Though I may not look it, I'm really untelligent.
Valor Emblem
TRPG made with Sim RPGMaker95




Kill it while wearing your bathing suits.


Something's not right about that font.

To be.... Or not to be... That is the question.

What are your game completion habits?

For me it's more of Game Starting habits. I won't start a game unless I have an available length of time to really sit down and focus on it, like a week off or something. I also like to do all the side quests, collect all the widgets, max out all the levels, beat all the bosses, just so I can have that sense of total completion.
I don't even remember the last game I stopped playing before finishing.

Also, shoutout to Max Payne 8D

Can anyone PLEASE! I be begging.

I'd just like to mention that I think "Shight" is an awesome name.

The Stupidest RPG Ever Re-duh Centrion Edition

It goes without saying that I'll be following this one.

Silencing us is easy when the issue doesn't affect you

oooh :o Feminism vs the Bible Belt


One of these mugs is not like the others.


Using Final Fantasy Music for a Final Fantasy type game?

It's probably a bad idea to unilaterally use music from ONLY FF9. Most people mix FF tunes in with some Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest, Albert Odyssey, Live a Live, etc. Varied sources keep the people from thinking FF9 the whole time through.

Otherwise, who is really going to make a fuss? We're all guilty of it.