A Video Review for The OutCasts


The OutCasts is an RPG Maker game created using the VX engine and is one of the games I can honestly say has gotten worse after an attempt to improve upon the various issues found throughout the game.


While the game still offers the same generic excuse plot it also suffers from the inclusion of a new plot hole that is found early on in the game where the dark mage Zio explains that the state of Black Rock is imposing military rule on the people of Lakewood for their failure to pay their taxes on time. This creates a plot hole because the intro makes it clear that Lakewood isn't a part of the country of Black Rock so there is no reason for them to be paying taxes to Black Rock and it also specifies that the nation of Black Rock isn't known to the people of Lakewood.

About the only plus I can offer for the game in this area is that the spelling is improved, but there are still spelling errors, grammar errors, and punctuation errors throughout this game. One of the more common errors is that words will be spelled incorrectly in a way that a spell checker simply won't pick up on. A common example of this is that RedWall10 will use the word where but will spell it as were. Since, both where and were are actual words in the English language the spellchecker won't indicate that the intended word is spelled incorrectly. If anything these issues highlight why RedWall10 could use the aid of someone who is fluent in English to correct the spelling, grammar, and punctuation issues with his game since he isn't particularly fluent with the language himself.


The new combat system in the game is now speed based instead of turn-based which becomes a serious problem in some of the later boss fights since the agility of the various bosses increases at a much faster rate then that of the playable characters. In fact, once you get up to Zio the game essentially becomes unbeatable since he is so fast and hits so hard he can easily wipe out your entire party in a matter of turns. And, even the use of stat buffs won't shift the battle in your favor.


Graphically speaking the game feels a bit crowded in a lot of places with to many useless and unnecessary objects on screen, but the game also contains some new graphical glitches where you can walk over certain people in the town of Lakewood. And, your still unable to pass underneath signs hanging from the sides of buildings.


I'll be honest in saying this is the only area in the game that is actually solid in my opinion and I'm glad that the musical tracks from the previous version of the game were kept.


The OutCasts has gone from a broken and nonsensical mess to an even more broken and nonsensical mess which is disappointing since at least the game in its previous state was at least beatable and its problems while disappointing were at least nowhere near as irritating.