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Short, solid Choose-Your-Own-Adventure

  • Kylaila
  • 07/05/2014 09:15 AM
Choose-Your-Own Adventures are a thing on their own. There are many of them once you start looking, but it's hard to really get into most them.
It is a common flaw that is present here as well, but let's dive into it, shall we?

"Beneath the mossy stone" is one of these little, fun games where reading and choosing the next course of action is all you do.
How long it takes to beat depends firstly on your reading ability, and secondly on the paths you take. I'd say it takes about 10 minutes to get all 7 endings, and one to finish it once.

Option is key. You decide what to do.
And the great predicament you're in right now is a party, which can be quite one when you detest them a great deal being a low energy heroine. (I do, too, for the matter).
So you wander off a bit .. or not? As it is so short, I won't cover any more than that there is an underworld-like area you may find yourself in.

There are many choices to make, and most of them matter, too. It is a little bit disappointing that they breach into one path again, but generally, there is enough variety to keep you occupied.
The decisions can be made logically as well, which is a nice thing (and often times missed). Some (read: one) options need some requirements to be available, others will have different results depending on what you did beforehand.
It is a little bit too obvious, though, when you can get exact hints.

It's a fun, solid experience even if more options for single decisions would've been really appreciated. You have no option to be afraid of/fight against the strange surroundings you encounter, for example. Nor did you have any options of looking around/adjusting to the new surroundings.
This made for huge disconnect and atmosphere drop between the two places. As much as I hate the whole screaming and whining thing, some curiousity would be very welcome.

The party itself could've been expanded upon as well. I realize it is clearly not the focus, but at least include the aunt you are coming for in the first place somewhere.
You could have slightly adjusted the help of the bat/rat to have at least some distinction. It would be more satisfying to actually see your helper.
It also makes trying a different path more rewarding.

It's a solid text-game with simple writing, it works perfectly fine, too, despite the lack of testing. I encountered neither bugs nor typos.
It is by no means a gem, but it's worth its while.


Pages: 1
Thank you very much for the review! I originally planned for this to be a bit longer, but I ran up against the deadline pretty hard (I submitted it at the literal last minute). I don't know whether I can add some of your suggestions for extending the game, but others sound reasonable, and some of them were even things I planned on including in the game before I ran out of time.

Again, thanks for your review! I never expected it so soon; pure text games often seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to getting attention, so I really appreciate you taking the time to review it.
Well, that's how these kinda contests works. I'll be looking forward to extensions!

It's true that text-based games are hard to advertise, but that's another reason why I wanted to put that one out. They can be so much fun, too.
Pages: 1