Puts some minimum and maximum step parameters around random encounters

  • Tome571
  • 12/21/2018 04:33 AM
* * This does not change the normal RPG Maker encounter rate, but just forces some hard minimum number of steps and maximum number of steps around it. Therefore, using the map encounter rate will still be necessary, but more predictable.

RPG Maker has an encounter rate that is tough to manipulate, so this expands on the parameters you can implement.

By adding 2 lower limit numbers, a random minimum number of steps in that range is generated after each battle. So if you had Lower Limit Minimum of 5 and Lower Limit Maximum of 12, after 5-12 steps, a battle would be allowed, using the normal map encounter rate.

At the Upper Limit, an encounter is forced after a number of steps. So, if you set the Force Battle Minimum to 25 and the Force Battle Maximum to 30, an encounter would ALWAYS be forced, when you get to the randomly generated number between 25-30.

This helps you control how often battles will occur, and normalize the peaks and valleys of the encounter rate.


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