An heavily evented closet hiding system for RPGXP, RPGVX and RPGVX Ace.

  • Vaccaria
  • 11/30/2015 08:20 AM
Opening Remarks

Hello, everyone! It’s me, KatanaHiroshi, bringing you another honorable tutorial for y’all RPG Makers! But it will be a more specific one… it’s a hiding sequence eventing tutorial! It’s derived from Skitzen’s Event Chasing Tutorial along with my time-modified one. If you want the time-modified Chasing System… I guess you’ll have to wait for the next tutorial or two since RPG RPG Revolution (RRR) is already shut down.

Dangit… it was a good website to go to…

So anyway… let’s start!

Making the Hiding Sequence

First of all, since it’s working in tandem with the Event Chasing System, you must work on it first before going through this thing. The link will be given at the art description below and the same to the links for the resources to be used for this event.

Now, create an event that would initialize the hiding sequence. It must have a switch condition in order to set apart if you’re being chased or not. The picture below is an example.

The switch conveyed in the Conditions Tab is no other than the chase switch used for the initialization of the chase. Don’t use the chase switch that enables the chaser to go online. If you do, your player won’t have a chance of escaping since it’s the chaser will be online at that time and would ruin the whole thing itself before you could even hide.

It’s made so it would be universally prepared and erase any confusion like the copy-paste method. It’s also a tag to differentiate any sequence for more usable and user-friendly sequences in the future.

Also, you have to disable the chase event so you won’t be killed easily and disable the BGM if you want to have that dramatic flair. Also, you have to create a common event so you could easily access and use different kinds of hiding sequences without the use of copying and pasting since it would not only give you a lot of time of searching it but also give you confusions of what you are doing.

Creating the Common Event for the Hiding Sequence – Part I

Next up… is setting up for the hiding sequence…

Since we are done at creating the closet, we have to create the hiding sequence itself. Actually, it’s your job to customize it… but, who gives a damn?

Anyway, use “Fadeout BGM” and ramp it up to just 1 second. Then, “Play Sound Effects (SEs)” used for doors to create a sort of tension. Now, for the not customized part… the closet itself. Erase any kind of picture or just prioritize on what priority they are. Remember that there are numbers for each and every picture? The higher the number, the higher the priority and thus the 20th picture will be the first one while the 19th picture will be at the back.

Now, use “Show Picture” and show the background (#17), the chaser (#18 and this is optional), the left portion of the closet (#19) and the right portion of the closet (#20). Also, before you would “show” these pictures, use SEs to signify that you are entering a closet. Use sound effects fitting for opening a closet and closing it.

Then, “Play (a) BGS” to signify the chaser’s presence in the room or “Play (a) BGM” if you want to. It’s your choice by the way.

Now, create a switch that would signify that you are caught by the chaser or he/she/it knows where exactly you are. And remember, just one. Also, make sure that it is significant to the hiding sequence itself or else, you’ll be confused.

Create a condition with an “else” using the “Found Out” switch as the determiner. If you did it correctly, it will be shown like this.

It’s okay if you’re not good with Computer Science yet… and if I see just a single person who knows Computer Science who does not know this… you know what, let them deal with their own problems. As much as any conditions like what happens in our computer, we need one in order to testify if we are found out or not. If you are “founded out”, it could lead to a Game Over or something else.

Setting Up The Room for the “Hiding Sequence”

Now, you’re wondering where you would put the “Switch” for the “Found Out Switch”. On the actual, since it’s linked to the Chasing System, go to where the chase event is. In the second tab, use a “Wait” command before the “Set Event” command. If you have done this right, it will show up like this…

Next, on the third tab, that is where you put the “Control Switch” command for the “Founded Out” Switch. If you do it correctly, it will show up like this.

Oh… I also forgot that you actually have to put a “Switch OFF” command for the “Founded Out” switch. You see, if a player decides to NOT go for the closet and the chaser arrives at the room and the “Founded Out” switch turns on; it has to be switched off or the player will die because when he goes back to that room or another room and hides there, he/she/it will be killed off.

However, only put the “Switch OFF” command when you exit the room. If you have done it right, it’ll show up like this.

Creating the Common Event for The Hiding Sequence – Part II

We are close to finishing this damn thing. Now, go back to the “Hiding Sequence” common event and create the Condition shown by the picture before.

Eventually, it’s up to you to decide whether or not of what would happen in the sequence. However, you have to create the part where the chaser pops out. Just follow the “Move Picture” command on the picture above and make sure that they are the same. You must only move the left portion and right portion of the picture shown above. And also, if you actually chose the chaser appears option I said earlier in the tutorial, just add a “Wait” command and a “Game Over” command. In that way, you are done with it the getting founded out thing.

For the else portion is something different.

The “else” portion is where the player successfully escapes the chaser without any sort of problems. It is the part where you’ll just erase the pictures. But first, make sure to signify that the chaser goes out of the room. To do so, “Play (a) SE” and make sure to add a “Wait” command. Then, erase the picture and do something like a “Play (a) ME” kind of thing. That’s for the else portion.

And when you’re done, you finally have a fully-functioned hiding system. However, this is a closet-only hiding tutorial since it’s for you to create one. You can customize things and stuff to make it even better than ever.

Closing Remarks

Finally, it’s done. And by the way, I actually made it for about an hour and a half. I just wanted to say that it’s really a pleasure working for a community that despite being untold by many. I’m just here to create tutorials that would really help some people in their of way of making their own RPG Maker Games and to let them know that using your imagination would really help a lot. Besides, it’s better to let them know about this rather than let them to be fended off for themselves. Anyway, there will be more tutorials… so stay tuned! This is KatanaHiroshi, signing off!

Special Thanks To:

Skitzen: Event Chase System
Enterbrain: RPG Maker VX
To all of my followers!