


and bad jokes you still laugh at and don't know why and puns and a few good jokes i hope and a story that gets you hook


so there going to no battles like Corporal Buggy Bear and monkey island that was not that funny by the way
but the game called grimms there will be killing going on right i like killing things in games i mostly like
killing zombies that don't do you tell them but that may be just me

The Red Contestant

i downloaded the game here wen i try to run it an error pop ups it says cannot open file opject2


good game seen a bug or two one in training first i did it i did not get to use rage thing and in forest i kill on the east side in front of the green chest one go away one stays in the way and you fight it again and again
and get a few level and drops did you mean to do that

Tale of Exile Act I

i can't find or get any gas for spiderwebs in chemist shop???

Phantasia Remake

endless fight with tree bug i was trying to get level 3 i run into a tree monster it runs away the fight starts again
and again with no end and no break between battles in the forest around element temple
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