
This and I was wondering, I thought the reason why people don't want to move away from rm2k3 is the scripting?

I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
meh, it was just convenient, since I am familiar with it. I can't really defend my laziness!

but coincidentally I am (was? do i even make games anymore?) an rm2k3 user and I know C++. I should check out this SDK for kicks.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
kentona in "not making games" mode still makes more games than the average user.
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?

Sure, like when I'm writing a book and a new version of Word or whatever comes out, so I need to start over my book from scratch. That's just me being stubborn.
RM2K3 evolved into an experimental type of engine years ago. What people do with it now is just to 'wow' a person who thought something wasn't possible in 2k3. If somebody wanted to make a full game with it, it would have been done before the year 2007.

This plugin fits right in with that niche. Nothing wrong with that. :)
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
Sure, like when I'm writing a book and a new version of Word or whatever comes out, so I need to start over my book from scratch. That's just me being stubborn.

My point was that when you have game that you've been making for a while in 2k3, you have specific events and graphics catered to that engine. It's not possible to just copy and past it from 2k3 to vx or something.
This and I was wondering, I thought the reason why people don't want to move away from rm2k3 is the scripting?
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?

I've been talking to people why they won't switch over it's usually always (by order of why they won't)

b.) Already made a game in 2k3 like for 4 years or so now.
c.) The Resolution for Graphics are too big
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Haha, I'm sure a lot of people use RM2K3 just for the novelty or whatever. But for me the reason I didn't move away from RM2K3 for so long was that my game was already in RM2K3 and I didn't want to restart. No other reason. (The fact that I was slothfully working on the same shitty game for over seven years was really the root issue.) I finally finished it last year, but I wouldn't completely discount the possibilit that there are still other people still in that situation.
RM2K3 evolved into an experimental type of engine years ago. What people do with it now is just to 'wow' a person who thought something wasn't possible in 2k3. If somebody wanted to make a full game with it, it would have been done before the year 2007.

This plugin fits right in with that niche. Nothing wrong with that. :)
That's a good point.

Kind of like how some people still develop games/apps for the Commodore 64. (Shredz 64, anyone?)
RM2K3 evolved into an experimental type of engine years ago. What people do with it now is just to 'wow' a person who thought something wasn't possible in 2k3. If somebody wanted to make a full game with it, it would have been done before the year 2007.

This plugin fits right in with that niche. Nothing wrong with that. :)
That's a good point.

Kind of like how some people still develop games/apps for the Commodore 64. (Shredz 64, anyone?)

That said, using patches and the like kind of beats the point of that wouldn't it? You're hacking into the program than working around with its limits '3')v
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
Why then you don't use Unreal Engine? Ah right, it's because you like 2D. You're being stubborn right?
Or I thought the reason why people don't want to move away from RPG Maker is the... programming? Or maybe because they had to make a game engine from scratch? Isn't that being lazy?

EDIT 8 years later: WTF is wrong with me??
http://rpgrage.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/75-pro-2k3/The most recent comics are allllll about y'all.

So this came out, when? Yesterday? And someone already made a bunch of rage comics about it? :D
And for christ's sake! We already know the reasons why people don't switch between makers so easily. How many threads have there not been on the subject? Yes, part of it is 'laziness' (Why would the truth bother us?) but that's not the whole picture... I don't understand why some of you are so insistent about this. You don't see us (me) preaching for rm2k3, do you? Live and let live... =P
Damn you, double post! Damn you to hell!
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
Sure, like when I'm writing a book and a new version of Word or whatever comes out, so I need to start over my book from scratch. That's just me being stubborn.
My point was that when you have game that you've been making for a while in 2k3, you have specific events and graphics catered to that engine. It's not possible to just copy and past it from 2k3 to vx or something.

Exactly my point as well; Word 20XX will take documents from Word 95 just as easily (With minor issues), but RPGMaker XP/VX won't.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
Why u no use Java


This is pretty neat. May be a nice way to get my feet wet in C++. <3
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
Why then you don't use Unreal Engine? Ah right, it's because you like 2D. You're being stubborn right?
Or I thought the reason why people don't want to move away from RPG Maker is the... programming? Or maybe because they had to make a game engine from scratch? Isn't that being lazy?

Sorry I had to say something about this. 3d and 2d are two different art forms and therefore I have to say that DRAWING YOUR GAME ASSETS IN 2D FORM IS NOT BEING STUBBORN. Most 3d works still start as 2d form blrawrswarsfa -art semantics here-

And the second choice is time, hell go read Derek Yu's (one of the famous indie game developers out there) article about completing a game. Oh here you go, I googled it for you: http://makegames.tumblr.com/post/1136623767/finishing-a-game

Writing your idea down is not starting the damn game. Writing a design document is not starting the damn game. Assembling a team is not starting the damn game. Even doing graphics or music is not starting the damn game. It’s easy to confuse “preparing to start the damn game” with “starting the damn game”. Just remember: a damn game can be played, and if you have not created something that can be played, it’s not a damn game!

So dammit, even creating a game engine is not necessarily starting the damn game. Which brings me to the next tip…

don’t ever feel that game-making software or other simplified tools are somehow illegitimate. The important thing is the game.

Also there's an RPGMaker game before called Corpse Party, guess what platform it is now? Oh wait here's a hint, a Windows PC version, PSP AND going out for the iOS soon. It is one of the famous horror games out there.

And while we're at it, even though I'm a bit iffy on giving Sherman3D as an example, his portfolio should be good enough to show things I guess.

Also there's our very own hima and DE who started with rpgmaker.

really guys, really?!
I thought it was because they've been making their magnum opus with it for 10 years and are too stubborn to switch and start over?
Why then you don't use Unreal Engine? Ah right, it's because you like 2D. You're being stubborn right?
Or I thought the reason why people don't want to move away from RPG Maker is the... programming? Or maybe because they had to make a game engine from scratch? Isn't that being lazy?

I wasn't trying to piss anyone off by using the word "stubborn." Some of you guys have an unnecessarily short fuse. I personally like the screen resolution of RM2k3 games. It's easy to makes sprites and art for, and it's an engine I've been using for a while and understand fully, therefor, it wouldn't be worth it for me to switch my game over to a newer engine.

Back on topic... I definitely plan on taking a stab at plugin-making with my basic C++ knowledge. Not sure how far I'll get or what I'll make yet though!
Why then you don't use Unreal Engine? Ah right, it's because you like 2D. You're being stubborn right?

Yes, I love 2D, and prefer it over 3D... If that is what you are asking...
Why you are learning then to script in C++ if you don't want to learn any programming language then?
Orochii was trying to troll Pepsi for his retarded comment, is not like he uses a 3d engine or something. He still uses 2k3.
While I know his game is in rm2k3 and that he's also an artist (possibly), the comparisons are just lame orz.