RPG Maker VX Ace

This script allows you to transform into a different actor image and skill list. This mimics somehow the transformation done on Breath of Fire. However, the skill list is taken from the enemy and not the actor.

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Soul Engine Ace - Dragon / Enemy Evocation
Version 1.0
Author: Soulpour777
Script Included in: Soul Engine Ace

This script allows you to transform into a different actor image and skill list. This mimics somehow the transformation done on Breath of Fire. However, the skill list is taken from the enemy and not the actor.

On your Skills Tab, use the following note tags to achieve:

Note Tags:
<soulpour_evocation: n>
where n is the enemy id's subset of skills to be used by the actor.
example: <soulpour_evocation: 29>
<evocation_image: character_image name, n>
where: character_image is the character name in the Character folder and n the index number.
example: <evocation_image: $BigMonster2, 2>
<evocation_face: face_image, index>
where face_image is the name of the face in the Faces folder and index the index of the face you're going to use.
example: <evocation_face: Actor1, 2>
use this note tag on a skill to revert transformation.

Additional Information:
How to create the perfect Dragon Evocation Skill:
1. Create a dummy actor that has the Dragon Skills. Make sure that this enemy should not appear in the troops.
2. Set down a set of states that buffs the actor. Use that automatically with the Transformation Skill.
3. Use a debuff of all the buffs in the Revert Skill.
4. Set up a different skill type for Transform and Revert, in order to make sure that all skills from the actor are not overwritten completely.