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Updates and progress

  • Wano
  • 06/03/2015 07:01 PM
Hi everyone !

As I said in my previous blog, I had to pass some exams and it's finally over (and it came off well :D) ! Then I'm on holidays and I will work hard on this project during summer. I present you what I've done for the moment and what I plan to do :

First, I've done movings :

Use :
- You can move and then attack, not reverse
- You can't move on an ally's square but you can go through
- Can be used in order to flee or to get closer to a foe
- Foes are able to move too ; some of them will be prudent or aggressive

That's all for the CBS, I will make the other commands soon. Next blog will talk about skills and talents.

Next, I added a new character : Axel.

He has blue hairs, so he has water powers. He has a talent that enable him to heal allies copiously. You can see his description on the summary.

To finish, I start the worldmap too. It looks like that thing :

But that's a simple WIP, I will had a map and mini towns on 3D (but I have somme problems with my licence of 3DS max, then I have to resolve it!)

Well, see you in the next blog in a few days!