
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33425411So PewDiePie made $7m last year by screaming at video games inarticulately. Discuss..?

It's old money at work. You've got to pay out the nose to become as big as he is right now.

Frankly, IDGAF. Maybe you care because you wanted to be a doctor and live fabulously? I mean, IDK.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Living the dream
There are far more worthy things to get worked up over. Like bubblewrap. Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to make popless bubblewrap
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
It's all right Ali, they are still producing the original as well. You can still get your fix.
I mean god, I think that Notch is a shitty game designer and Mojang is a lazy, crappy company- but I'd never say they don't deserve the money they have

at what threshold below being shitty/lazy/crappy does a company or individual become undeserving of the money earned

"My father told me this would happen."
I mean god, I think that Notch is a shitty game designer and Mojang is a lazy, crappy company- but I'd never say they don't deserve the money they have
at what threshold below being shitty/lazy/crappy does a company or individual become undeserving of the money earned

When the people themselves are unlikable. If they have charisma, then they get a pass. This is fact.

All it boils down to is whether you like the individuals in question and their output or not.
People choose to give them money for what they do, so if they want to pay them whatever much, then the people can receive it.

That's all there is to it.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Thankfully, I was never under the impression that I would make a lot of money by essentially mixing chemicals together for a living!

Walter White did..
Just saying.
I'll shut up now.
Even PDP admits that's all he does really. All he had to do was disable comments or look away from the screen to avoid any kind of negativity. Dude is living like a king.
Actually, he said - like most youtubers have said - that it's not all he does.
I thought this was pertinent to the youtuber talk (I just happened to find it today):
Hey Hannah! I've been thinking about this for a while now, but do you ever get nasty comments from people saying that your job is not a real job or something? If so, how do you deal with that?

Having worked ‘real jobs’ in the past, this is one of the hardest slogs to do - and I did event planning and conferences, which are both high stress levels and lots of activity in short spaces of time.

What people forget is the sheer amount of hard work you have to put in at a constant pace. It doesn’t stop throughout the year, quiet periods with no games are becoming less and less common - this may be a dream job to some, but it comes with a serious price; stress 24/7. It’s not all - pardon the pun - fun and games. That’s about 10% of the job.

At the end of the day, it’s your entire livelihood in your own hands versus a shared setup that most normal jobs would have - you might get some assistance, but mainly you’re on your own professionally and mentally. You don’t get sick leave, holidays are pretty much non-existent, you don’t get to switch off after 5pm and just drop whatever it was you were doing until the next day - and if you feel like crap there’s very little support structure to fall back onto. You have to be your own presenter, editor, PR, admin, accountant and a variety of other roles - and then you can get grief from people for not doing one of those in the way they think you should be doing it. And obviously, there’s also the accusations of selling out etc when in reality you’re just trying to put food on your table by taking one or two deals for games you would have played anyway.

So when a person tells me my job is easy or it’s not a real job, I laugh very hard. And then I weep in a corner, rocking back and forth, whilst I look at minutes of unedited footage.


I have a lot of respect for youtubers who put up videos more than once a week. Having done LPs and the like, it can be easy to let them fall by the way-side and keeping up a sustained effort, while also working the videos, editing them, making sure the production is a decent standard (and that's just a hobbyist version)... it's hard work. I can just imagine how much harder it would be doing it all the time, year after year, every day.
I'm thinking: How the hell do you go from "Tatsu Maki Senpuu Kyaku" to "Hapek pek duket" or whatever.... I guess we'll never know.

People choose to give them money for what they do, so if they want to pay them whatever much, then the people can receive it.

That's all there is to it.

let audience dissent and structured criticism take their course. it's the only form of regulation that culture has in the movement of money

'people do what they want to do and thats that' just sounds to me like 'lets stop thinking'

which is a great way to get your basest impulses exploited

e: i need more whitespace. whatever happened to margins
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
I really hope Hannah loves her job if she has to deal with stress 24/7...that's probably what gets her going, actually.

FTR, the alternative - a no stress, boring job - is not much better.
Oh, cry me a river. Nothing that's worth doing is easy.
