What's with Japan and the drastically declining birthrates?


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"My father told me this would happen."
Not my intention to knock on an entire country facing a serious problem. I just find it so weird. Like, as I understand it some of it has to do with A) The general culture, B) The fact that everyone is in the working world and just don't feel like hooking up, and C) It being at a point where even if they did have children there's still be a lot of catching up necessary.

I can dig not wanting to have sex or children for whatever reason. get to this point? I just think its so contrarion to...basic human instinct. Maybe its something I don't fully comprehend.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
If you feel like a relationship would only get in the way of work and/or fun, the wise thing to do would be to pass it up, which a lot of people have in that case.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
7 Billion people on the planet, the Japanese have the right idea.
I don't think it'll do them good, considering that their population is skewing heavily towards dependent seniors. But I agree that other countries should do this. Places like India, China, Phils., Indonesia, and the like.
It's basically the same in what's happening over here though I'm not sure if the reasons are the same (I've heard about the "coffin apartments" over there.")

I've addressed some of the issues on the comment sections from my blog if you're interested, but here are the links of what's it like over here:

Pretty famous clip of mocking the property prices over here:

People from China swarming in not only trying to "steal" our university spots but also...

Also, did you know it's apparently illegal to smuggle milk too?

Let alone trying to have an apartment for your future kids, young adults are already struggling finding one for themselves, and it's not surprising if some still live with their parents even in their 30s.
I don't think it'll do them good, considering that their population is skewing heavily towards dependent seniors.

Well that's why they are building robots that can take care of the elderly! All problems ever solved!
And additionally, there are all kinds of businesses springing up compensation for the lack of male/female energy in everyday life.
I'd say the fact that host/hostess clubs, hugging services and all kinds of couple-esque things can be bought reflects the lifestyle quite well.
We have the same problem, but our population is shored up by immigration.
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