
M.O.G. "My Own Game" Multipart Event - Game Creation

In this event we will attempt create a game using resources generated during the previous MOG events.

The intent is to get people out of their comfort zones and attempt the different aspects of game creation. The M.O.G. initiative be a 3-part event, with each event focusing on a different aspect - soundtrack, graphics, and game creation. This event will focus on the GAME. The graphics event focused on tilesets, charsets, and battlers and the like, and the music event focused on soundtracks and sound effects. This is the final event of the MOG creation series, wherein we create a game but only using resources created in the previous two events (+ general public resources or resources you create yourself or RTP, to fill gaps)!

This is a pretty ambitious undertaking, but it sounds pretty satisfying, too!

The MOG Music and MOG Graphics events are still running, but they wrap up later this month, so if you have any special requests or gaps that need filling, now is the time to ask! Or encourage people there who have started something to finish their work. (Knowing that someone wants to use your stuff is great motivation).

If you use resources by someone else in the MOG Graphics and/or Music events, please include them in your gameprofile's 'Developers' as Other (and specify what you used)

Like, if you used Ratty524's awesome battlers, do:

Other (Battlers) - Ratty524

The bonus makerscore for resource creators is part of the event, so if you would be so kind as to included them in your gameprofile, it would be much appreciated!

This event is asking you to make a game, or make a demo/prototype. As such, you will need to have a gameprofile accepted by RMN (and subject to RMN's submission rules), to participate. Once ready, you will have to submit your game's download to this event (using the Submit button in the upper right). Multiple games are welcome (if you are so inclined)!


We are doing this for the betterment of our game development skills. Familiarization with other aspects of game development, even if we never develop the expertise to be proficient in it, is still very valuable. That being said, I will be giving out achievements for:

-Full game
-Demo/Prototype game
-A gameprofile will good mapping examples

By that last one, what I mean is you've started work on a game using the MOG resources, but didn't generate anything playable yet.

Works submitted to this event are expected to be free to play.

While the event is very RPG-centric (hey, we are RPG Maker Network afterall!), feel free to create a game for any genre of your choice.

It is my sincere hope that those of us here who are energetic game developers might share with us their expertise and learning. Either by helping out individuals in the comments section, offering advice, or posting links to useful resources, or even as far as writing tutorials of their own.

Members who take it upon themselves to be super-helpful in this event will receive a special achievement!


  • 11/06/2014 12:00 AM
  • 01/01/2015 11:59 PM
  • Any
  • kentona



You must be logged in to sign up for M.O.G. Creation.

Teams Members Entry
Accelerated World
No promises. Only hopes and dreams. :D
Got too crazy. Still, Nobody joined me.
Save the Elemelons, Save the World
I'm not even done the projects that was already finished and worked on the last month
I'm so not likely to submit anything.
Hark! It's a sassy Lark!
landas1's Team
Epic Guys
the realm of darthon
LudwigKrauser's Team
Claws and Effect
Broken Goddess Complex
Egg Team
The Zombi3's


Gamepage is up! :D

Ta dah: The End

My unique-equipment system is set up (plus all abilities they grant!), the drop system is done (just need to copypasta to each encounter on the field and tweak it to be the equipment that encounter drops), and I've gotten enemy groups set up.

Just need to set the patrol routes, set stats, make my usual well-crafted bosses and.....Pray it's well balanced. ...Here's hoping I can get it done in time.
Don't forget to add people who did the resources as Other-type developers to your gameprofile!

Good job you guys, by the way.
Don't forget to add people who did the resources as Other-type developers to your gameprofile!

Good job you guys, by the way.

Yep yep, will have that done by release time.
So, remember if you have created a gameprofile but have no demo or full game to submit to this event, please post a link to the game in the comments and I will find it and award you the Mog's Shy achievement.

There's only a couple days left! How's everyone doing?
Kitten Mita profile is up !
Just need some event for demo version.
I think it's about time I started making assets
When EST is the ending? like, midnight on the 1rst or what?

Not that it'll make much difference. The 31st and the 1rst are pretty much booked solid with new years awesomeness for me anyway.

Anyway, I'm just about halfway done making all the monsters and stuff. However, it's not up to my usual standards of balance, and I don't think I'll be able to get the balance fine-tuned to my usual level in time for the end of the event. I'll probably end up submitting a full game, but it's going to be really on the easy side (I've barely needed to use any of the tanking abilities and was able to power through most encounters by just going full offense).

I'll need to go back at a later date to fix this combat system. :s
Times on the site are based on your time zone offset set in your account. Otherwise they're GMT / +0:00. You can see what your current timezone is in your account -> settings.
I'm getting excited to see the results, go everyone!
Changing that does not change the times on the site.
Changing that does not change the times on the site.
Yes it does.

def date(request, date):
if date:
# Copy and modify date with local time settings
dt = date + request.localtime_delta
return format(dt, settings.DATETIME_FORMAT)
return 'N/A'
It's displaying now, it took a few refreshes.
*thuds head on table*

I don't feel so well. Just the final dungeon monsters and bosses left...Ugh...Then, just a handful of NPCs and it's all finally over.

Swear to Mod, I'm not touching this game for a solid month at least once it's done. I might even take a few weeks off from Rpgmaker in general. I'm pooped. -_-

*slams the blue cube representing his completed game onto the desk*

Done. Finally done.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think I made the best final boss I've ever made. It's made of 100% pure awesome. Seriously, if anyone doesn't like it, I will feed them a live kitten or something. :P

Ladies and gentlemen, this...Is THE END

And I made sure to submit it to the event as well.
I think only about 2 to 3 days actually went into the game part of the game, but there is something for me to submit when the event ends.
I've submitted Ruby Wolf

I decided to stop it at a demo and release for now. I don't want to rush to the end of the game. There's enough gameplay there though. I may or may not finish it properly later, depends on what people think of it.
Only four of us actually submitted? This was a worse turnout than Game Chill. I was thinking about doing a video playthrough of all the submissions, but was worried about there being too many. I guess not.


Did you forget to submit mita? I don't see it there.
Hm i Wonder if i can pul somethi goff here/

*slams the blue cube representing his completed game onto the desk*

Done. Finally done.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think I made the best final boss I've ever made. It's made of 100% pure awesome. Seriously, if anyone doesn't like it, I will feed them a live kitten or something. :P
I'm sorry,. that's just disturbing...