a.k.a Cutscenes for dummies.

So lemme guess, you came here in need of help on making cutscenes. Well fella, you came to the right place!
Making cutscenes in RM2K/3 is fairly easy. In this tutorial, I will teach you the basics and some of the necessary tools for making a cutscene.

When I make a cutscene, I like to think of it as a play. In plays, you need a background. This is the same for a cutscene in your maker.

Make sure you decorate the scene a lot. You may also use a section of a map you already made.

(obviously, this is a sample scene. Not much effort was made into making it. BUT yours shouldn't be like this.)

What do you get if your cutscene only has a background? A slap in the face. Cutscenes need atleast one character for it to be... Well... a cutscene. Just make events with charsets of the character you want to add in the scene. MAKE SURE YOU GIVE THEM A NAME. If you do not do that, it will get confusing later on.

As you can see, I named this event "bobby" Do the same with your events.

A cutscene is interesting because stuff happens. If your characters don't do anything, the player will probably move your project into the trash. In order for you not to make that happen, add action.

Create a event with no charset in the corners of your map and set them as "Auto-Start"
In this event, make sure you add the text, the movements, the tints, the flashes, ANYTHING related to the scene.

Here are some of the commonly used tools for making cutscenes.

1 and 2 is very obvious and I think you know what it does at this point of your RM life.

Tint Screen - This makes your screen tint. For example, if you raised the Green, the screen's tint will be dominated with green.
Flash Screen - This command flashes a specific color in your screen. You can use this for thunder or any other special effect.
Shake Screen - This command shakes your screen as if a earthquake is occurring ingame. Very useful if your cutscene involves a meteor crashing or a ship being attacked.
Pan Screen - This command moves the "Camera" into your directions without moving the protagonist.
This command allows your cutscene to be set in the rain, snow, sandstorm, or fog.
This command is very useful if you want to display magic or attacks. You can use this if your cutscene is set on a battlefield.
This command, in my opinion, is crucial for a cutscene. This makes the event you've chosen to move into certain directions. It adds "life" to your characters and to your cutscene.
This command allows your cutscene to run smoothly. You may need to play around with this while making your cutscene. (Keep in mind 10 = 1 second in the command.)

There are many more commands crucial for a cutscene, but these are the ones that you need right now. Feel free to play around with other commands. Who knows, it might make your cutscene awesomer.

This is how your "Action" event should look like.



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This is pretty simplistic but actually dead-on.
A lot of problems with many cutscenes are that it's all text and no action. If stuff goes on, the cutscene is more engaging and memorable.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
I agree entirely.
I'll be writing an advanced version of this, a "sequel" if you will.
haha thanks guys! It was actually my first time writing a tutorial! I was worried this would be a bit too "noobish" for a tutorial.. But I guess its good that it makes sense
Yeah you missed out a few things like switches and other trigger conditions but all in all a helpful tutorial.
The funny thing is, i was having trouble with a good cut scene up untill now. thanks!
I disagree on one point. A cutscene does not need any characters to be a cutscene (I've done a couple of these, so yea I kinda know). There are scenes that are just pure exposition, such as zooming in on a new town. Typically at some point, you will need to add characters, or at least targets for an animation (such as where to fire the masive holy blast). But yea, it is possible to do a cutscene with nothing but scenery and text too (use sparingly, unless the scenes don't really call for characters, like a creation of the world sequence, or a view of a town in various stages, from creation to collapse).
You're also forgetting some key ones, which is rather crucial for cutscenes that DON'T focus on the hero. This would be Hide and Show Screens, and Hero Transparency. You would use Move, Change Graphic -> None (if you have a version of rpg maker that doesn't have this, simply go to paint, set top and bottom colors the same, and erase everything, then save. This worked for me, and gave me perfectly formatless gaps where it appeared trasparent) to do this for removing other characters. Another useful event is Trade Event Locations. This is useful for moving objects along a set course without the need to fool with Slip-Thru, and it also creates a phase shift effect, allowing the target to lunge forward without hitting the spaces in-between. I've used a number of these, including Recall to Memorized Location and Show Picture. I'd say the only ones I haven't used in a cutscene would be change System Settings, and I don't think this sort of thing would technically qualify as part of the scene anyway.
This has help me but one question. My scene keeps looping.
When your cutscene is done, be sure to tint screen to black, and teleport to the next map so your game can continue. You do not have to tint screen though.
i found out something useful to people. if you want to make your cutscene go away when you reenter the room just simply copy your map and when you hit a trigger itll teleport you to a differnt map (i just turn off the flash telport option then turn it back on to make it look more professional) then when the scene is over you go back to the main mapand those people will be there. but ther conver sation is fiffernt. ( still working on that)
Cerus, using a switch is way easier...
haha thanks guys! It was actually my first time writing a tutorial! I was worried this would be a bit too "noobish" for a tutorial.. But I guess its good that it makes sense

Noobish my ar...eye bro...we were all noobs at one time, thanks for the tutorial :)
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