
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Yikes! That sounds like Texas in July.
That's in Victoria too, which is in Australia's temperate zone, the outback gets over 50 C pretty regularly. In fact the worst of it isn't the temperature so much as the consistency, you can get anywhere from 3 to 10 days straight over 40 degrees in daytime and not dropping below 25 at night which drives people nuts.

That's what I thought. I mean, I figured it gets fairly hot during the summer, anyway, but when you think of Europe, you think of the pageantry of knights, of peasants trying to survive the Little Ice Age, and snow globe castles.

Actually when I think of Europe I think of home, since that's where I grew up, but yes more on the cool side of the temperature gauge. Though summers in Spain were very warm, but you were prepared for that. 38 degrees in London, no you didn't expect that.
It's weird I rarely picture Germany as hot. Cold yes, plenty of scenes of snow encrusted forests à la Grimm's tales, but the sort of heatwave Europe is currently experiencing is historically rare, right? I mean with climate change it's going to become more common, but at the moment it's not something you normal have to contend with, is it?

Well, it varies, really. The usual is 30 something +, 40 is the breaking point of it turning into a heat wave. I remember a couple of heatwaves when I was younger, going up to 45C. (I remember it well, I had an injury and couldn't go swimming, haha).
It happens every now and then, not every year is as bad, but it's always happened.
I'm not good with heat, so almost every summer gets tough at some point, haha.

And of course, winters are horribly cold depending on the winds. The -20C ones and such. They are rarer, though. (hard to remember the exact temperatures, I just feel cold)
I rarely see a snow paradise where I live either way. That's bavaria in all its glory.
I find the winters to be much more bearable than summers.

The area I live in is apparantly also a pretty tough area when it comes to strong low and high pressure areas .. so much they always sent troops here before they were sent out to other continents to get used to a rougher climate. *shrug*

It is much milder in the norther parts of Germany. With the maritime climate, they have at least 10 degrees off right now. So my sister can enjoy a decent temperature.
England is pretty well off, too, at least where an acquaintance of mine lives.

always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Yeah, the day is just starting and I already feel the heat. I'm expecting around 27°C or so. As humid as Ontario can be.
Alright, after making a run to the two nearby thrift stores today for some VHS hunting, I've finally reached a breaking point in my collection. With my current storage space I only have room for ONE more VHS tape.

The current count is:
266 movies on VHS (not including about 20 TV tapes that are stored elsewhere)
56 movies on DVD (one double from the tapes, I think. A Seagal film. Again, not counting TV DVDs)
Probably only 10-12 on Blu-Ray, I can't tell because most of my BR's are in Toronto.

I gotta make that last tape a good one. Gonna be hard to find a good movie that I don't already have though.
Anything above 25 °C is too hot. But maybe that's just because Britain is also very humid whenever it's hot. Either way;

Fuck. That. Shit.

pfft you temperate zone ppl.

if it is less than 25°C during the summer here, it is a cool day. 37+°C is hot.

And in the winter, -20°C is like the average temp. -30°C is cold. -40°C is really cold. -54°C is not unheard of.

The spring and fall are the best, when it can get over 20°C during the day and drop to -15°C at night.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
I gotta make that last tape a good one. Gonna be hard to find a good movie that I don't already have though.

Transfer them to digital and start again.
It's about 29 Celsius where I am. Supposed to hit 32 by the weekend.
I saw an infographic on how to do up your scarf depending on the temperature. It started at around 10°C (that's like tshirt weather! but whatev) and went down in about 4 degree increments, getting more elaborate with the scarf until it reached like -12°C. Then it stopped.

I was like, "well? What do I do when it is -20°C? -25°C? -30°C? -40°C? -50°C? -60°C with the windchill?"

at about 10°C is when I consider putting on a light jacket.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I just learned that the food "curry" is not just a plate of curry powder! It usually has meat and rice and stuff. No wonder other people don't hate it as much as I do.

In my defense, the one time I ate "curry" at a restaraunt, the person preparing the dish was apparently under the same wrong impression that he or she led me to be under. It was just a plate of slime, consisting of nothing but water (oil?) and curry powder with zero other ingredients, with the consistency of runny mashed potatoes.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Real curry dishes are excellent. The best are Thai and Indian (of course, in Indian dishes, it tastes like you just swallowed an entire crop of habenero peppers and in the case of Thai, it tastes like a nuclear reactor going into meltdown in your mouth). In both cases, there are a few non-spicy curry dishes that are simply wonderful. I have a particular liking for spinach cheese curry.
in the case of Thai, it tastes like a nuclear reactor going into meltdown in your mouth).

Bah! Not hot enough!
I would probably like curry if it didn't smell and taste and look disgusting.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Curry doesn't need to be hot, it's all in the selection of spices used. If you want a screaming hot tindaloo then go for it and up the chilli count or try a hot phall but you can also have the more traditional aromatic versions like Rogan Josh and Chicken Tikka Masala. It should also always be served with yoghurt and some form of bread, naan or roti or the like to 'cool' the mouth.

Curries when done right, and not just as an exercise to see who can eat the hottest thing are wonderful aromatic flavoursome dishes. Lockez, go find a little south east Asian restaurant and ask for Massaman or korma, they're mild and a good introduction to the mix of flavours.
Japanese curries are also fairly mild, with a little sweetness to them.

.. I'm still feeling shitty from yesterday. I even had a dream relating to it.
This ugly type of headache didn't go away, either. It is slightly better .. but it always starts out mild.
And I didn't manage to finish my breakfast. There's not even any friend of mine up yet to talk to. I feel like going back to bed and wishing away some time.

Today is gonna be a good day.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Because why wouldn't you want to play Slayer on a Banjo?

Am I weird for liking the Banjo cover more than the actual song?
The TM is for Totally Magical.
That's a mean banjo! Who picks of a banjo and thinks, "Hmm...I think I'll learn to play death metal on this"?

This video also reminds of the time when I was a little kid at the zoo and a giraffe took my mom's straw hat off the top of her head and ate it.
I have an RMN-member-inflicted headache.