CASTLE RED ENDINGS GUIDE ------------- WARNING: While I have tried to keep this as spoiler free as possible, this is still a guide to endings, so there are spoilers. It is recommended that you play through the game at least once before reading this guide. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Use Ctrl-F with the bracketed code (with the brackets) to go to the section you want +[TPS] The Point System ----[REL] Relationship Points ----[SUS] Suspicion Points +[R1E] First Round of Endings ----[ENF] Ending F: Eternal Love ----[ENE] Ending E: Lost and Damned +[R2E] Second Round of Endings ----[END] Ending D: Revenge of the Maid ----[ENC] Ending C: Long Live the Old Lord +[R3E] Third Round of Endings ----[ENB] Ending B: Lord of the Castle ----[ENA] Ending A: Salvation ===================================================================================== --- [TPS] The Point System --- In Castle Red there are two separate point systems which influence the course of events and the endings. The first and most obvious is the Relationship Point system, while the other is the Suspicion Point system. --- [REL] Relationship Points --- Relationship Points measure how much individual characters like you. With the exceptions of Norbert and Margaery, each character has a Relationship value that starts at 0 and rises or falls depending on how you interact with them. Relationship Points will occasionally alter what a character says to you, but for the most part they only effect three things: The F Ending ([ENF]), the E Ending ([ENE]), and the interrogation scene after the Hedge Maze (see [R2E]). These are the most pivotal scenes where relationship values come into play. --- [SUS] Suspicion Points --- Suspicion Points are much less obvious than Relationship Points. These measure how suspicious Jonathon appears to other characters. If you seem too comfortable in the castle, or if you aren't very forthcoming with information, your Suspicion value will rise. The single most important event in regards to Suspicion Points is how you handle Norbert's death early in the game. Here are the outcomes of your choices in that scene: +"I did..." "He ran away" : No immediate Suspicion increase. NorbertLie Switch ON +"I did..." "I found his body" : Suspicion +2. NorbertLie Switch ON +"I did..." "He attacked me and..." "I ran away." : Suspicion +3. NorbertLie Switch ON +"I did..." "He attacked me and..." "I defended myself." : Suspicion +5. NorbertLie Switch OFF +"No sign of him" : Suspicion +1. NorbertLie Switch ON When you reach the end of the Hanging Garden section, just before the cemetary, the game checks whether the NorbertLie Switch is ON or OFF. If it is ON, Peter will reveal the truth, and your Suspicion value will increase by +8. Suspicion comes into play during the interrogation at the end of the Hedge Maze. See [R2E] for more details. ====================================================================================== --- [R1E] First Round of Endings --- The first set of endings trigger inside the Machine Tower and are dependent on your Relationship Values with Cecilia and Agnes. --- [ENF] Ending F: Eternal Love --- To acheive this ending, Cecilia must like you. Show support and kindness to her. If a flirtatious dialogue option comes up, you should choose that as well. If Cecilia likes you enough then, when you confront her in the Machine Tower, she will offer you a choice to join her. Agree, and you will receive this ending. --- [ENE] Ending E: Lost and Damned --- To acheive this ending, Agnes must not like you. Be rude and disrespectful toward her. In the Machine Tower, before you confront Cecilia, you will meet Agnes. If she doesn't like you, she will wonder if you like her. If she does like you, she will lament that no one is willing to help her. Your choice of dialogue here will be your last chance to push her Relationship Value. If you're on the edge, you may succeed in pushing her over from one side to the other. If not, then your choice will not matter. If Agnes does not like you at the end of this scene, she will live in anger and wishing for your death. After you confront Cecilia (assuming you do not trigger the F Ending), you will obtain a key to the chapel at the top of the Machine Tower. Once you enter, this ending will trigger. If Agnes likes you, it will not trigger, and you can continue with the game. ======================================================================================= --- [R2E] Second Round of Endings --- The second set of endings trigger in the Basement. However, the scene immediately following the Hedge Maze may impact them. After leaving the Hedge Maze, you will reunite with a number of characters and Peter will once again bring up his suspicions of you. If you managed to reach this point with a low Suspicion (less than 10), he will immediately be shot down by the other characters and let it go. If you reached this point with a high Suspicion (20 or higher), the other characters will immediately turn against you and you will be thrown off the edge. In most cases, you will reach this point with middle Suspicion. You then must defend yourself. Your Relationship Values then come into play depending on your dialogue choices. On a successful Relationship check, your perceived guilt lowers. First Choice: +"You can't still suspect me!" : Checks against Peter's Relationship value +"I had nothing to do with that thing!" : Checks against Agnes' Relationship Value Second Choice: +"Of course not!" : Checks against Peter's Relationship value Third choice: +"What proof do you have that I did?" : Lowers Guilt +"How do i know you didn't kill her?" : Does nothing +"I could never do that to someone!" : Check's against Agnes' Relationship value +"How can you even ask me that?" : Does nothing Third (or Fourth) Choice: +"I did not kill her" : Lowers Guilt +"..." : Does nothing If your Guilt is gone by the end of this scene, then the other characters will will cease to be suspicious of you. If it is not, then Peter will throw you over the edge. --- [END] The Maid's Revenge --- There are two paths to this ending, which I will refer to as "Clean" and "Bloody". For the Bloody path, you simply need to be thrown off the edge at the end of the interrogation scene. You will awaken in the courtyard from the start of the game with Margaery, and be locked into this ending. Just head to the Basement and defeat the Lord. For the Clean path, you need to avoid being thrown off the edge. You will then encounter Margaery in the Basement. Agree to her terms and then go defeat the Lord. --- [ENC] Long Live the Old Lord --- You must avoid being thrown off the edge to acheive this ending. Refuse Maraery's terms in the Basement, then go confront the Lord. He will send you to kill Margaery. You must follow her without being seen to her bedchamber. Then, grab the lantern nearby and use it to set her on fire. She will make one last grab at you, so avoid her. Once this has been done, you will transported back to the Lord. Agree to receive your reward to get this ending. ======================================================================================= [R3E] Third Round of Endings To third set of endings trigger in the Caverns beneath the castle. To reach them, you must first follow all the instructions for Ending C, but then refuse yor reward, instead turning the tables on the Lord. You must then kill him. Once he is dead, return to the Foyer on the Castle's ground floor. The stone door there has opened up, revealing the path to the throne room. Take the circle to the Caverns, and make your way to the lowest level, where you'll find a pit leading to the Worm Nest. --- [ENB] Ending B: Lord of the Castle --- Enter the pit. --- [ENA] Ending A: Salvation --- Push the nearby boulder into the pit.