
Last year you made new games of horror and suspense. This year we're doing something different. Break out your ouija boards, people, and get prepared to tackle some ghosts!

It's time to raise the dead...

This is an event that will focus on breathing new life in to old games, to taking from the past and remaking the future.

The idea of the competition is to take an old game and rework it back into being. It can be a cancelled project, a project idea that didn't work out or something you lost in the past for whatever reason. You can build off the base of the old project or start something new using the ideas that you had. Revive, rework, restore, remake... it's up to you. As long as something of the original project remains then it counts.

Each entry will gain two badges - one for participation and one for the area in which they worked.

Those areas are:=
Revival - Taking parts of a dead project and bringing it back. Parts can include resources, ideas, systems and the like. Note that it doesn't have to be built off the remains of a game, but should have something of the old game in it. You can, however, use the old game as base if you want to. Needs to be a complete game, though.

Rebirth - Taking the ideas that you once had in an old game and reusing them to build a new game instead. This game shouldn't be the old game - it should be new, but use ideas and such that are old. Needs to be a complete game, though.

Reanimate - Taking an old project and building off it in the intent to finish. You do not need to complete the game - a new build or demo with sufficient additions will grant you this badge.

Readying - Taking part and trying, even if all you end up with are words on a page. This will be granted to people who take part in the comment section when certain questions and mini-challenges are thrown there.

At the end of the event the four judges will pick their favourite game each and award a special prize. There will also be a prize for the Most Valuable Participator.

Judges for this event are Nessiah, Unity, Gourd and Liberty.

+ You must start reworking your dead projects/ideas on the 1st of October and have until the 30th to finish. All are due on the 30th of October, 12 Midnight, EST.

+ Games must have all files included that have been used. If you don't know how to set it so that no RTP is required, just ask.

+ The main focus of your game must come from an old idea, lost or cancelled game or series of ideas/games.

+ The game must be complete at the deadline to count for a badge and MS. If it is not complete, you can still gain a participation badge by participating in the discussions and feedback in the comment section of this event.

+ You may have more than one team, more than one game. Teams of up to ten are allowed.

+ You may use any engine you wish.

+ When you add your complete game, please me know which category it falls under.

Any questions and queries, ask in the comments below.


  • 10/01/2014 12:00 AM
  • 10/31/2014 11:59 AM
  • 10



You must be logged in to sign up for Revive the Dead.

Teams Members Entry
Bubble Flower Pony Glitter Rainbow Friends
Glory Glory ManUTunger!
Team of One
Old Ideas Unite!
GRS, add me on XIV and mail me Grade 1 Clothcraft Prisms.
Legacy Reborn Revival?
Team Maximus
It's a crisis alright...
FilleCraft Gaming Productions
Bring dat beat back.
I Am Not Boxbot
N.T.S. "Not so original"
Space Opera in Space
Gourdy Judgy
Celdran's neverending Curse
Few Paths Forbidden
I _knew_ I should've just grinded WVR instead of trying to get back to work!
Every 'active' project of mine would qualify as a dead project
Let what's dead stay dead.
Slimey's gonna get work put in!
So You’re Telling Me That There’s A Chance
Let's Mak Gams
Gam Mak? When was the last time I did that?
So Not Gonna Sleep for the Month
GRS, don't add me on XIV and mail me Grade 1 Clothcraft Prisms.
Something. I don't know, but SOMETHING.
In Search of Dragons, the revenge
Holy Gam Mak, Batman!
Here goes nothing...
Ba-dum tish
egg party
Well, time to get the ol' shovel...
Jomarcenter games (this time going to release something)
Finally a halloween contest without the pesky halloween part!
A Hill Reborn
Game Cemetery
game on, nerds!!
conditions of descent
EH I can probably get the game page and screenshots up by the 30th
Gems Are Shining
Role-Playing Game Breaker 2101 AD
It's "Descendant" not "Decendant"
Monster Closets


I still look at README files!

Anyway, I didn't really make a title screen or cover art for my game, mainly because I like to leave that bit for last. But I did dicker around with the CSS in my game, some! Here's what it looked like before:

And after:

Mostly I just embiggened the text, but I also switched the colors around on the links. Now the color for the hover is yellow! It's "clever"!

Aaand what the hey, made an actual cover for this:
The TM is for Totally Magical.
...Now I know to name my readme files instructionmanual...
You're magical to me.
@pianotm: That font patch is the reason I make actual installers for RPG Maker 2000/2003 games in Inno Setup instead of just distributing the game disk. If you don't make your own installer though make sure you have a link to the font patch prominently on the top of your game page. Most people will just hit the DOWNLOAD button without checking to see if there are multiple downloads.

Sounds like this is what I'll want to do for my 2k game. Is there a tutorial or article on how to do this?
Guardian of the Description Thread
Hrm. Well, I guess I have an "old" title screen...

...but not a "new" one. I... could use the book background from VX Ace?
if squallbutts was a misao category i'd win every damn year
I actually have a doo-dad attempt at a CC remake, if I am honest, so I'll probably use that as a base. It's got a number of the systems already in place.

...I'm not going to be aiming for anything more than a demo, that said. Nor is it actually going to be called Cosplay Crisis :V

edit: and is mainly for proving the point that I'm way more awesome now
The TM is for Totally Magical.
RM2K actually has a font patch. You can find it here. I didn't detect any viruses and the site doesn't seem to have much else in downloads.
Kentona has the font files on HR's gameprofile, download them and put them in your Window's font folder. It shouldn't be affected by an absolute path or anything.
I don't see how since this seems to be the exact same thing, but it worked. Thank you GRS.

I am secretly a wizard.
Please, don't joke about something so serious. I couldn't take it if at the end of this there's no HR2. :<
You're magical to me.
This is the worst title screen ever:

You couldn't even tell that the book was a book in-game as most of it was covered by the New Game window. ^_^;;;

I don't have the new title screen ready yet.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
@pianotm: That font patch is the reason I make actual installers for RPG Maker 2000/2003 games in Inno Setup instead of just distributing the game disk. If you don't make your own installer though make sure you have a link to the font patch prominently on the top of your game page. Most people will just hit the DOWNLOAD button without checking to see if there are multiple downloads.
Sounds like this is what I'll want to do for my 2k game. Is there a tutorial or article on how to do this?

No, but if you use Inno Setup (which is free) feel free to copy and paste this script:

AppVerName=Vindication 2.5
OutputDir=E:\My Documents
OutputBaseFilename=Vindication Setup
SetupIconFile=C:\Program Files\RPG Maker 2003\Vindication\System\Vindicon_large.ico

Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"

Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked

Source: "C:\Program Files\RPG Maker 2003\Vindication\RPG_RT.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "C:\Program Files\RPG Maker 2003\Vindication\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "C:\Program Files\RPG Maker 2003\RM2000.fon"; DestDir: "{fonts}"; FontInstall: "RM2000 8"; Flags: fontisnttruetype uninsneveruninstall
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files

Name: "{group}\Vindication"; Filename: "{app}\RPG_RT.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\System\Vindicon_large.ico"
Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,Vindication}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; IconFilename: "{app}\System\Vindicon_large.ico"
Name: "{commondesktop}\Vindication"; Filename: "{app}\RPG_RT.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon; IconFilename: "{app}\System\Vindicon_large.ico"

Filename: "{app}\RPG_RT.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,Vindication}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent

  • Change the filenames to point to where the game files are on your hard drive, obviously.
  • Change your software name, software version, company name and website, obviously. Vindication v2.5 by B.U.R.G.E.R. is my particular game, it's not some innate part of Inno Setup.
  • You can see that the script is pulling the the RM2000.fon font from my game directory. That's because I manually put a copy of it in my game directory. It doesn't have to be there, it can be anywhere on your hard drive. Change that filename to wherever the font is on your computer. The installer actually copies it to the player's system fonts folder.
  • Make sure you generate a new App ID. Every app has a unique one.
  • If you don't have your own icon, you can just delete the entire section of the script, and also the line that defines the SetupIconFile. I use my main character's head as an icon.
  • When this script is run in Inno Setup, it creates the setup file and places it in your My Documents directory.

Mail me if you have any questions, rather than cluttering up this thread any more with this issue.
You're magical to me.
Mail me if you have any questions, rather than cluttering up this thread any more with this issue.

Thank you very much! I've still got a lot of work to do before I'm at this point, but this is really helpful and just what I needed! :DDDD
I know the sum up in seven words thing is over, BUT NAH I'M DOIN' IT ANYWAY IB

"Must stop empire and kiss whole party"

it's accurate, i promise
You're magical to me.
I know the sum up in seven words thing is over, BUT NAH I'M DOIN' IT ANYWAY IB

"Must stop empire and kiss whole party"

it's accurate, i promise

I know the sum up in seven words thing is over, BUT NAH I'M DOIN' IT ANYWAY IB

"Must stop empire and kiss whole party"

it's accurate, i promise

ALSO "ex-boyfriends bickering; much foe yay; HELLA GAY"

coming soon in the year of 2045
Guardian of the Description Thread
I was messing around with some lighting in a map earlier. Maybe not the most professional job, but, eh. Also, I think I just want to skip ahead to a small conversation followed up by the boss fight rather than... whatever I was trying to do before.

Wait. I'm doing stuff? Reality check...

Error loading program. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail.
I was messing around with some lighting in a map earlier. Maybe not the most professional job, but, eh. Also, I think I just want to skip ahead to a small conversation followed up by the boss fight rather than... whatever I was trying to do before.

Wait. I'm doing stuff? Reality check...

Error loading program. (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail.

Personally I am a big fan of giving up on aesthetic things if you're having too much trouble with it, because it is SUPER EASY to go back to it later. Better to have working events and gameplay that make sense than a Custom Fog System that works and no game, after all!
whoa we need to be accomplishing milestones already? I haven't chosen what game to revive yet.

Aether Pulse I guess:

"Try to not destroy the world, please."
Dungeon work! In the original game dungeons were:

1) Just a series of battles. The dungeon aspect was entirely abstracted out. You'd walk up to a dungeon and it'd tell you the number of fights needed to clear it and if a boss appeared at the end (there's only six bosses in the game)

2) Each fight only had to end to count it as 'cleared'. Win or run, either way works! (dying resulted in a game over, or now just a warp to the nearest town).

3) Once you clear a dungeon you get a set of rewards based on the dungeon. Clearing a dungeon didn't trigger a state change so you could repeat dungeons for rewards!

I don't know if I was totally oblivious to how these worked with each other or if I didn't have time to fix it. Needless to say I changed it so running from a battle ends the dungeon and completing a dungeon marked it as done so you can't get the reward again. Completing a dungeon also marks it as done on the minimap so the player knows which dungeons have been completed.

Relatedly is making the dungeons suck less! Each dungeon has a difficulty tier assigned to it that the player can see from the minimap. Each encounter for a dungeon would pull from a tiny grabbag of troops to use for each encounter which were just a mishmash of enemies that belong to that tier. It also only has six or seven bosses when there's about four times that number of dungeons. Sounds dreadfully boring, right? I'm doing some work on spicing this up: Dungeons will have more specialized troops that also change over the course of a dungeon. I'm going to add some new enemies too that appear in specific dungeons, mostly palette swaps as hard modes of their existing enemy. All basic stuff that if I wasn't awful at making games would've done in the first place.