A Random Thought For All of Us Gamers

  • Vaccaria
  • 02/01/2016 04:07 AM
For centuries, we, as a collective of a kind, considered magic as an unrealistic and fictional thought. Those we know that are capable of magic, called witches and warlocks, were executed in front of our eyes despite false accusations were thrown at those innocent people.. or do they? For once, our thoughts have been sparked by the discovery of Goliath’s bony remains in Indonesia, thinking for once that what was impossible was real all along. What if us, humans, have magic all along but locked as an evolutionary step for all of us? What if magic was its own legacy towards our fabled past? What if magic was a branch of science for us? A hidden string that has been there all along, but left untouched by both man and animal? The perfect solution for all of our problems or the next step towards the destruction of all? Questions proceed us, but answers may yet to be shown… as we discuss if magic is a branch of science… hidden among the social eye.

First of all, when we think of magic… we think of fantasy-like ideas or unrealistic worlds that draw us apart from our current world. In the world of magic, we have powers similar to a God or makes us nigh impossible to achieve for a mortal human. But guess what, it may exist… but we added an ‘if’ as it would consult a lot of problems if left unattended. And then… why say ‘if’ when you can say ‘that’? Technically, this is still theoretical because there have been no ways of magic to be seen by mankind. We all know is that magic is an uncertainty for us… like Superman. It may have support but we can’t support it through other means. And so, let us move on.

And since we’re talking about if magic is a branch of science… then what kind of branch is it? Could it be a sub-branch to the existing branches in science, a hidden branch of science or… is it totally above science itself? Well, we could say that it’s just a hidden branch of science… but with more sub-branches parallel to our existing ones. Chemistry? That’s alchemy in magic. What about Physics? Well, it’s Physics… we can’t complain the effects of physics to us. Eventually, Magic is a branch of science but with parallel sub-branches that are existing to science. It co-exists and then we could say that life really is magical in its certain way.

But… what about the impossible feats that Science cannot do? Can we humans breathe fire or have a fiery skin? Can we attain a higher destiny than that sheep? Can we be the heroes and heroines of our own story in this beautifully graphical yet absurd world?

Well, it certainly is not a problem. Let’s talk about the smaller things… like atoms for example. Atoms are really that small and we definitely know what they are. But what about atoms? What significance does it have on our current topic? Well, think of an ordinary human. Now, think of a human but with a petrified status. So… what is actually happening? It’s magic. As we all know, we’re composed of dead things that are in a reaction that makes us living rather than pale stone does. What magic does is that it turns the atoms into something similar to what a stone has and turns our ever-living body to a heaping mass of stone. It also applies to gravity. Right now, scientists have proclaimed that the control of gravitational waves are possible… and that Star Wars IX will be recorded in space, literally. Think of that for a moment…

And that gives us the answer to all…
And all along…
We have magic within us…
We just don’t see it because we thought of it as impossible…

Magic is actually creating and alternating substances at its own. It’s the science of impossibility, creation and destruction… or maybe all of the branches of science itself… maybe math as well. By the next few years, we can attain powers and remove Chernobyl’s radiation through E. coli. By the next few years as well, we can have our own spaceships that are capable of reaching the speed of light without us turning to light in the time of our journey.

Truly… now we think as scientists as advents of magic or let’s just call them magicians for the fun of it. We live in a world of magical stuff and that people are just sour that they make their own worlds full of fantasy… never knowing that it could exist in our world as well. All along, we are magicians, artisan of that art given to us by an omnipotent being, like God. We just perceived magic as an unrealistic term, never know that we do it now and then.

And thus, I conclude this… that Science is actually magic itself… and it is not an ‘if’ anymore but a ‘that’. That we are capable of doing the impossible and it’s just that we make ourselves inferior to our nature and to that think of magic as a dream. As what God said long ago, that we, humans, are Gods like him. Now, we still are… but we just don’t see it yet. We are truly our own gods and that we work together in order to fulfill a solemn dream; the pursuit of truth and excellence. Or maybe… all of us are just omnipotent beings but nerfed in order for us to grow?

Well, let’s just that it’s all possible. And by the next time that someone says that games aren’t real, tell them that it’s happening now.

Oh… and one thing, don’t you ever do a realistic roleplay that involves you and a princess. Seriously, don’t you ever do that… okay?

Well, that is all… see you soon!
-KatanaHiroshi (MiSea)


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I think that magic and science have a lot of similarities;
- They both are methods for dominating nature
- They both exist as ways to seek out knowledge
- They can be indistinguishable in both practice and terminology to the uneducated
- They both require a will to mastery
- They both have a method about them and that method is them in itself.

I once described computer science with the word "abracadabra" on a test explaining that through the code I write I create. The use of language itself (or rather an interlingua) to exact commands on a machine. With every key press I am controlling the flow of energy along microscopic channels to do what would seem impossible to the majority of people who ever lived. I have the ability to say something aloud in my room and enact a physical change on the far side of the planet if I so choose. It's almost as humbling as it is an ego boost.

I would distinguish that magic by the common notion is very different in practice though to science (and I don't think it works as well either... does magic do anything that it claims to? I don't think so, but I don't want to transgress on people's beliefs here. I understand that there are a lot of views on the subject ranging from those who believe magic exists as a tangible force to those who believe that magic is a tool to explore oneself by forcing oneself to perform actions that require extreme self-discipline. I have been an avid reader on that subject and my current project I'm about to release is filled with such occultism.)

Finally, I'd say that I first encountered this similarity between science and magic in C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man which I vaguely recall being about the Tao, but focus's on how the progress of science will lead to science altering human nature (the last nature for science to conquer) so that we may no longer be known as human. He describes this post-human as being made in the image of his conditioner (the scientist(s) who decided what human nature would be changed to become) rather than the image of the our evolutionary past (nature, god, whatever.) He also talks about the sociological implications of human extinction and the problems of modern education. It's an interesting read, but it is aimed towards the intellectual aristocracy of the time and is not the easiest book to get into.
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