RPG Maker VX Ace

Allows all level 30 (or user defined) and below characters to gain one experience pot per level up, an item that boosts experience and fighting abilities.

Log Horizon – Experience Pot System Script
Author: SoulPour777
Web URL: infinitytears.wordpress.com

Terms of Use:

- Preserve the Script Banner.
- Credit SoulPour777 for the script.
- You are allowed to share this script in a community, as long as SoulPour777
remains the author of the script.
- Don’t claim this script as your own.
- You are free to modify the script, but credits is necessary.


This script enables the party members lower than Level 30 to gain experience pots, an item that gives them boost on experience and fighting abilities. This is a script based on a system mentioned from the anime Log Horizon.

- Place the script below Materials above Main.


On your Items in the database, place this note tag on the item:

<ExpPot: n>

n means the value of the experience you will give to your item user.


<ExpPot: 1000>

This means that when your item user uses that item, he or she will gain 1000 experience.

According to the Log Horizon anime, it says that not only would the player gain experience but also battle enhancements, so I added some HP, MP and TP regen as well for the item.