An overview of the blogposts and games on RMN over the last week.

  • Shinan
  • 05/10/2011 11:17 AM
New week. New blogs. The blogging activity seems to have gone down which suits me perfectly since that means it's less effort to keep these going. However this week I also check up on newly added games to the site as part of the "new projects" header. These blogs run 4.5 - 10.5.

General Blogs
This is probably very specific but these Starless Umbra sniff-stickers are so awesome they go in the general category.

UPRC asks players what kind of bosses they like.

Specific Blogs
Archeia_Nessiah wonders what her game really is all about. And a tileset.

JayEsz666 has a Saga of Eternity progress report and some new vs old screenshots.

Tephra colour schemes.

WCouillard describes the arena battle system in Evania: The Bulan Conflict.

I usually don't post announcements of future releases (that may or may not happen) but this time it's followed by a bunch of beta tester blurbs so what the hell! The hype machine has probably built up enough for Forever's End so a bit more won't make a difference.

Kazesui has created a page for the weapons in Zero Base.

I really hate VideoWizard but he's still managed to make a Walkthrough page for Dragon Kingdoms: Brith of a Legend.

Jude shares more media from Necropolis.

Cosplay Crisi intro animation thingie.

Resident Evil: After History screenshots.

udivision collects all the videos for Super Mario RPG: The Starlite Worlds on one page.

Lucid Dream - Night One: Amnesia character art.

BareGamer has a new project in Fantasia and shares the basics in two blogposts. Characters and Features.

Legend of Needs seems like a light comedy game of some sort.

Intelligence 0.9.1 (Release Candidate) is a game with a massive description I won't read through. However it has a download and a massive description and it seems cute so maybe worth a checking out.

Skyhelm Prophecies: The Rise of Shadows is a new game where at least the screenshots look pretty.

Lucid Dream Release
Koli's Sorrow patch
Shadows of Evil patch 2.0004
I Miss the Sunrise version 1.12
Koli's Sorrow 2 patch

So that was this week. Not a whole lot of General Blogs. Or maybe I've just become more picky in what I put in those. And after all most blogs are all about writing specifically about your game. General stuff is for articles.

Speaking of articles, now that I've added new games (that don't have blog posts!) into the mix next I'll add new articles into the mix too! Soon enough this will be way beyond what I can handle and I'll finally bail out completely. Just like I almost did last month.

One can only hope.


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I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Listing articles too seems a bit silly. They don't get released fast enough to need a list every week. The last week's worth is usually still on the front page.

On the other hand, that also means it's probably a minimal amount of work. Unless you plan to read and summarize each one.
It's more of a thing of slwoly turning this almost into a "this week in rmn". Though I would have to be far more attentive to do it properly. (which is why it is either a slow process or a non-process)

And articles don't show up nearly enough that it would be a hassle to read them through 8^)
Just so long as you keep these up I don't mind what you add. ;P
Wow I got a mention! lol... Rather Surreal..! :D
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