
It's RPG Maker's birthday and you're invited to join in the celebration! But how to celebrate?


Well, by showing off what we've made using the engine of course! Hey guys, it's been a while since we had a Release Something, hasn't it? ;p

The aim of this event is to release something - whether it be a game (complete or demo), trailer, fan-media, reviews, resources or blog posts! As long as whatever you release has had work on it or was created during the timeframe of the event, it'll count!

◆ Release either a new demo, completed game, trailer, fan-media, review, resource or significant update (like a blog post or series of screenshots or wips, etc) for your own/someone else's game before the end of the event!

◆ All personal releases must have had significant progress made during the event timeline and/or not have been released before (in the case of media, resources, blogs)

◆ The event starts on 16th of February, 2021 GMT.
◆ The event ends on 16th of March, 2021 GMT.

As this is the birthday of RPG Maker, games must be made in or for an RPG Maker engine.

You can release as many pieces as you want, but we highly encourage quality over quantity!

◆ Participation Prize: All participants will receive a cute badge for participating worth 50MS.

◆ Category Prizes: For each category (fan/media, game/demo, resource, update), there will be a winner based on a lottery who will win a to-be-announced prize!

◆ To join, just sign up below!
◆ To submit a game, use a gamepage download!
◆ To add fanmedia, use the event locker.
For blogposts, reviews and anything that won't inherently upload, a text file with links will suffice, if the locker doesn't work.

Have fun and Happy Game Making!


  • 02/16/2021 06:00 AM
  • 03/16/2021 06:00 AM



You must be logged in to sign up for Release Maker Birthday~.


This came at the perfect time! I have a game close to being updated/finished, I just need to add a little extra content. But... those extra categories intrigue me... So anything RM related counts, right?
This came at the perfect time! I have a game close to being updated/finished, I just need to add a little extra content. But... those extra categories intrigue me... So anything RM related counts, right?

In all fairness, bird shrapnel isn't as deadly as wood shrapnel
I may use this time to play some RM games and do reviews again. Sure, why not?
Guardian of the Description Thread
I've been slowly working on a game inspired by Might and Magic that happens to use the encounter cancel system of Wild Arms. Though, work on it has picked a little bit lately. It'd be sort of an expansion to this idea, but having it's own identity?
Sign me up. I have been working on something that I could spice up as a trailer or a 1st level demo.

I guess I could come up with a tech demo for The Lonely League. But I'm too scared to commit.
Yessss!!! I sadly couldn't make anything for the season event, but I am definitely gonna make something for this!!!
I have already some ideas in mind for a game, I just hope I am gonna finish in time.
Okay, definitely getting motivated for this one! It's about time I got around to releasing something (hopefully) worthwhile.
i need to know the number of this RS event
I have lost count. I mean, we've had Release Something's that have been gammak-only (like Release the Dead) and there was one three years back for the 28th birthday of RM... I know we were over 12 last I recall.


Ignoring events like Release the Dead (which focussed on only game releases), we are up to the 16th Release Something! (I just went back and counted from the last numbered RS event)
Aww yeah, gonna work on LoP: Mina's Voyage again. Hopefully get the new talent system in place, then if have time, work on the next dungeon.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Ignoring events like Release the Dead (which focussed on only game releases), we are up to the 16th Release Something! (I just went back and counted from the last numbered RS event)

Call me curious, but, I wanted to check this as well. Release Something 13 - Something Returns was definitely the last one that had a number associated with it. Release Something - Gotta Go Fast would be the 14th one. RM's 28th Birthday was considered a Release Something event, bringing it up to 15. Counting this event now, it brings it up to 16!
Yeah, I said that...


I discounted Revive the Dead and Release the Dead type events since they were only gammak-centric. It's been a while since we had a Release Something event!
People got really upset with RS events, because it caused people to WAIT until the next RS to, well, release something (because at the time it almost guaranteed that you got some sort of feedback). Some people didn't like the deluge/dryspell flow of updates it was causing. So I stopped organizing them. Plus I got old and cranky.
the solution is clearly to do it every day so that every day is a chance to release something
I went with the lazier "never do it again" option
I feel vaguely creative. Not sure if I manage to turn it into any RM content, but if it happens, getting a badge will be cool! I haven't got one in years.
Don't suppose a plugin would qualify for this event?
I'm going to use this an an excuse to push out Goodkin. I guess I know what I'm doing next days off.