficult part to write.


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Guardian of the Description Thread
This is the kind of skill-spread I'm thinking of right now:

Sword Tech
- HP
- HP Regen
+ Stun
always hits
+ Duration

Spear tech
- HP
+ Critical rate
always hits
ignore DEF
+ Target rate
Half damage (Physical)

+ HP
Remove all states
+ HP Regen
Resist states
Holy Blast
- HP
removes buffs
+ Mute
ignore WILL

Apparently, I liked skill evolutions from Okiku, Star Apprentice so much that it looks like I'm going to do it again for this game. There's still obviously things I still need to figure out in regards to this spread, but, I think this is generally the route I want to take.

The question of whether or not skill evolutions will be handled the same way as Okiku is still open for debate. There was somebody, I think it might have been Jparker1984, that would have preferred to earn JP in battles, and spend them to get skill upgrades. If each character is only going to have two skills to their name, I'm thinking that a JP pool that players can spend would be appropriate. I know I've seen a few screenshots, maybe even played a few games, where upgrading skills is in the skill menu itself. So, I may look into that to see how those function in relation to what I want to do.

*Edit: Updated the skill-list to current information.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I'm staring at these two scripts. If I'm even half-way serious about setting up some kind of system where players upgrade skills via JP/AP/whatever, those scripts seem like a really good start.

*Edit: I've inputted a decent number of skills into the database. However, describing what theses skills do, in a format that is actually understandable, yet limited to two lines of text, is giving me a headache.

*Edit2: Writing that last sentence didn't help the headaches. Ugh, I'm just working too hard. I need to relax a bit with...

Okiku, Star Apprentice!

...or do a few more duel tests?

Oh, who am I trying to kid?
Guardian of the Description Thread
Okay, the skill descriptions that I have all fit in the text box! I have no idea if they are useful for players, and some skills could be named better, but, I'll keep things as-is. For now.

As a total aside, the download links for those scripts seem to be down. No, that's not quite true. I'm getting a "This page is getting too much traffic, so we're going to deny you access" page. I guess I can do the skill evolutions the same way I did it in Okiku, Star Apprentice? Yeah, that's probably what's going to happen. I'm not going to wait for traffic to clear, or for somebody to miraculously come by with those scripts.
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