I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
The Unofficial Squaresoft MUD is a free online game based on the worlds and combat systems of your favorite Squaresoft games. UOSSMUD includes job trees from FFT and FF5, advanced classes from multiple other Square games, and worlds based extremely accurately upon Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Final Fantasies 5, 6, and 7. Travel through the original worlds and experience events that mirror those of the original games in an online, multiplayer format.

If a large, highly customized MUD, now over 10 years old and still being expanded, with a job system and worlds based on some of the most popular console RPGs seems interesting to you, feel free to log on and check it out. Visit uossmud.sandwich.net for information about logging on.
Born Under the Rain
Why does the jackal run from the rain?



RMN Christmas Pixel Quilt 2012

The hell portal got turned into a shopping mall. That's kind of great.

What are you thinking about right now?

Is this the end of the world : there has been no new post for fifty minutes now..........................aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! oh, no, it's only saturday night!

The world actually ended some time ago

What are you thinking about right now?

Sega Officially Licenses Sonic the Hedgehog Porn for Additional RevenueAnd now we know the exact cause of the coming apocalypse
Please tell me that's a joke... He didn't mention a source... Right?...

Haha, yeah, it's a fake news site. It's like the Onion, except a little less obvious that it's not real.

Tomorrow is the end of the world

In point of actual fact, today's date has nothing to do with the apocalypse... but it is actually the Mayan equivalent of the Y2K bug. So what's actually going to happen is that software written by Mayan programmers is going to stop working because their calendar has run out of numbers.

Fortunately, most computer software was updated in 1582 to use the Gregorian calendar, so this issue should be relatively rare.

*Event over multiple tiles??*

Uh yes you need one switch for each NPC, and one switch for each chest. That is how logic works. Doing one thing and doing a different thing aren't kept track of by the same flag.

Read a switches tutorial bro

You can have up to one million switches I think? Something like that. You won't run out.

Either my way or Liberty's way will absolutely work if you actually just do what it says, instead of also doing whatever nonsense you mistakenly think you should also do.

*Event over multiple tiles??*

Not sure you understand how switches work:

1) All switches start in the off position at the beginning of the game
2) You open a chest. Page 1 of the event activates by default. You get an item, and a switch is turned on.
3) Page 2 of the chest event has that switch as a condition. So, when the switch is on, the chest event will use page 2 instead of page 1. Page 2 doesn't give you an item, it just says "Empty." And page 2 probably has the graphic of an opened chest instead of a closed chest like page 1.
4) When sleeping at an inn, the switch is turned back off. This resets the chest.

There is no need to move or hide the chest.

Awwwwww, man...

Man why would you want your success or failure in battle to be based on how quickly you can navigate a menu

I don't get it

*Event over multiple tiles??*

Switches don't change unless something changes them. If you turn them off they stay off until you turn them on. At which point they stay on until you turn them off.

*Event over multiple tiles??*

OK here's another somewhat saner method

NPC Bobbybill event: Page 1
Condition: none
Action: Say normal message, then set the variable NPC-bobbybill equal to 8.
NPC Bobbybill event: Page 2
Condition: The variable NPC-bobbybill is at least 1.
Action: Say annoyed message.

Repeat for each NPC. Give each NPC their own variable.

Chest in the goblin cave event: Page 1
Condition: none
Action: Give the player a mid-potion, then set the variable Chest-goblincave equal to 8.
Chest in the goblin cave event: Page 2
Condition: The variable Chest-goblincave is at least 1.
Action: Tell the player "Chest is empty."

Repeat for each chest. Give each chest its own variable.

Common event: Reset events over time.
Condition: None.
Type: Parallel process.

Set variable EventResettingTimer equal to Timer 1 seconds remaining
Conditional branch: If variable EventResettingTimer is equal to 0
variable Chest-goblincave: divide by 2
variable NPC-Bobbybill: divide by 2
(repeat for every variable)
Timer operations: Set Timer 1 to one minute. Hide timer.
end conditional branch

What this does is make each event "reset" between 4 and 5 minutes after the player triggered it. The event's variable is set to 16 when the player first interacts with it. After an amount of time somewhere between 1 second and 1 minute, the timer runs out and it's divided by 2, and so the variable becomes 8. Then one minute later, it's divided by 2 again and becomes 4. After another minute it's divided again and becomes 2. Then after another minute it becomes 1. Then after another minute it becomes 0 (because 1/2 is rounded down to 0). Once it's at 0, the NPC or chest event uses its first page again.

The reason for using division instead of subtraction is so that it stops going down once it gets to 0. You could do that other ways, like checking each variable before reducing it and only reducing variables that are greater than 0, but this way is less work.

If you want an event to reset after 6 minutes instead of 5, set that event's variable to 32 instead of 16. If you want it to reset after 7 minutes, set it to 64. If you want it to reset after 8 minutes, set it to 128. Etc.

What are you thinking about right now?

Sega Officially Licenses Sonic the Hedgehog Porn for Additional Revenue

And now we know the exact cause of the coming apocalypse