RPG Maker VX Ace

Generates Banned Names for Actors. Used for different effects and even online games.

Soul Engine Ace – Actor Banned Names Script
Author: Soulpour777
Category: Actor / Character Related Script
Type: Snippet

Description: This script allows you to create a list of Banned Names or Words that allows you to create different effects when a banned word is being entered by the player.

1. Scene Name
Say for example you are to let the player rename your character and the name being entered is banned, you can have this script check that so you can then have the player re-enter another name that is not inside the banned names list.

Script Calls:
^ check if the actor’s name is banned. e.g. is_actor_banned?(1)
if you wish to print it out on the console, do a script call: p is_actor_banned?(1)
banned_word?(actor_id, banned_names)
^ use this script call to check if the actor’s name is the specific word.
eg: banned_word?(1, ‘Eric’)
if you wish to print it out on the console, do a script call: p banned_word?(1, ‘Eric’)

Added Script Call for version 2:

$game_system.add_ban_name(name) – if you want to add a banned name in game.