RPG Maker VX Ace

Add more equip slots, remove them, rearrange them, etc.

  • YF
  • 12/15/2011 09:01 PM

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The default equipment system in RPG Maker VX is the standard equipment system seen in all of the previous iterations, which consists of weapon, shield, headgear, bodygear, and accessory. To break free of that norm, this script allows users access to giving actors and/or classes dynamic equipment setups (including having multiples of the same categories). In addition to having different equip slot setups, newer equipment types can be made to allow for more diversity in armour types.


A new layout has taken over the equip scene. The equip scene actually looks more like the skill scene now with its layout. The stat window has been shifted over to the lower right and extended to show MaxHP and MaxMP changes from equipment as well. This was one of the things that weren’t available with the default layout (which is funny because MaxHP and MaxMP bonuses for equipment can be altered through the database). The equipment slots have also been expanded and placed in the lower left corner. More than 5 slots can be donned and it’s up to the user how many are needed.


Customize different types of equip slots for everyone of your actors or classes. Actors with unique equipment slot setups will take priority over classes with unique equipment slot setups which will take priority over the default equipment slot setup.

<equip slots>
</equip slots>

This sets the actor’s default slots to whatever is listed in between the two notetags. An actor’s custom equip slots will take priority over a class’s custom equip slots, which will take priority over the default equip slots. Replace “string” with the proper equipment type name or when in doubt, use “equip type: x” with x as the equipment type.


With new equip slots, there needs to be new equip types. Newer equip types are handled in the module. Use <equip type: x> tags to change a piece of armour’s equip type.

<equip type: x>
<equip type: string>

For the newer equip types, replace x or string with the equip type ID or the name of the equip type respectively. This will set that armour to that particular equip type.


Add on more pieces of equipment to an actor’s starting gear using notetags. They’ll be equipped in the next available valid slot.

<starting gear: x>
<starting gear: x, x>

Adds armour x to the actor’s list of starting gear. This is used primarily for the newer pieces of gear that can’t be added through the starting set of equipment through the RPG Maker VX Ace editor by default. Insert multiple of these notetags to add more pieces of starting gear if so desired.


Fixing and sealing equip types are also possible for non-default equip types as long as you use these notetags. These notetags can be used for actors, classes, weapons, armours, and states.

<fixed equip: x>
<fixed equip: x, x>

This will fix the equip type x. Fixed equip slots mean that the equipment already on it are unable to be exchanged in or out by the player. This tag has been made so that equip types can be fixed for equip type 5 and above. Use multiple of these notetags to add more fixed equipment restrictions.

<sealed equip: x>
<sealed equip: x, x>

This will seal the equip type x. Sealed equip slots mean that no equipment can be equipped onto that equip type slot. This tag has been made so that equip types can be sealed for equip type 5 and above. Use multiple of these notetags to add more sealed equipment restrictions.


When evening, to equip new types of equipment onto actors, just use the regular event. The item will automatically be placed into the next available but valid slot.


Require certain equip types (like weapons) to require something to be equipped at all times. This can be done through the module.


Likewise, have certain types ignore the optimization function (like accessories).


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