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Chapter One Redux

Just a little update for everyone. I have been slaving away at the Chapter One redux. I confirmed that "missing" is a thing of the past.

I've made the quest systems in the game more dynamic. Sadie and Guild Hall quests get added as you enter new towns, instead of being gated behind completing the last one. You can now turn in any quest in any town. Which eliminates backtracking just to get your rewards.

I'm expecting to put out the Chapter One redux, sometime next weekend. I am currently working on a more dynamic monster encounter system. Next up is adding a tiny bit more content, and general map polish.

Darkbox returns from his vacation on July 8th to start going over some possible new feature additions, and to review all the game's text and dialog.

Last thing I need to do is a balance pass on all the combat systems.

Post any ideas you didn't see here you want to see in the Chapter One Redux. And of course thanks for the interest.

Here a new screenshot of the newly completed Port Firia. Port Firia is the last Firian city you visit in Chapter Two. Then its on to the unknown!