A return to the wacky world of Drag.

  • Dudesoft
  • 04/28/2012 08:17 AM
This game is being played currently by Gourd_Clae.

Drag-Master (DM) is played by Dudesoft
Gazpar Wiles (GW) is played by Gourd_Clae

Level 2 Kung-fu Master (EXP: 1
Name: Gazpar Wiles
Sex: Male
Preferred Weapons: Poles|Spears
Race: Child Demon 

HP: ||||| |||||
MP: ||||| 


1 Spatula
1 Wormskin dress (+1 defense roll) (-1 style)
Norman the Camel (HP:||| MP:0)


Shock: MP Cost: 1.  (A weak electical shock. Roll for damage. 3-6 Success. 3=1, 4=2, 5=3, 6=4) Cool-down: 3 Turns
Demon PAWNCH: MP Cost: 1. (Roll for damage. 3-6 hit. 3=1, 4=2, 5=3, 6=4. +2 Damage if 5 or 6!) Cool-Down: 2 Turns
Acid Spit: MP Cost: 3. (For 3 turns the targeted enemy receives 1 damage. Roll 6sd for success.) Cool-Down: 4 Turns

Nothing yet.


The setting is a quazi-slapstick medieval fantasy world. Anything mythical or fantastical exists in its place. You will be in the farthest western tip of Essenogglefruit. A country west of Rumpturnip, South of Frankfoil, and north-west of Ferngullythemovie, home of the elves...

Wind howls around you. Sand kicks up in your face, and wake up. You are in the middle of a desert. To the NORTH, you see a glint of light. To the SOUTH you see sand. To the WEST you see mountains in the far distance. To the EAST you see what looks like a 7-11. You are wearing only tattered pants and there is a long branch of wood nearby.

Your turn. What do you do?

I'll walk towards the light.

Hours pass. The sun is merciless on your burnt body. The sand burns at your every step, though you no longer feel the pain.
As you pass another dune, the glint of light again. Now, closer.
Barely, you can make out the shape of something. Not sure quite what it is.
To your left, you see a person walking out of the 7-11 sipping a slurpee. To your right, you see a great big lake, and to your back you see the empty haze of the past.

Momentarily look at the past then dash for the 7-11. That lake is probably a halucination.

Inside, you find the cool, refreshing air conditioning. The smell of junk food and dried meat, and a goblin working the cash.
'Hot one, eh?' the goblin inquires.

Inquire about some refreshments and their cost. 

The goblin strokes his chin and says, "You look as though your wallet be empty. It's bad business, but I'll trade you this slushie, for that walking stick.

Hm. What is the importance of the stick to me? If it's not important, I suppose I'll do the trade.

Does that mean you will trade? The importance is up to you.

I'll trade it for sure.

The drink is ice cold and so refreshing that you choke and pass out.

Hours later, you wake up to a rumbling sound. The desert night sprawls around you, and there's sand in your mouth. The walking stick is nowhere to be seen, nor is the 7-11. Mirage or not...?
No time to think about this. Suddenly a giant worm bursts from the sand before you! 

I have Mp. Does that mean I could cast a spell on this foul beast?

You currently have no skills/spells.
The sandworm is young, maybe a teenager, judging by the pimples, and it has HP: |||||

Charge at it and start unleashing my demon-y jump kicks and kung fu and such.

Sandworm takes a smack in the scary vagina-like mouth! -1 damage! (rolled 3)
However, you land awkwardly and twist your ankle. -1 to your next dodge roll.

Sandworm attacks by diving after you with jaws(?) wide open! (4-1=3) The sandworm doesn't eat you, but bodyslams with his tail while passing. -1 damage to you. Sandworm is also out of the sand, and crashes into a sand dune. -1 to dodge roll for worm next.

Smash my fists in the worm repeatedly. Because that hurt...

(4+1=5) Your attack boxes the sandworm good. It is stunned and nearly beaten, however, during your ferocious attack, your pants rip and fall off.
-3 damage
Sandworm is now HP:| and stunned this turn

"It's too bad we couldn't be friends little wormy!" Gazpar says sadly.
"But, I suppose I caught you on a bad day..." I'll now Karate chop the worm and finish him.

With a deft blow, the worm is chopped clean in half! All of the worm's inners explode into the air! Corrosive blood blasts everywhere! (Rolled 6+1=7)
The carcas of sandworm skin falls gently from the sky and drapes over you, your head sticking out the mouth hole. Fancy stylin'!
+1 Wormskin dress (+1 defense roll) (-1 style)

You gain +1 LEVEL! You are now Level 1 Kungfu Master!
Select any skill to add to your inventory!
HP is replenished!

(Levels are determined by EXP. you gain 1EXP per kill. Each level requires the same amount if EXP to advance as the level name indicates: Example... To reach level 6, you need 6 EXP.)

I simply make up a skill and you okay it right?
If so:
Skill: Shock
Cost:1 Mp
Description: A weak electical shock. 

As for what I 'll do next, I'll head toward the mountains. I wonder where my parents are.

It will have a cool-down of 3 turns between uses.
Otherwise sounds good. I'll add a chance for stun, which will succeed with rolls of 4 and 5. 

The cool night air, and the luxuriously roomy wormskin dress allows you to cover great distance in a matter of hours. You reach the edge of the desert, which is a rocky crop of land, where tough grass grows in tufts. The mountains look on the otherside of a field here, where you notice a tarp hut, and several camel fenced in.

I'm tempted to steal a camel and run.
But, I suppose I'll be less thief-ish and peak into the tarp hut.

Inside the tarp flap of a door, you find a large square room. There is a large table with a map on it, held down by rocks. There is a small, one-man cot where a man who probably needs a 2-man size cot, is asleep. He is under a blanket and hard to see in detail. At the foot of his bed is a large chest.

Swipe the map and open the chest. If he wakes use shock on him, hope it stuns him, and run away towards the camels.

Lots of rolls.
(1) you try ti steal the map, but the large rocks are heavy and the map is torn up beyond repair. You succeed (5) in opening the chest
+1 pick axe (+1 attack)
The fatso wakes up! "What ho! You dastardly demon! Blast this infernal inconvienence!" but you quickly down him (6) shock kick (4) stuns him! However, the fatso crashes into the tarp wall, pulling the tent down on top of you! You fail to advance on the camels, and are covered by the tent.
Cut a hole in the tent (with the pickaxe) big enough to squeeze through, then walk over the tent wreckage to comandeer a camel.
You are unsuccessful! (1) The pickaxe gets stuck in the tarp.
-1 Pickaxe!
The fatso wakes from his stun and attacks. (3) However he fails. Being under a tarp he can't find you.
Fatso HP: |||

Pickaxe that fatso in the FACE!

You just lost the pickaxe in the tarp.

Derp. I'll PUNCH him in the face then. 

(roll 1) Being under the tarp you greatly are disoriented, and fail to connect. (2) the fatso fails to see a point to attack. Instead, he asks, "Why did you steal my pickaxe?! What's the meaning of this? Who are you?"

Sigh and explain myself:
"Sorry. I'm Gazpar Wiles. I wanted your stuff because I was heading to the mountains and getting tired. Not only that but I was attacked by a sandworm earlier and a weapon would help me greatly. I was going to steal your stuff and run off, but when you woke up I didn't see a chance to explain myself. I mean, I AM a demon after all, who would believe me? Sorry..." and then hang my head in shame.

"A demon? Stealing pickaxes? What a perposturous postulation!" the fatso got bothered and helps you out of the fallen tarp. "Now, let's look at you! Ah, a devilish demeanor indeed! What baffling luck. Why, if I had any sense, I'd report you to the authorities! But, 'lo, this this situation is sensationally satisfying! Why, when I was a lolloping lad, I myself found myself in such a mix up. Come now, help me right this tent, and I'll see to it your belly is full of nectarous nourishment!"

Help him set up his tent again and ask him his name.

The fat man wipes his brow as you finish righting the tent. "Oh, great goodness, where are my manners? I am the Great Marvalo! I'm here in search of a great treasure."
The Great Marvalo bids you enter the tent, and looks around at the mess.
"It will take a luxious long time to piece this muddled map together again. Otherwise, I'd show you!"
With a shrug, Marvalo puts together a fire and begins boiling some water, as well as gives you a glass of water.
+1 Glass of Water!

Ask what exactly makes him so "great"\his occupation. I'll hold off on drinking this water.

"Well, the many wonderful wanderings I've completed, have hosted honorable guests both wide and far!" After the water boils, he adds some spaghetti. "Have you not heard of my symphonies?"
At this moment, the Great Marvalo belts out into a sudden and triumphant rendition of the opera, Beautiful Tomorrow's Goblin.

I shall asess his opera skills. While drinking his water since I trust any man who can sing opera.

(roll 4) His opera skills impress you.
"Say, you look like a charismatic child, let's solve the puzzle of my torn-up treasure tracker! Perhaps we can be of mutual benefit. Your little fingers, and my magnificent map, we could split the treasure. Fair and square! Adventure!!!!" he sang the last word fabulously."

"Sure! Adventure! Besides maybe the treasure can help me find what I'm looking for." (Whatever that is I have no idea. My parents?)
I will walk over and help him solve his map puzzle. Hopefully.

(Roll 6)
You are so successful at solving the map that ---ouch! You got a papercut!
The map is layed out before you. The Great Marvalo points at a large box with a T on top.
"This is the last reported site for the lost Temple of Ash. Deep inside the bottom-most chamber, we will find the Eye of Daestra, a great demon king! What say you, to tomb raiding, my impish individual?"

"A Demon King, eh? I think I'd love to go with you, Marvalo!"

The Great Marvalo pats you on the head. He goes to the chest of drawers opposite his bed, and pulls out some parchment. On it, he scribbles directions to the temple.
"Excellent, my confident companion! As I am up, and you are surely tired. I shall set forth and discover the wonder myself. You must remain here and sleep. (Rolled 1 on joining you).
The next morning, the tent is as Marvalo left it, except there is a note on the table. (The map is gone) The note reads, "Hope you slept well, there is left over spaghetti from our feast last night. Help yourself, and see you soon!"

Read the directions to the temple over some spaghetti. (Assuming those driections were for me.)

The directions say to ride the camel north until you find a road. Turn east at the road for five miles, until you find a statue of an eagle eating a bear. Head north from here, and you will find the Temple of Ash.

I shall go out of the tent to claim my camel.

The camel outside is the only one. It is tied to a post, chewing some grass lazily.
+1 Camel (unnamed) 
It is now in your party. You can find party members in your inventory.
HP:||| MP:0

In the true RPG spirit, I'll explore the field a little bit before moving on. This oughta be quicker with my camel any way. Maybe that'll give me time to think of a name other than Norman or something for him.

The grassland expands before you. To the west, is the desert you came from, to the east: mountains, to the south you see a tall burnt out three, as if it were once magnificent, but lost a battle against lightning.
To the north, the grassland rises, making it hard to see.

I'll explore the burnt out tree, I wonder what its story is.

As you peek inside the tree, a bandit leaps out from behind it!
Desert Bandit 
HP: ||||| |||||
MP: |
Spell: Sandkick! (blinds affected character for two turns, adding a -2 to attack roll. Roll 6sd for success. MP Cost: 1.)

Let's start out with shock - in addition to sending Norman the Camel (it's official now) to attack with his camel headbutt!

Shock Kick slams into the Bandit's shin, causing 2 damage!
Norman fails to hurt the enemy, and injures his neck in the process (-1 damage)
The Bandit attacks you! But misses entirely!

Desert Bandit 
HP: ||||| |||
MP: |
Spell: Sandkick! (blinds affected character for two turns, adding a -2 to attack roll. Roll 6sd for success. MP Cost: 1.)

Call Norman a sheista to motivate him (and hopefully do something less dangerous to his health), and then unleash my Demon PAWNCH! (It's just a normal punch but I thought saying it was a Demon PAWNCH would motivate me)

You summon your demonic powers. Suddenly you feel a magical tingle deep in your damned soul!
-Gazpar Learned Demon PAWCH!-
+Skill: Demon PAWNCH: MP Cost: 1. (Roll for damage. 3-6 hit. 3=1 damage, to 6=4 damage. +2 Damage if 5 or 6!) Cool-Down: 2 Turns
(Roll 6)(4+2=6!)
You rip forward with your fist blazing in dark purple flames, and punch a hole through the Bandit's chest cavity! -6 Damage!

Desert Bandit uses Sandkick! For 2 turns you receive a -2 to attack roll!

Desert Bandit 
HP: ||

Attack the Bandit with a good old fashioned punch to the face!

You miss so bad from the blindness, that you step in a sinkhole and twist so hard that your foot rips clean off your leg!
Shock Kick is now useless, until healed. 
You have a -2 to dodge rolls now!
The Bandit leaps at you and in a twist of irony, kicks square at your chest! (5+2-1=6)
His foot goes clean through your chest cavity!

Whoops. :S Yell at Norman to attack the fool. ANd spit in his face take some nice acidic demon spit fool. (Is demon spit acidic? I don't think so. That sounded better in my head, oh well...)

(Roll 5) You feel the warmth within!
-Gaz learns Acid Spit!-
Skill: Acid Spit: MP Cost: 3 (for 3 turns the targeted enemy receives 1 damage. Roll 6sd for success.) Cool-Down of 4
You horc a good loogie and it lands straight in the bandit's eye. -1 damage!
The camel tramples forward and bowls over the bandit! -1 damage!
Bandit defeated!!!
+1 EXP!

Crawl onto Norman and go back to the Marvalo's tent to fix myself up. And Norman too of course, I mean his camel headbutt is suicide on a stick.

It takes a day to recover from your brutal wounds. The following day, you have world as you clam; both your HP is restored, and the hole in your chest seemingly healed over.

Search around the tent to see if I can find that pickaxe from earlier. Maybe Marvalo left it here.

There is nothing. But you do find a spatula.

I'm taking that spatula with me! I'll now go outside and go towards the mountains hoping to find a town.

You head north. The rocky grasslands ridge around the vast desert you came from. To your east you see a line of short peaks that occasionally break to show the ocean. 
The north is where the big mountains are. It is a long hike, and by nightfall you are halfway to the mountains. Here you find a small campsite, where someone had been and gone the day before.

I wonder if this is where Marvalo camped, it seems likely since I'm going in the direction I was directed. I'll see if he left anything of value behind and take it.

You find a few logs of burnt wood.

Darn. He's the first person I've ever met who resists when I try to take\steal things from him. Marvalo you fool.
I'll continue on to see if I can find the road Marvalo was talking about. Maybe I'll find someone\thing that's interesting on the way.

It is another day's travel until you find the mountain. There, you find another campsite. 
The camel collapses from fatigue.

"Well, that's a good as any sign that we need to rest."
I'll lead poor Norman to the campsite where I'll allow him to rest.
I'll then look around the area for intruders who may want to, I don't know, kill me or the camel?

It is dark, but in the twilight, you see the mountains, the desert, and what seems to be a post of some kind.

I'll examine the post.

The post turns out to be a Direction sign. It's dark and hard to read, but you make it out. To the north-east is Yulkespltown. To the south-west is Sardon City. To the north-west, is the Temple of Ash.

I'll go check on Norman because I'm unsecure.

Norman is fast asleep, and drooling.

Take a nap by Norman as I'm certainly not going anywhere on foot.


Pages: 1
On sunny days, I go out walking
Dude I'm not gonna betray my maggot familiar or anything but camels are boss.
All of our adventures are quite different.
Dude I'm not gonna betray my maggot familiar or anything but camels are boss.
Damn straight! I've named him Norman by the way. Epic name (for a camel, at least)

All of our adventures are quite different.
I know! It's really quite interesting and I've been sure to keep up on your guys's adventures as well.
I think you messed up the post a little bit Dudesoft. There are alot of words that probably shouldn't be underlined.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Whoops! And it's my turn too!
Pages: 1