This is the abbreviated version of Toon, a tabletop RPG.

  • Dudesoft
  • 08/06/2017 07:42 PM
Steve Jackson's Toon

This is a stripped down version of the rules for Toon. The rulebook is a little confusing, and extremely wordy. I wanted to present an easy-to-follow version for people in my upcoming games. Though, I do recommend buying the pdf HERE. It has lots more information, especially for Animators(game masters). There's also additional content out there to be looked at! Toon is awesome.


Important Terms:

Each Turn is immediate. Act, Don't think. If you fail to act, you are "Boggled" or literally 'thinking' in-character.
"Do or do not, there is no thinking." -Yoda, probably.

The Animator:
This is the person who runs the game. Normally called the Dungeon Master or Game Master, not here. This is Toon!

Toon uses 6-sided dice, or d6. If more than one die is required for a skill check, it may read "2d6". Sometimes numbers are added to the result (EG: 1d6+7)
Alternatively, 2 dice might be required for tables that provide random items or species. This will be 10s and 1s. EG: Rolling a 4 and 6 will not equal 10. It will mean 46.

Skill Checks:
All Skill Checks are made by rolling Xd6 and trying to get a result matching your Skill Level or lower. X is determined by the Animator, and is based on difficulty. Example, a mouse walking across a tight rope would be 1d6. A human would get 2d6. An elephant would get 3d6!
Normal circumstances call for 2d6.

Plot Points:
Throughout the game of Toon, you will periodically be rewarded with Plot Points. These are a special (and only) currency in the game. Spending these Points will give you character growth, items, one-off special powers, or other tricks to be explained later.

Back Pocket:
Each character has an infinite storage space in their back pocket (or wherever they store things). It is their inventory.


Character Creation:

This is a linear walkthrough on building a character, with all necessary information. Follow along and you'll be done faster than you can say, "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."

Muscle (how strong you are)
Zip (how 'zippy' you are)
Smarts (how smart you are)
Chutzpah (how pushy you are)
Roll 1d6 for each Attribute.
Or you have 14 points to spend across the Attributes (max 6 per)

Hit Points:
1d6+6 (don't worry, you can't die!)

-Roll 10s&1s for species.
-Desc. briefly how you look.
-Draw what you look like. If you can't draw, Fast-Talk an artist into drawing.

Natural Enemies:
Based on your species, you will want to eat/kill/harm a member of your natural enemy's species.
EG: Cats & Dogs, Cats & Mice, Bears & Park Rangers, Tasmanian Devils & Everything.
You can also make up your own Natural Enemy if it suits your story.

Beliefs & Goals:
In Toon, characters are exaggerated and simple.
Your Belief is a single truth that your character dogmatically adheres to. Deviating from your Belief will result in loss of Plot Points (more on that later).
-My Species is superior to all others!
-I'm the Greatest!
-I hate (insert species/object). (When that (insert here) shows up, a chase or pursuit is sure to happen!)
-A job should be done well, or not at all. (This character will work away, despite the danger, to finish a task)
-Pain is bad. (A coward, for sure.)
-Work is bad. (Avoid work and get other shmucks to do the work for you!)
-Everyone should be polite at all times! (Oh, the social problems will be endless...)

Your Goal is a simple invested interest outside the plot.
-Find and eat (something). (Food-drive is central to many, many cartoons!
-Prevent everyone from achieving their Goals. (For a mischievous character!)
-Cheat anybody, whenever possible. (#lifegoals)
-Educate others about the world. (Works best for an idiot.)
-Defeat Villains! (Goodie Two-Shoes... might end up at odds with other players!)

Feel free to make your own Beliefs and Goals. You can have as many as you want. But always build your character to get INTO the action, not away from it.

You can hold 8 items at the start of each cartoon. 4 of these must be 'Normal' (see below). The other 4 can be anything you want. Anything not on the Normal List, is 'Unusual', and can be anything (with the Animator's approval).

Normal Items List:
Squirting Flower
Pictures of Family
Pea Shooter & Peas
Paper & Pencil
Chewing Gum
Baling Wire
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rubber Bands
Bottle of Perfume
Oil Can
Bottle of Glue

You can also select 1 Gizmo as an Unusual item. If you have Plot Points to spend, you can buy an extra Gizmo for 1 Plot Point. Limit of 4 (and count towards your total 4 Unusual items!)
Gizmos are anything you want, but only become that thing when you need it. It is essentially an Unusual item blank spot.
Once you decide to use your Gizmo, it is permanently stuck as that item for the rest of the adventure.
You cannot get Gizmos in any way except before an adventure.

This is the list of skills in the game. They coincide with Attributes.

Muscle Skills:
Break Down Door
Pick Up Heavy Thing

Zip Skills:
Drive Vehicle
Fire Gun

Smarts Skills:
Hide/Spot Hidden
Identify Dangerous Thing
Resist Fast-Talk
Set/Disarm Trap
Track/Cover Tracks

Chutzpah Skills:
Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods
Sleight of Hand

Each corresponding Attribute defines the Skill level. Example: Chutzpah is 5, your base Chutzpah Skills will be 5.
Also, you have 30 Skill Points to spend as you like. Each Skill has a max level of 9. No matter what, Sneak, Fire Gun, Sleight of Hand etc, cannot be higher than 9 and no lower than 1.

By spending Skill Points, you can additionally buy a Shtick. These are special abilities your character has.
Buying a second Shtick costs an extra 5 Skill Points on top of the Shtick cost.
All Shticks have a Skill Level of 5. This can only be increased with Plot Points.

Here is a list of the Shticks (and the cost):
-Bag of Many Things (5)
-Change Shape (5)
-Coat of Arms (4)
-Detect Item (2)
-Flying (4)
-Hypnosis (5)
-Incredible Luck (3)
-Incredible Speed (6)
-Incredible Strength (5)
-Invisibility (5)
-Pet / Sidekick (3)
-Quick Change/Disguise (3)
-Stretching (3)
-Teleport (6)
-Make a Shtick usable on others only costs 2.

Improving Skills and Shticks:
To increase a single Skill Level (by 1 level), costs 2 Plot Points.
To increase a single Shtick Level (by 1 level), costs 4 Plot Points.
Additionally, you can buy an extra Shtick at the start of an adventure for 3 Plot Points. This Shtick will always only have a level of 5. After the adventure, it is gone.

Shticks Described:
Bag of Many Things is a magical hat or bag or whatever. It only works for you; you can pull out anything from the bag. Roll 2d6; get your Shtick Level or under. If you fail, you'll pull something else out (Animator's choice). If the plot requires an object to be found... it will not be in the bag.

Change Shape allows you to instantly change (in a poof of smoke or otherwise) into something/one else. You will always exhibit some hints about your true form. (Example: A vampire turning into a duck will have vampire fangs)
Roll 2d6; get your Shtick Level or less. If you fail, the Animator will tell you what you turn into (for 3 Turns).

Coat of Arms is like Inspector Gadget. You have a coat (high tech or magic) that has as many items, objects, tools, features or what-have-you that you care to list. These features are decided when the Coat of Arms is created.
Roll 2d6 to use the function you desire. Roll your Shtick Level or under. Fail, and the Animator will deploy another, unwanted function. If you roll two 1s, every function goes berserk! If any part does damage (gun, etc), it does damage to you!

Flying is, you guessed it, flying! Roll 2d6 for lift off! If you try to do anything while flying, roll 2d6 against your Shtick Level. If you fail any Flying rolls, you take 1d6 fall damage. 2d6 if the fall is really far.

Hypnosis is the ability to put someone else under your command.
Roll 2d6 against Shtick Level. If you succeed, they are under your command. If you tell them to do anything dangerous, you need to succeed another 2d6 roll.
If you fail the roll, Hypnosis will not work against the target again. If you roll two 6's, you not only fail, you hypnotize yourself and your target controls you!
On the plus side, you can tell a hypnotized person to perform any task and they will oblige. Even if that task defies several laws of physics.

Incredible Luck is for the gifted few. Instead of using a Dodge Roll, the Lucky can use a roll of 2d6 against their Shtick Level.
Instead of dodging a bullet, they might happen to bend over and pick up a dollar bill while the gun goes off. They could cross a busy road while reading a newspaper, by happening to pass through traffic accidentally.
Also, once per game, the Lucky can proceed the Animator with a "I'm Feeling Lucky!" roll. 2d6 against Shtick Level. If successful, they can decide what happens next.

Incredible Speed is super fast running. Succeed 2d6 against your Shtick Level and you move faster than anyone. Catch/escape anyone. Run by people to knock them over (and they lose next Turn!).
Fail, and you trip into the nearest obstacle, character etc, and take 1d6 damage. The thing you hit takes no damage.

Incredible Strength is super muscles! Roll 2d6 instead of Fight, Pick Up Heavy Thing, or Throw Skills.
If used in Fight, success means dealing 3 points of extra damage, and leaves the target Boggled. Failure means, missing and you are Boggled.
Otherwise this Shtick means you can pick up anything no problem (if roll succeeds).
Cannot be used with Climb or Break Down Doors Skills.

Invisibility turns you... invisible. If you succeed a 2d6 roll against Shtick! If you fail, you turn partially invisible and it is so scary you are Boggled!
If you succeed, no one can see/hear/smell you until you do something that would make you potentially noticable. The Animator decides. Also, if you are hit by a pie, doused in paint, etc, you visible.
If you go invisible with someone present, the Animator may decide the character is Boggled.

Pet or Sidekick is basically a second character sheet. Either the Animator or you get to create or co-create this Toon.
It can be of your species, or you roll for a random species.
The character is built the exact same way that your character is; same process, same points. However, it will not gain Plot Points.
Also, if you want it to do something useful, then you need to roll a 2d6 against your Fast-Talk Skill. The Pet/Sidekick does not roll to Resist. Success, and it will obey. Fail, and it will not, or will misinterpret what you said. Animator's choice.
*Most importantly: Any time you attempt a Fast-Talk, it will cost you 1 Plot Point.*
Conflicting Beliefs & Goals with your own character's Beliefs & Goals make for the hallmark chaos of Toon!

Quick Change/Disguise is simple, and practical. Roll 2d6 against your Shtick Skill. Success, and you can make yourself appear like anything/one your size, weight and shape. You cannot change your physical self. Fail, and the Animator decides what happens.
Anyone who succeeds a See/Hear/Smell roll can discern your disguise.

Stretching allows you to warp and extend your body like elastic or Silly Puddy. This makes your body alterable to an extent, but you cannot become something else (like a human into a motorcycle). That would require a Change Shape roll. If you have both Shticks, go wild.
Roll 2d6 against your Shtick to succeed. If you do, great. Stretchy, stretchy! If you fail, your arm or whatever falls limp to the ground, or something silly happens. The Animator will explain.

Teleport allows you to instantly appear somewhere else. Roll 2d6 against your Shtick to succeed. If you are successful, you move where you wish. If you fail, the Animator decides where you end up.
If you successfully teleport from a fight, the person left behind will foolishly be flailing at thin air, and miss their next Turn.

One-Shot Shticks:
At any time during the adventure (at the Animator's discretion), any player can purchase an one-time use Shtick for 1 Plot Point.
After it is purchased, the user can roll 2d6 against Shtick Level 5. If failed, nothing happens. If success, the Shtick activates and is forever gone.
It only works ONCE.
(This is typically for uncharacteristic achievements, like a slow character suddenly gaining a burst of speed.)

If you made your Shtick useable on others, that's fine. If they're willing, all goes well. If they are unwilling participants, they can make a Dodge roll (2d6 vs Dodge) in order to escape.
To use your Shtick on others (if you bought the ability), then you make the roll according to the base Shtick.


How Toon Works:

This is a tutorial on the Skills and how the game works. Seems like a lot, but compared to something like GURPS or D&D, it's not!

To use any Skill (or Shtick), you must roll 2d6 (unless the Animator says otherwise), and get a number matching or below your Skill Level.
Skills have a level between 1 - 9.

Break Down Door.
In order to smash through a door, barricade, or some obstacle; roll 2d6 against your Break Down Door Skill Level.
Success: You get through! Fail: You do not.
If you roll 12, the door/whatever was never locked, and you go flying through. Take 1d6 damage.
If more than one person attempts to break the same door, subtract 1 from the "12" to fall through. If that number is reached or exceeded, everyone involved falls through and takes 1d6 damage.

To clammer over an obstacle your size/height, you do not need to roll. To climb anything difficult or larger (no matter how large) roll 2d6 against your Climb Skill Level.
Success: You climb. Fail: You fall, taking 1d6 damage. (Animator may add damage for certain heights.)
If the climb is rigged or particularly challenging, the Animator will include a penalty to your roll.

Pick Up Heavy Thing.
Picking up ordinary objects is nothing. This skill exists to pick up Heavy things. Cars, boulders, airplanes, stuff like that.
Roll 2d6 against your Pick Up Heavy Things Skill Level.
Success: You pick up the thing! Fail: You do not, and cannot try again.
If you roll a 12, you manage to hoist the thing up, but it falls on you, dealing 1d6 damage.

When you want to fight someone, roll 2d6 against your Fighting Skill Level. If the target wants to (or can) fight back, they roll as well. Whoever has the lowest (successful) roll wins and deals damage (see below).
If you do not want to fight anymore, simply announce, "I want to get away." The opponent will then get to make one last Fighting roll to deal one more damage.
If someone attacks you from out of the blue, then you would roll a Dodge Skill or Run, or a Shtick that would seem appropriate.

When you successfully deal damage, you deal 1d6 damage. When someone's at 0 HP, they 'Fall Down'.
(Or get squashed like a pancake!)

Falling Down.
When you've Fallen Down, either by HP loss, or Animator's discretion, you are out of the game for 3 Minutes. After this time elapses, you rejoin the game at full HP. Good as new.
While you are down for the count however, other players can attempt to steal from your inventory.

If you want to attempt running, roll 2d6 against your Run Skill Level.
Success: Run! Fail: Trip. Or something funny.
If someone wants to chase you - or race you - then they too roll 2d6 versus their Run Skill.
It functions the same as a fight, and until someone fails a Run check, the chase/race continues. The victor either wins the race, or can attempt a Fight roll, or whatever their goal is.
If it is a chase scenario, and the Chased wins the rolls, then the Chased escapes.

Within reason, the character may attempt to throw anything. If the object is too heavy or large, the Animator may not allow it.
Roll 2d6 against Throw Skill Level.
Success: Successful throw! Fail: Object gets thrown off screen.
If successfully throwing at another character; that character may attempt a Dodge roll.

For when something is thrown at you, or a gun is fired at you. You can even dodge a nuclear blast (if there's a refrigerator nearby)!
Roll 2d6 against your Dodge Skill. Success: you dodge! Fail: You're hit.

This is how you manage to make people do something they might not want to. Unlike Hypnosis, this has to be something the opponent CAN do.
Roll 2d6 against your Fast-Talk Skill Level.
Success: The opponent will do what you want. Fail: The opponent will NOT do what you want, and they will never fall for that trick again.
For instance; you can tell someone to jump off a cliff, and they will. Again, and again, and again. Each time you try to tell them to do so, you will roll for Fast-Talk.
As soon as you fail that roll, they will never again listen when you tell them to jump off a cliff.

Resist Fast-Talk.
After someone succeeds in Fast-Talking you, roll 2d6 against your Resist Fast-Talking Skill Level.
Success: You stop yourself from doing something stupid. Fail: You are at your opponents mercy...

Fire Gun.
This is to use a ranged weapon.
Roll 2d6 against your Fire Gun Skill Level.
Success: You hit your target. Fail: You miss.
Damage is based on the size of the weapon (Animator's choice).
Here's some idea on damage:
Pea Shooter - 1 damage
Water Pistol - 2 damage
Bow & Arrow - 1d6 damage
Pistol - 1d6 damage
Shotgun - 1d6+1 damage
Bazooka - 1d6+2 damage
Cannon - 1d6+3 damage
Ray Gun - 2d6 damage

Drive Vehicle.
In order to jump behind the wheel of a car, plane, submarine, spaceship, or whatever, use this skill.
Roll 2d6 against your Drive Vehicle Skill Level.
Success: You can drive it safely! Fail: The vehicle acts crazy, or you screw up. Something funny happens. You can then attempt another Drive Vehicle check to regain control of the vehicle.

To leap a distance of your height, or vertically or horizontally, no roll is required. For longer, difficult jumps, roll 2d6 against your Jump Skill Level.
Success: You jump! Fail: You... fail! Hit a wall, hit the ground, hit some pinballs! Whatever the case, you take 1d6 damage.

For willing mounts, you do not need to ride.
For everything else, roll 2d6 against your Ride Skill Level.
The mount in question (be it horse, or other player alike) gets to attempt a Dodge roll. (2d6 vs Dodge)
If you succeed the Ride roll, and the opposing Dodge roll fails: You can ride the mount.
If you succeed the Ride roll, and the opposing Dodge roll succeeds, you are bucked off and take 1d6 damage.
If you fail the Ride roll, you fall off and take 1d6 damage.

This is for particularly difficult water. Like a river, or swamp.
Roll 2d6 against your Swim Skill Check.
Success: You swim. Fail: Take 1d6 damage. You can continue to attempt a Swim check until you succeed. If your HP drops to 0, you Fall Down! Blub blub blub! Don't worry, you'll wash up on shore eventually...

Hide/Spot Hidden.
Use this to hide yourself or an item, or to detect hidden persons/items.
Roll 2d6 against your Hide/Spot Hidden Skill Level.
Hide Success: You/the item are hidden! However, movement or fighting will reveal your whereabouts and the Hide is over.
Hide Fail: If you roll above the skill level, you must make a second Hide roll. If you succeed, you notice that you are not hidden. If you fail, you do not notice.
Spot Hidden Success: You spot hidden items and persons.
Spot Hidden Fail: You are not informed by the Animator about anything hidden.

Identify Dangerous Thing.
If you are handed a black metal ball with a sparking bit of rope hanging out, it's time to Identify.
Roll 2d6 against Identify Dangerous Thing Skill Level.
Success: Identifies the dangerous object.
Fail: Identify is not complete, and as far as you can tell, it's safe. (Until it blows up in your face!)

Most characters can read normal text, in normal situations. However if you're running, falling, swimming, distracted, or if the words are alien or complicated, or if the Animator says so, you have to roll for it.
Roll 2d6 against your Read Skill Level.
Success: You understand what it says.
Fail: You do not understand. Also, the Animator makes a secret Read roll against your Read Skill Level. If the Animator succeeds, you manage to hobble together an understanding. If the Animator fails, you hobble together a misunderstanding. However, the Animator will not tell you which, and your character will believe what s/he read.

General perception skill that allows you to notice things you maybe did not. It also allows you to notice anyone attempting to Sneak.
Roll 2d6 against your See/Hear/Smell Skill Level.
Success: You are informed of what you noticed. Or you spot the Sneaky Toon.
Fail: You do not notice anything relevant, and Sneakers are invisible to you.

Set/Disarm Trap.

Want to snare your foe with the ol' Anvil on a rope trick? Lure them into position with a pile of bird seed or cheese. Or get the cheese without becoming a pancake.
Roll 2d6 against your Set/Disarm Trap.
Success: You disarm or arm a trap.
Fail: The trap goes off and deals you 1d6 damage, unless otherwise specified.
This is also a general tinkering skill. If you want to take apart a machine or fix something, use this skill.
Success: You manage to fix the machine!
Fail: The machine falls apart into a pile of nuts, bolts and parts.

Track/Cover Tracks.
In order to get move unnoticed, you must use a Cover Tracks roll.
Roll 2d6 against your Track/Cover Tracks Skill Level.
Success: You manage to cover your tracks. No one can tail you.
Fail: Your tracks are not covered.
When trying to Track someone who failed their Cover Tracks roll, or someone who didn't cover their tracks, you don't have to roll. If they succeeded in covering their tracks, you must roll 2d6 vs Track/Cover Tracks.
If you fail your Track roll, the Animator makes a private roll. If it succeeds, then you are still on the right path. If it fails, then you THINK you're on the right path. It'll probably end painfully.
Cover Tracks does not work while in a chase.

Sleight of Hand.
To pick pockets, palm small objects, cheat at cards, etc, use this.
Roll 2d6 against your Sleight of Hand Skill Level.
Success: You succeed.
Fail: You are caught, and cannot Sleight of Hand against that victim again during the adventure.

To slip between bushes, or even tip toe right in front of someone, use this.
Roll 2d6 against your Sneak Skill Level.
Success: No one can see you, unless they have reason to attempt a See/Hear/Smell roll.
Fail: You're painfully visible to everybody.

Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods.
This is the only complicated skill...
Players can at all times buy anything they want (Animator's decision). It should be assumed that players have enough money to pay for it, and there might even be a nearby mailbox to request shipping from ACME.
However, the goods may be "Shoddy". Animator rolls 1d6 to decide if the goods are shoddy or not.
(1, 2, 3, yes. 4, 5, 6, no.)
Animator will not tell you! But you can attempt to Detect.
Roll 2d6 against your Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods Skill Level.
Detect Success: You notice at once whether they are good or not. Animator will tell you.
Detect Fail: The object seems okay!
Sometimes, it could be fun to get shoddy goods and push these items into someone else's hands. In this case, BOTH characters will roll 2d6 vs Pass Shoddy Goods.
If both characters succeed, then the receiver will take the Shoddy Goods, but become SUSPICIOUS of the object/item.
If the Seller fails and the Buyer succeeds: The Buyer sees that the goods are Shoddy, and can request the 'good' goods.
If the Seller succeeds, and Buyer fails: The Buyer takes the item without second thought.
Also, if the Seller fails, and the Buyer doesn't roll: The Buyer can start a Fight, call the cops, ignore the Seller, or whatever. Transaction has failed.

Shoddy Goods.
If you attempt to use Shoddy Goods, in any way (including trap setting), they will blow up in your face. The Animator will describe what happens based on the situation.
If the character is Suspicious of the Shoddy Goods; they will notice the problem before it happens and can attempt a Run roll (2d6 vs Run).
*Identify Dangerous Things does not apply to Shoddy Goods. Only Detect Shoddy Goods works to identify at the moment of purchase/discovery.*


Fine Tooning:

A good Toon adventure has several elements. Running Time, Cast of Characters, Location, Situation, Goals, and the Plot.

"Running Time"
Length of an adventure depends on the cast size and story type. Unlike epic or one off D&D sessions, Toon has a time limit. You're watching a cartoon, after all! Here is a general guideline for time limits, also known as the "Running Time":
Quick Flick: 15 minutes / player
Short Subject: 20 minutes / player
Feature Film: 30 minutes / player

"Cast of Characters"
This is a list of NPCs the players are likely to meet during the adventure. They should have full character sheets (the lesser NPCs only need stats for things they need).
In cartoons, there are a threadbare cast on screen usually. So, don't make your cast bigger than it has to be. The players are the stars!

There are limitless possibilities where the adventure takes place.

Explain to the players what the cartoon's situation is. Are they in a desert, on an island, on Mars? How did they get there? Paint a quick picture for them.

While explaining the situation, tell the players what their goal here is. Get off the island? Destroy the Martians? Get to the Comicon in the City? This does not override their character's Beliefs & Goals. It should be a straight forward objective to keep the players on track.

"The Plot"
This will unfold as the players strive towards the Goal. It is the obstacles, NPCs, story twists, and challenges that lie between them and the objective of the adventure.

Sometimes, something unexpected will occur or need a skill roll that is not really defined in the game. In such a case, roll 1d6 and decide something on the spot. Make it up. Move on. Don't get stuck. When in doubt, make something up, or make a ruling. Whatever the Animator decides, is so. Toon Life is too short to get hung up on the details...

Illogical Logic
In cartoons, the laws of physics don't always apply. For instance, you might be stupid to know that you'd fall while attempting to run across an open chasm. The Animator will probably ask you to roll 2d6 against your Smarts; fail the roll and you WON'T know that you should fall! Succeed, and AAAAAEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIII--------! *Pomf!*
Sometimes being dumb, is good. Especially in Toon!

Cause & Effect
If something works for one Toon, it probably won't work for the next Toon. But hey, no harm in trying! (Unless there is!)

Cartoon Coincidence
If you dig a hole, you might find treasure. If you set a trap on a jungle path, it's probably the path everyone uses. Coincidences are frequent, normal and expected in a cartoon.

If you are subject to something unexpected, you stand there dumbfounded. Or, "Boggled".
This basically means, you miss your Turn.
Animator determines who is Boggled.

Take & Double Takes
Characters who are Boggled take on funny appearances. Jaw drops, turn pure white, hair on end, or any number of reactions may occur. These are Takes.
If the Animator decides it, the character does a Double Take. This is twice the reaction and as you may guess is the loss of 2 Turns.

Toon & "Real" Animals
Some Toons are animals. Some animals are animals. The difference is that a Toon acts like a character, while an animal acts like a normal animal.
For instance, a Toon bulldog wants to win the affections of a "Real" poodle. He might offer roses and the poodle wouldn't understand.

Inanimate Objects
Same as "Real" animals, these are ordinary objects. For instance a Toon can be a brave, little toaster. But a regular toaster will not be brave, let alone sentient.

There are signs everywhere. Signs for duck season, signs for big sales, signs pointing to the location of the adventure's ending, little signs held in pitiful protest of a falling character that says 'Mother!'. All throughout Toon, there are signs.
Generally (and within reason; Animator's choice), characters have access to signs in their Back Pocket.
Sometimes the Animator will make the character(s) make a Read roll to understand the sign.

To move anywhere, including from America to Africa, requires 1 Turn. This is assuming that they have a mode of transportation... Moving from downtown, to the general store up town, takes 1 Turn. It's simple.

The Final Fadeout
After the Running Time has been reached, everyone gets one last Turn to end on a punchline. Then the focus zooms in on the final bit, and...
"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"


Toon Tables

Sometimes you just need to roll some dice and get something random. This is for Animators and players alike. Though, mostly Animators...
Roll 10's and 1's for results!


11-22 Human
22 - Ant
23 - Robot Ant
24 - Flea
25 - Little Green Man from Mars
26 - Robot
31 - Rabbit
32 - Mouse
33 - Rat
34 - Cat
35 - Dog
36 - Coyote
41 - Wolf
42 - Fox
43 - Gorilla
44 - Horse
45 - Pig
46 - Cow
51 - Chicken
52 - Rooster
53 - Duck
54 - Parakeet
55 - Chicken Hawk
56 - Canary
61 - Owl
62 - Tasmanian Devil
63 - Bear
64 - Kangaroo
65 - Sea Serpent
66 - Other

Silly Species

11 - Frog
12 - Crow
13 - Stork
14 - Dinosaur
15 - Elephant
16 - Hippo
21 - Mynah Bird
22 - Squirrel
23 - Panda
24 - Penguin
25 - Giant Penguin
26 - Giant Were-Penguin
31 - Roadrunner
32 - Tortoise
33 - Walrus
34 - Deer
35 - Alligator
36 - Panther
41 - Grasshopper
42 - Werewolf
43 - Ghost
44 - Vampire
45 - Monkey
46 - Bull
51 - Dodo
52 - Elf
53 - Gremlin
54 - Dwarf
55 - Hobbit
56 - Elf
61 - Lizard
62 - Unicorn
63 - Fish
64 - Shark
65 - Whale
66 - Octopus

Really Silly Species

11 - Toaster
12 - Purple Alligator
13 - Pink Elephant
14 - Bigfoot
15 - Snail
16 - Camel
21 - Seal
22 - Toad (causes warts)
23 - Mole (poor eyesight)
24 - Fire Hydrant
25 - Buffalo
26 - Poodle
31 - Abominable Snowman
32 - Potato
33 - Quail
34 - Bookworm
35 - Zebra
36 - Carnivorous Plant
41 - Computer (AI, of course)
42 - Sheep dog
43 - Spaceship
44 - Onion (makes others cry)
45 - Ghost
46 - Dragon
51 - Car
52 - Bat
53 - Balloon
54 - Airplane
55 - Orangutan
56 - 6-inch tall elephant
61 - Martian
62 - Spider
63 - Earthworm
64 - Squid
65 - Magnet
66 - Insurance Salesman

Unbelievably Silly Species

11 - Inchworm
12 - African Violet (w/ Seeds of Many Things. Roll to see what you get!)
13 - Microchip (says only "yes" and "no")
14 - Typewriter
15 - Alligator garfish
16 - Photocopier
21 - Flashcamera
22 - Chameleon (big on Quick Change/Disguise)
23 - Sci-Fi writer
24 - Matador
25 - Manta ray
26 - Manatee
31 - Manitou (American Indian spirit)
32 - Minotaur
33 - Man'o'war
34 - Manticore
35 - Desk lamp
36 - Motorcycle
41 - Racecar
42 - Miniature Shetland Pony
43 - AM/FM radio (speak by radio tuning!)
44 - Vacuum cleaner
45 - Electric blanket
46 - Iron (w/ ironing board)
51 - Bloodhound
52 - Dinosaur skeleton
53 - Bighorn ram
54 - Vampire bat
55 - Starfish
56 - Sunflower (gives off sunlight)
61 - Buzzard
62 - Oyster
63 - Peacock
64 - Bustard
65 - Wombat
66 - Pigeon

Terribly Ridiculous Species

11 - Platypus with a necktie
12 - Goldfish in 1900's diving suit
13 - flying squirrel with a jetpack
14 - Orangutan voiced by Christopher Walken
15 - War hero gopher
16 - French Bulldog
21 - Cyborg gopher
22 - Red dinosaur
23 - Tooth
24 - Christmas Tree
25 - Reindeer
26 - Skeleton
31 - Lil' tuff guy version of any Species list
32 - Stoner hedgehog
33 - Fox who says things
34 - Xylophone
35 - Toy train
36 - Stuffed animal (your choice or roll)
41 - Sabre Toothed Tiger
42 - Caveman
43 - Ferret
44 - Walking tree
45 - Golem
46 - Basic geometric shape (your choice)
51 - Elemental (pick one: fire/earth/air/water)
52 - Musketeer (roll another species)
53 - Dolphin
54 - Orb Man (Like Kirby or Pac-Man)
55 - Gecko
56 - Hot Dog
61 - Hot Dog Bun
62 - Action Figure
63 - Hawk
64 - Cricket
65 - French Fries
66 - Mascot (roll animal)

"Call me a taxi!"

11 - Taxicab
12 - Motorcycle w/ sidecar
13 - Motorcycle w/o sidecar
14 - Hansom cab
15 - Prancing​ circus horse (w/ costumed rider)
16 - Battleship
21 - Canoe
22 - Sherman tank
23 - Tandem bicycle
24 - Unicycle (w/ rider)
25 - Police car
26 - Stolen police car (w/ escaped prisoner)
31 - Fire engine
32 - Rickshaw
33 - Rickshaw (w/o rickshaw-puller)
34 - Spaceship
35 - Martian spaceship
36 - Elephant
41 - Camel (spits!)
42 - Ice cream truck
43 - Yacht (rich owner, many servants)
44 - Skateboard (w/ kid riding it)
45 - Stagecoach (2 drivers, 6 horses)
46 - Pogo stick
51 - Chariot (w/ Roman charioteer & horses)
52 - Biplane
53 - 747
54 - Concorde supersonic aircraft (Incredible Speed)
55 - Horse-drawn milk truck (w/ horse)
56 - Hot air balloon
61 - Winged bicycle contraption (Flight shtick at 3)
62 - Rope suspended from high-flying plane
63 - Dragster
64 - Taxicab
65 - Dozens of taxicabs (Dodge roll to avoid being run over. 1d6 damage/car)
66 - Pick 6 of the above!


11 - Baby
12 - Child
13 - Student
14 - Policeman / Private Detective
15 - Fireman
16 - Mailman
21 - Milkman
22 - Shopkeeper (any kind)
23 - Game Warden
24 - Astronaut
25 - Mad Scientist
26 - Criminal
31 - Hunter
32 - Farmer
33 - Doctor
34 - Lawyer
35 - Maid/Servant/Butler
36 - Sailor
41 - Spy
42 - Salesman
43 - Retired General
44 - Actor (bad, probably)
45 - Singer / Musician
46 - Artist
51 - Construction Worker
52 - Pirate
53 - Cowboy
54 - Indian
55 - Cook / French Chef
56 - Tailor
61 - Baseball Player
62 - Politician
63 - Clown
64 - Ringleader
65 - Hobo
66 - Dogcatcher

Normal Items

11 - Lunch
12 - String
13 - Rope
14 - Gun
15 - Matches
16 - Balloon
21 - Squirting Flower
22 - Pictures of Family
23 - Bucket
24 - Pea Shooter & Peas
25 - Pencil & Paper
26 - Marbles
31 - Chewing Gum
32 - Baling Wire
33 - Chocolate Chip Cookies
34 - Umbrella
35 - Whistle
36 - Rubber Bands
41 - Mirror
42 - Bottle of Perfume
43 - Lipstick
44 - Oil Can
45 - Bottle of Glue
46 - Newspaper
51 - Pocketknife
52 - Banana (w/ Peel)
53 - Bagpipes
54 - Lightbulb (lit)
55 - Can of Spray Paint
56 - Toupee
61 - Broom
62 - Jack-in-the-Box (opens after 2 Turns)
63 - Cigar
64 - Exploding Cigar
65 - Bowtie
66 - Spring

Unusual Items

11 - Butterfly Net
12 - Sledgehammer
13 - Roller Skates
14 - Banjo
15 - Bugle
16 - Two-Headed Coin
21 - Accordion
22 - Computer
23 - President Reagan Mask
24 - Dynamite
25 - Bear Trap
26 - Skateboard
31 - Telephone / Cellphone
32 - Ray Gun
33 - Boxing Gloves
34 - Eggbeater
35 - Alarm Clock
36 - Fish Bowl w/ Piranha
41 - Itching Powder
42 - Magnifying Glass
43 - Anvil
44 - Creampie
45 - Hair Growth Bottle
46 - Sleepy Time Pills
51 - Genie Bottle
52 - Crazy Eye Glasses
53 - Groucho Marx Disguise
54 - Smart Phone w/ "An App for That!" (counts as Gizmo)
55 - Giant Inflatable Balloon Mallet
56 - Giant Actual Mallet
61 - 10 Ton Weight
62 - Bowling Ball
63 - Horseshoe
64 - Can of Tar
65 - Pillow of Feathers
66 - Dunce Cap

Boggle Effects

11 - Hair stands on end
12 - Screech in surprise
13 - Turn white
14 - Turn purple
15 - Turn tartan plaid
16 - Turn into paper-thin sheet, blow away, float gently to earth
21 - Slice into 100 slivers
22 - Squash flatter than a pancake
23 - Jaw hits ground
24 - Jaw hits ground (followed by rest of head)
25 - Eyes bug out about 6 feet
26 - Leap 30 feet straight up
31 - Leap a mile and a half straight up
32 - Melt into puddle of goo
33 - Crystallize and shatter into a thousand pieces
34 - Do a passable impersonation of a bucking mule
35 - Head spins on shoulders
36 - Steam erupts from ears
41 - Head pops off neck, floats back on a parachute
42 - All extremities pop off and come back together
43 - Tongue unrolls and flops to ground -- 10 feet of tongue
44 - Hands and feet inflate to five times normal size
45 - Hit ceiling (or low-flying plane, planet) flatten into manhole cover, rattle around on the ground
46 - As above, but stick to whatever you hit
51 - Split into 50 miniature versions of yourself, which run around wildly
52 - Split into countless tiny cubes
53 - Stretch like a rubber band and snap back to normal size
54 - Turn into a ball and bounce around
55 - All fur/feathers/scales/clothes fly off
56 - Turn into a screw, spin around, dig into Earth
61 - Head turns into a factory whistle and blows
62 - Turn into a ballerina and do a little dance
63 - Become rigid as a board and fall to ground
64 - Pick any of above (as appropriate)
65 - Any two of above (Animator's choice)
66 - ALL of the above!

Things Falling From Sky

11 - Eggs (raw)
12 - Big egg (ostrich/dinosaur)
13 - Dozen eggs (hard-boiled)
14 - Soap (flakes)
15 - Snow (flakes)
16 - Snow (20' ball)
21 - Fish
22 - Baseball
23 - 10,000 Frogs
24 - Cream pie
25 - Arrow(s)
26 - Flower
31 - Flower (in pot)
32 - Brick
33 - Lots of bricks, creating wall w/ character in the middle
34 - Coconut
35 - Coconut w/ milk inside
36 - Coconut w/ bomb inside
41 - Bowling ball
42 - Horseshoe... three more horseshoes... horse
43 - Bathtub (w/ bather)
44 - Skunk
45 - Elephant (indian)
46 - Elephant (african)
51 - Whale
52 - Kitchen Sink
53 - Refrigerator
54 - Refrigerator w/ icecube maker
55 - Upright piano
56 - Grand piano
61 - Cats & dogs (raining them)
62 - School bus
63 - School house
64 - Steamroller
65 - Airplane
66 - Battleship

Random Item/Animal

11 - One of the other characters
12 - Lion
13 - Bomb (w/ lit fuse. 1 Turn to defuse or get rid of it)
14 - Helium Balloon
15 - Horse
16 - Bone (distract dog, or weapon 1d6+1 damage)
21 - Mousetrap (2 points damage)
22 - Eraser (erase anything, make Zip roll to use)
23 - Toothbrush
24 - Croquet Set (mallets do 1d6 damage, ball thrown for 1d6 damage)
25 - Ukelele or other stringed instrument
26 - Anvil
31 - Rhinoceros
32 - Gun (shoots a flag that says, "Bang!")
33 - Family of four seated at dinner table
34 - Squirting Flower
35 - Stick of Dynamite (lit, 1 Turn to defuse or get rid of)
36 - Baseball (1d6 thrown damage)
41 - Police whistle (brings police -- 50% chance it will work. If police come, roll 2d6 to find out how many. 1 use only)
42 - Butterfly net
43 - Giant mallet (1d6+1 damage)
44 - Airplane (2 character propeller plane, engines running.)
45 - Policeman (w/ 1d6+1 nightstick)
46 - Baseball bat (1d6+2 damage)
51 - Book of Matches
52 - Cow
53 - Bear trap (must be successfully set. 1d6 damage)
54 - Angry skunk
55 - Shotgun (1d6+1 damage)
56 - Mop (soaking wet; 3 points damage, and ruins disguises)
61 - Water Pistol (filled with ink)
62 - Moose
63 - Pen (draws real things!)
64 - Turkey
65 - Pistol (1d6 damage)
66 - Self (character meets exact copy or double or twin)

Random Trap

11 - Stick of Dynamite (lit; 1 Turn to defuse or get rid of. 1d6 damage)
12 - Spring mounted mallet pops out of ground (1d6-2, repeated)
13 - Water bucket drops (3 points damage for bucket, disguise may be ruined; Make a Quick Change/Disguise roll)
14 - Camouflaged hole in ground - 10 feet deep (1d6 fall damage)
15 - Giant rock falls from sky (2d6 damage)
16 - Tree falls (1d6 damage)
21 - Noose around character's foot (no damage, character caught)
22 - Meat-eating plant (2d6/round damage, Zip roll to escape)
23 - Giant bear trap (1d6 damage)
24 - Telescoping arm holding fizzing drink (no damage if drank. If not, 1 Turn until it explodes. 1d6 damage)
25 - Bomb (1 Turn until explodes; defuse or get rid of. 1d6 damage)
26 - Exploding present (scooter pulls up, delivers parcel and leaves. Present blows up. 1d6 damage)
31 - Telescoping arm w/ cream pie, gets character in face (no damage, victim is Boggled)
32 - Hideous monster creeps up behind character (make See/Hear/Smell roll to notice). Taps character on shoulder and says, "Tag, you're it!" and runs away at Incredible Speed (no damage, but character will scream and leap into arms of other nearby character!)
33 - Bomb (1 Turn to defuse or get rid of, 1d6 damage)
34 - Steamroller appears from nowhere and flattens character (2d6 damage)
35 - Bucket of glue drops from above (3 points damage from bucket; anything character touches is stuck to him until he Falls Down)
36 - Camouflaged hole in the ground (fall 10 feet, 1d6 damage)
41 - Lit stick of Dynamite (1 Turn to get rid of, or 1d6 damage)
42 - Mousetrap (2 points damage, foot stuck in trap)
43 - Spring-loaded boxing glove whacks character (1d6 damage)
44 - Noose around character's noose (no damage, character stuck)
45 - Bucket of perfume drops from above (3 points damage from bucket; Character stinks. Cannot Hide until Falls Down or washes)
46 - Giant mechanical arm grabs character, and drops him into cage. (no damage, but character caught. Cage has no door. Cage has 10 HP. Must break way out.)
51 - Bomb (1 Turn to defuse or discard. 1d6 damage)
52 - Train roars onto scene, flattens all characters (2d6/character damage)
53 - Camouflaged hole in ground (10 feet drop, 1d6 damage)
54 - Bucket of Vanishing Cream (3 points damage from bucket; Character is temporarily invisible)
55 - Bus drives by (2d6/character damage)
56 - Mechanical arm w/ cream pie (no damage, character Boggled)
61 - Revolving door traps character, spinning (1d6 damage, and dizzy for 1 Turn)
62 - Flower pot falls from above (1d6 damage)
63 - Bucket of water drops from above (3 points damage from bucket; Character wet. Disguise may be ruined. Make Quick Change/Disguise roll)
64 - Spring hooks character (they don't notice, and after 2 rounds of Turns, character is flung off screen, takes 1d6 damage and roll random item table for what is stuck around his neck, or similar)
65 - Flower squirts water in character's face (no damage)
66 - Character steps on spring-loaded floor board and flies into nearest obstacle (1d6 damage)

Random Disguise

11 - One of the other characters
12 - Rhinoceros
13 - Swim fins, tu-tu, goalie mask
14 - Ballet suit, ice skates, ski mask
15 - Hideous witch
16 - Lamp (kerosene)
21 - Lamp (electric w/ lit bulb)
22 - Vampire
23 - Spaghetti and meatballs
24 - Sign post (player decides what type)
25 - Robot tuxedo
26 - Caesar salad
31 - Butterfly net on head, tap shoes, kilt, bagpipes
32 - Dynamite (lit) (1 Turn until explodes, 1d6 damage)
33 - Golf ball
34 - Super ____ (whatever species character is)
35 - Flower pot on head, cowboy boots with spurs, pink pajamas
36 - Bottle of glue
41 - Turkey
42 - Leaning tower of pizza (or Pisa... Animator's choice)
43 - Statue of Liberty (with flashlight and book of matches)
44 - Sunglasses, cowboy hat, elephant ears, polka dot underwear
45 - Hungarian goulash with dash of pepper for excitement
46 - Ukelele or string instrument of choice
51 - Player piano
52 - Policeman (w/ billy club and handcuffs)
53 - Moose or mouse (Animator's choice)
54 - Canadian Mountie (with an accordion)
55 - Brush salesman (w/ sample brush. Any type)
56 - Ice cream cone (Animator decides flavour)
61 - Native
62 - Garbage can
63 - Propeller beanie and barrel
64 - Howard Cosell and Muhammad Ali
65 - Long johns
66 - Roll on a random species table

Failed Shape Change

11 - Fire hydrant
12 - Tin whistle
13 - Ray gun
14 - Garden hose
15 - Dodo
16 - Dust mop
21 - Smoke alarm
22 - Inner tube
23 - Tightly-wound spring
24 - Gooey blob
25 - Giant paintbrush
26 - Fishing rod and reel
31 - Card table
32 - Piano
33 - Piano player
34 - Trash can
35 - Football
36 - Knight in plate armour w/ sword & shield
41 - Stewpot
42 - Oak tree
43 - Church bell
44 - Extension cord
45 - Telephone
46 - Brick wall
51 - Typewriter
52 - Golf club
53 - Set of 3 juggling clubs
54 - Lighting rod
55 - Stuffed animal (roll any Species)
56 - Credit card
61 - Mailbox
62 - Ace catalogue
63 - Feather pillow
64 - Complete set of china for 12
65 - Bouquet of flowers
66 - Roll again, twice!

Failed Hypnosis

11 - Chicken
12 - Chickenhawk
13 - Washing machine
14 - Tax collector
15 - Orphan
16 - Magnificent big-game hunter
21 - Secret agent
22 - Vampire
23 - Trapeze artist
24 - Lion
25 - Cowardly lion
26 - Scarecrow
31 - Tin man
32 - Scottish terrier
33 - Witched witch
34 - Good witch
35 - Munchkin
36 - B-1 Bomber
41 - Tightrope walker
42 - Dog catcher
43 - Green Martian
44 - Superhero
45 - Juggler
46 - Great inventor (Smarts 7)
51 - Mad scientist
52 - Policeman
53 - Criminal
54 - Detective
55 - Circus fire-eater
56 - Roll again, twice!
61 - Roll on Species
62 - Roll on Unbelievably Silly Species
63 - Roll on Random Item/Animal
64 - Roll on "Call me a taxi!"
65 - Roll on Things Falling from the Sky
66 - Roll on all 5 tables and combine results!

Bottle Contents

11 - Water
12 - Salt water
13 - Milk
14 - Soda pop
15 - Tabasco sauce (1d6 damage)
16 - Fermented yogurt (yuck!)
21 - Hair restorer (grows hair uncontrollably)
22 - Fertilizer (victim sprouts flowers)
23 - Growth potion
24 - Shrinking potion
25 - Ketchup
26 - Shampoo (1d6 damage)
31 - Curdled milk (urk!)
32 - Motor oil (1d6 damage)
33 - Iced tea
34 - Dehydrated water
35 - Mustard
36 - Cleaning fluid (1d6 damage)
41 - Invisibility potion
42 - Turn blue potion
43 - Turn polka-dot potion
44 - Change Shape potion (roll on Random Item/Animal or Species)
45 - Jekyll / Hyde formula
46 - Perfume (1d6 damage)
51 - Insecticide (1d6 damage)
52 - Chicken soup (Mmm!)
53 - Banana oil
54 - Castor oil (urp!!!)
55 - Mosquito​ repellent (1d6 damage)
56 - Shoe polish (any colour; 1d6 damage)
61 - Medicine (ew...)
62 - Very hot coffee (1d6 damage)
63 - Slippery grease (1d6 damage)
64 - Skunk juice (1d6 damage)
65 - Lemon juice (lips get sucked in)
66 - 1956 Chateau Neuf burgundy, bouncy and presumptuous, w/ a mild fruity after taste!

Random Teleport Location

11 - Inside another character's Back Pocket (Animator's choice)
12 - On top of an erupting volcano (If there wasn't an erupting volcano on the scene before, there is now!)
13 - Inside a crate in the scene (roll Random Item/Animal for what's inside the crate)
14 - On top of a foe's head (Animator's choice)
15 - Into the nearest fight
16 - At the North Pole, surrounded by hungry polar bears
21 - In the barrel of a character's gun (Animator's choice)
22 - On top of a player (Animator's choice)
23 - Floating in a soap bubble, looking down at the action below
24 - The Ace Factory, anything the player wants is here
25 - Into the nearest fight
26 - Under another player
31 - Into the barrel of a character's gun (Animator's choice)
32 - In a bird's nest (complete with eggs) in a tree, looking down at the scene
33 - Hanging onto an airplane that happens to be passing by
34 - Inside a sealed pop bottle inside a vending machine nearby (roll Bottle Contents, for bottle)
35 - Into nearest fight
36 - Into nearest source of flame
41 - In the barrel of another character's gun (Animator's choice)
42 - At the centre of the Earth (fire, little devils w/ pitchforks etc. Character Falls Down)
43 - Inside a genie's bottle (without a genie)
44 - Under nearest moving vehicle (1d6 damage)
45 - Into nearest fight
46 - Inside a barrel, rolling towards the action
51 - Inside barrel of another character's gun (Animator's choice)
52 - 50 feet straight up
53 - Inside Bad Guy's clothes (Animator's choice), Bad Guy left standing in underwear
54 - Inside Bad Guy's clothes (Animator's choice), with Bad Guy still in them!
55 - Into nearest fight
56 - One mile straight up
61 - In the barrel of another character's gun (Animator's choice)
62 - Into another character's Back Pocket (Animator's choice)
63 - Way high up. Straight up. Satellites drift by.
64 - In the fruit & vegetable section of nearby grocery store
65 - Into nearest fight
66 - Into another character's clothing (Animator's choice) with that character in them!



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Um, while Steve "Munchkin" Jackson isn't exactly a starving artist or anything, this is kind of piracy, isn't it? It's really good that you linked to somewhere people can buy the PDF and explained there was more content there, don't get me wrong, are still giving away most of the game he designed for free without his knowledge or permission, aren't you? I've done some work in that industry, even if never for SJG, so it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

(If it was say, WotC, I wouldn'ta said nuffin', but it's a well known fact that Wizards of the Coast eats babies.)
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Um, while Steve "Munchkin" Jackson isn't exactly a starving artist or anything, this is kind of piracy, isn't it? It's really good that you linked to somewhere people can buy the PDF and explained there was more content there, don't get me wrong, are still giving away most of the game he designed for free without his knowledge or permission, aren't you? I've done some work in that industry, even if never for SJG, so it kind of leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

(If it was say, WotC, I wouldn'ta said nuffin', but it's a well known fact that Wizards of the Coast eats babies.)

I did my best to keep this as stripped down as possible. This is merely the "how to play" portion of the content. An abbreviated player's handbook. The game itself, the real game, is densely packed with info, additional gameplay mechanics, and add-on content. I more than highly recommend people buy the game manual(s). This is definitely not enough to run the game or really sink your teeth into it. It's just enough to guide players in the adventures I run in the forums.

If you have any suggestions as to how to cut down the content even more, I am all ears. Please send me a PM and we'll discuss.
I looked into it a little bit, and I finally came down on the position that this is sort of SJG's fault for not having a QSR (Quick Start Rules). It's fairly standard in the TTRPG 'industry' to have a free packet called Quick Start Rules that is basically EXACTLY what you described here:

This is merely the "how to play" portion of the content. An abbreviated player's handbook. The game itself, the real game, is densely packed with info, additional gameplay mechanics, and add-on content. I more than highly recommend people buy the game manual(s). This is definitely not enough to run the game or really sink your teeth into it. It's just enough to guide players in the adventures I run in the forums.

Like, that's exactly what a QSR is and if they didn't want to bother putting out a free QSR like most companies do with most RPGs, what you did here is just fine and that's mainly on them.
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