Add or Remove a looping point in your midis.

  • narcodis
  • 08/04/2008 12:00 AM
This is for you all who are sick of your midi's looping back and playing the intro of your song over again, when you really want it to loop back to the first verse (or wherever). Here's how to do it:

*** Steps to Making a Looping MIDI ***

Step 1: Install Anvil Studio if you haven't done so already.

Step 2: Save your MIDIs to the "Music" folder in your RM2K project.

Step 3: Run Anvil Studio and search for your MIDI, and then open it.

Step 4: Listen to your MIDI until you find a section that you want to repeat. When you reach the end of that section, or find that the section plays more than once, stop.

Step 5: Select View -> Composer from the top toolbar, and scroll back to the first note in the section that you want to repeat (if you have a Final Fantasy battle MIDI, you'd want to start the loop after the first note of that ever-familiar intro).

Step 6: Once you've found your starting point, select Edit -> Insert MIDI Controller Event from the top toolbar. A list of events pops up, which will allow you to change the dynamics of your MIDI, such as pitch bending and channel volume. The looping event goes under the code number "b06f", which is not in this list. In order to make it appear, you'll have to check the box that says "Show all controller events". When you do this, the "Kind of event" box will expand its list to show events that don't have official names. Move down the list until you find "Event: b06f". Set the channel to 1, and set the Control value to 111. This will set the event in place.

Step 7: Save your MIDI and listen to it thoroughly in RM2K. If you did the above steps correctly, you should hear your MIDI play, but instead of going back to the beginning of the song once it reaches the end, it should restart at the point where you inserted the MIDI.

Step 8 (optional): If you listen to your MIDI and something doesn't sound right (such as notes not playing again after fading out at the end), delete ALL of the notes at the end of the song EXCEPT those that you want to keep in your loop. You may have to go through all of the channels in your song in order to get this step right. For added precision, go to the first point in the song where the loop starts again, and memorize its position in the song (it will be shown underneath "Time" near the top of the screen), and make sure to delete all notes that play after that time. Save your MIDI when you're finished.

Step 9: Voilŕ! You're finished!

You can also use this MIDI controller to create songs that don't loop (such as short fanfares for victory, or when a person joins your party) by placing it at the end of the song.

*** Steps to Making a Non-Looping MIDI ***

Follow steps 1-3 for Looping MIDIs, and then do the following:

Step 4: Select View -> Mixer from the top toolbar, and scroll all the way to the end of the song.

Step 5: Select View -> Composer, and then Edit -> Insert MIDI Controller Event from the top toolbar.

Step 6: Check the box that says "Show all controller events", change the "Kind of Event" to "Event: b06f", the channel to 1, and the Control Value to 111.

Step 7: Save your MIDI and listen to it thoroughly in RM2K. If you did the above steps correctly, your MIDI should play all the way through, and stop once it hits the end.

Step 8 (optional): If you listen to your MIDI and there are still short notes (or drumbeats) playing at the end, you probably didn't set the controller far enough to the end. Make sure that it is placed at the VERY end of the song before saving and playing it in RM2K.

Step 9: Voilŕ! You're finished!

I didn't write this. Original link can be found here! http://www.spheredev.org/smforums/index.php?topic=2290.0;wap2


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If anybody is wondering why this works, it is because of the way that all the rpgmakers (and most computers in general) look to see where to restart it from
controller event 111(no data) is in the song. If it finds it at the very end of the song(where it would normally be) or doesn't find it at all it repeats from the begining, if its anywhere else it starts over from that point.

If I remember correctly this can also be done with a certain mp3 tag that all the rpgmakers can loop from, you might look up how to do that and add it too.
If this works, many many thanks for sharing!
This is a very informative tutorial, one that diserves 5/5 welldone!
knew this already but this is a fairly well written article. good job.
You can put it at the end of a midi and it won't loop, so if you want jingles in RM2k/3 you should edit them in this way.
RPG Maker 2k/2k3 for life, baby!!
This rocks! Thank you!
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