Guardian of the Description Thread
Life is a story. Which is the one that defines you?
Baclyae Revolution
A humble tribute to the Suikoden series!



[SCRIPTING] [RMVX ACE] Exp-based stat growth outside of leveling

Would it be helpful if you could just set the amount of EXP that is needed to "level up", and be able to use the stat-curves in the database for the stat gains for the character/class?

*Edit: As a side-thought, I could totally see resetting EXP to 0 (or reducing it by the amount of EXP required) is totally a thing that could happen in the exp_for_level function of RPG::Class. I'm not quite sure about outright ignoring level, though!

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

I was emulating Crisis Core for a bit, but, I've recently gotten myself into emulating FF7. I may, or may not, have been attempting to time things so that I'd get the Neibelheim sequence in CC at about the same time as getting the flashback of Neibelhiem in Kalm.

My timing might have been a little off, though. In FF7, I just left Midgar. When I play it again, I would probably make a beeline to Kalm just to get that mess over with. As for CC, Zack recently acquired the Buster Sword, and has been called to Junion to ensure the safety of Dude-That-Nobody-Never-Cared-For Hollander.

Let's continue investigating

Events and dialogs up to the point where players visit Matsumori High have been implemented! Kinda wanna test all of that stuff before mapping the place.

Though, as I may have mentioned, I am somewhat concerned about the mapping of both Matsumori Highs. They certainly aren't going to be in pristine condition (I expect to place cracks on walls and floors), but, I don't want to make it look too obvious that I'm limiting where players can explore. Probably. I guess we'll see how it all turns out.

Tomorrow, though! I've done enough game-dev today.

[RM2K] 2 questions (using Tsukuru version)

1) As in a programmed loop? Is... that even possible with the WAV format?

2) Try this utility. I'm aware the page is labeled as a TsuK3 utility, but, it should (probably) also work for TsuK.

Sub-note: There was no need to bump this after only two hours.

[RMVX ACE] Translating games from Japanese

I'm certainly no expert on the best method to do game translations, but, it seems to me that, at least with RPG Maker engines, a good place to start is with translating the database entries. As for dialogs (either found via cut-scenes of just normal NPC talk), I would ask the author (authors?) if a game script exists, and try to translate that rather than go event-by-event.

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

The main site seems to work for me right now. Though, it does not surprise me to learn that it was down.

As for a single place to obtain all characters, even the unfinished ones, is certainly something to consider. Personally, I think it's best to separate the unfinished content from the finished content, so, there might not be exactly one place to go. I envision the artistic thread to be a good candidate for a listing of currently-in-development content with links to last-known-location as to where it can be downloaded.

Saying that, it would, probably, take a bit of searching to compile all that information. My attention is diverted elsewhere, but, after my current gammak project is done, I could set that up (unless Dozen, or dewlar, does it first (GogogogoGOOOOOOOOOOO!)).

Let's continue investigating

I had a few vague ideas last night of doing the final release blog in the style of Masako's a graduation speech. I don't know if it would make the "best blogs" list, or be anything other than a cute (if not mildly appropriate) send-off. However, I need to focus more on the actual game, not what I can do to celebrate it's completion!

What have you redone the most?

I've re-done each game in my "Matsumori" series at least twice. Of course, with Matsumori Days I was switching engines from from RPG Maker XP to RPG Maker VX (not to mention that it's original iteration in XP totally sucked), and that Arbiters From Another World was something of a re-make of a 2K game. To say nothing of Konae's Investigations.

Content creation (artistic)

BD's gal makes me think of Rosie (Wyrm Warriors) and/or Mayizaki Nari (Matsumori Days), but, that's just me and my insanity.

[RM2K3] Hi

Welcome to RMN! Share your creativity with us!

If you need help specifically for this "system idea" you're talking about, you're going to have to give details about what you're trying to make. We can't read your mind!

*Edit: If this is a more "I'm making my first game, I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING!" thing, I tend to advise to just fool around with the engine to see how things work. Do not think to make a game proper until you have, at least, a basic understanding of the tools that are supplied (ie: the event-commands) work!