

Let's Try Aëdemphia

Try "Fraps" if you haven't already. It's basic, but gets great results. "CamStudio" is free, but a bit more complicated to use.

You're Too Slow

You're Too Slow

Good riddance to that rotating picture slowness. I used a rotating picture at one point of EJ, and removed the effect because of it.

I always thought that sound bug was annoying too. The power mode patch seemed to correct it though.

Dungeons and Drag-Queens

Problems with site loading properly

I use firefox because I am an old man who hates change. Having tried Chrome, this is what I think of it:

Mario and the Monster Multipliers

This is going to be the best game.

Chrono Trigger: Prelude to a Dream

Yes, it was leaked last month. I'm a few hours into it so far. The story is decent, and it's improved a lot since the other "leak" from 2009. Battle balance is a little better too, but it's not perfect. I had some trouble when you initially play as magus.

Epoch Time Travel

lol, fair enough.

edit: how apropos, your avatar is mad men's Bitchface

Oh no you di'n't

Epoch Time Travel

author=Lance VII
Hey, I'm workin' on it!

Although, I'm STILL having trouble out of that line. Does anyone have any idea what to modify to fix it?

Wait, seriously? Send me the charset. I'll remove it within minutes.

Epoch Time Travel

Wow, it's one line of pixels. It's not even a disrupting line drawn through a critical menu system... my goodness!
If it were any other game, I wouldn't care, but it's titled "Chrono Trigger 2." I expect nothing short of the best. :P
Yes, this is true! DO YOU HEAR THAT, FINAL FANTASY ESSENCE? And everybody else? :P

Well honestly if it were titled "Chrono Trigger: Whatever the Fuck," I wouldn't care. I don't take anything titled "Final Fantasy: ...." seriously either, but "Chrono Trigger 2" is like saying "disregard all those other CT fan games, because this one is the only one you need to play." Chill out. the bit about the line of pixels was just a passing observation.