first i'll go "hi, i'm awe! i once gave several people an existential crisis, but then i got banished for it." then there'll be a choice... ==> "Serves you right." "yeah :(" [end] ==> "How did you even do that?" "oh, i did it by touching people. i even gave the technique a name and everything." ==> "That's neat." "it is!" [end] ==> "Proof?" "i'm not even bragging about anything, why do you want to see proof" ==> "Okay, fair enough." "you are... forgiven!" [end] ==> "You should poke me right now. I'll judge from there." "no offense, but you look like you'd literally die from this. are you sure you want me to poke you?" ==> "Actually no, I like living." "and i like not being banished too! glad we're on an agreement" [end] ==> "Do it." "oh no! peer pressure! my weakness!" cue a generic battle animation then it instantly cuts to a game over screen if game overs aren't a thing then just have me blow up or something idk please use the awe921 tophat dude... he is synonymous with me and if he is not featured then that simply just ain't Awe921