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Game 1 - Sequal to FF8, explores how the first sorceress was made.
also implies a link between FF8 and both FF7&6.
needs junction system.

Game 2 - Direct sequal to Game 1. Fully links FF10-2 to FF7. Uses Materia system.
starts with an object sent to space from Esthar crashing on Spira.
explores the foundation of the Shinra Corp.

Game 3 - Direct sequal to Game 1. Fully links FF8 to FF6.
Uses Esper system from FF6.
explores the first War of the Magi.

I have full storyline for game 1 written.
Title is 'Final Fantasy VIII-2, the birth of Griever'
logo is the griever pendant.

I have a rough outline of Game 2 written.
Title is 'Final Fantasy X-3, Material Souls'
(Hint-in this story Materia is short for Material Soul)
logo is 5 materia arranged in a circle - 1 of each colour, and on either side of that, the white (holy) and black (doomsday) materia.

I have the basic premise for Game 3 written.
Title is 'Final Fantasy VIII-3, The War of The Magi'
logo is the a siluette of Ultimecia's castle.

I am a writer, but as far as game development goes, thats all I can do.
SO i need a full staff willing to produce the games to tell these stories.
three rules for staff members.
1)don't do sidequests that create plotholes
2) slight alterations to the battle system from FF8, FF7 and FF6 is OK, as long as the end result is still obviously heavilly based on the respective system.
3)make sure the story is told clearly, we don't want to confuse players.

other than that, anything goes. Entire development staff needed.
Any takers?
Sounds ambitious. I have a few questions:

-Did you also write a complete database of every character, stats, items, equipment, spells, enemies, locations, etc. ?

-Do you have any preferences for the engine (RM2k, 2k3, XP, VX, VXA...) and the non-battle gameplay systems?

-Do you have any graphics or audio resources ready to use?

-How long do you think developing these projects would take?

-Are you willing to make changes to your storylines if the need ever arises?

As potential developers I think we should get a glimpse at your storylines. We have to know if we'd enjoy working with these, and we also need to evaluate how well these storylines can be converted into games.
I don't know how to put this in a way that won't sound mean!! gomen!!

You are not going to get any takers for this and if you do they will not really be the types you can depend on. Building a team and listing yourself as only a writer will not generate the "rapport" you need to bring your dreams to the screen!

Please re-think what you want to do and first set some realistic goals for yourself.

ganbatte kudasai ^^
Everybody wants to be the idea man.
If you're serious about this, here's something I advised someone in your position to do a while ago.
If you want to take the short-cut route - and let me tell you, it's not much of a shortcut, but hey! it's freer than paying someone to work for you - try making smaller games, helping others out with their projects, doing some of the small community contests and learning what you can. You'll get your name out there and if people know you they'll feel better about helping you.

Of course this can backfire quite a bit if you don't have the better connection that getting to know others over a longer period will give you. Of course, just because you are close friends with others doesn't mean that you'll get a finished product out of all of your work. Some people don't like taking orders and like to be in charge, some may disappear for a time and others may just not care as much as you do about the project you're creating or create problems among the team. Sometime things just go wrong and you're left with a project that you can't finish because you don't know how to do whatever the other person was doing.

This is why it's important to cultivate your own skills.

Your skills are your selling point when it comes to creating a team, and the more skills you have (or more skilled you are in one area), the more likely it is that others will take you seriously enough to consider aiding you.

It's not just mapping, spriting or scripting, either. There's music and sound, the other graphical areas (like battlers, faces, resource management and menu design), story/plot/character development/script-writing and gameplay.

Of these the written areas are the least wanted, whilst the graphical and (in the case of XP and VX) script side of things are the most valued. Mapping and sound tend to fall between, depending on the game, though music can sometimes be just as sought after as graphics. This means that you'll find a lot of people who are willing to write the story for you, but not as many that will do the full soundtrack or create original graphics - especially when they have no reason to believe that you will actually release the game, as they don't know you or your track record.

The graphics and scripting/systems are the tangible things that people can see and are usually the first thing a person looks for when they check out a project. It's what gets people excited for a project and actually look at the story. Sometimes people will overlook this if they know the person who is making the game (for example, I would play anything made by Lysander, Kentona, Strangeluv, Legion, etc... because I know that I've enjoyed their previous games before and don't need to look at the graphics to know I'd probably find any others of theirs enjoyable.) Most of the time, though, if someone wants help they will show them something that will draw that person to the project.

It's not enough to say that the story is wild and the character designs are amazing. You have to show them that they want to be a part of the project. Usually this is done with a well-presented topic, filled with pictures of characters and areas, some sprite work and maps, a concise but well worded explanation of the story and characters, perhaps a few tunes or a small trailer so that people can get a taste of the game and decide whether or not they want to be a part of it. Of course, being know helps, but a lot of people will respond well to someone who seems to know what they are doing and what they need.

You need to sell your idea to the public, make connections, prove that you're dedicated to game making in general and your own game in particular and learn how to do things so that if something does fall through with one of your team, you can pick up the pieces so that the rest of the team doesn't just leave.

And I'm all over the place with this but hopefully you've learned a few things. :P
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Everybody wants to be the idea man.
Sounds ambitious. I have a few questions:

-Did you also write a complete database of every character, stats, items, equipment, spells, enemies, locations, etc. ?

-Do you have any preferences for the engine (RM2k, 2k3, XP, VX, VXA...) and the non-battle gameplay systems?

-Do you have any graphics or audio resources ready to use?

-How long do you think developing these projects would take?

-Are you willing to make changes to your storylines if the need ever arises?

As potential developers I think we should get a glimpse at your storylines. We have to know if we'd enjoy working with these, and we also need to evaluate how well these storylines can be converted into games.

yes for game1, no preference except G1 as the junction sys from FF8 would have a heavy impact on out of battle mechanics (Draw points, MagRF, CardMOD, Move-Find, Enc-Half/None, MedRF, GFpotion, PetHouse, Pet Pals Mag, BlueMag Items etc), probably 4years game1, maybe slighly less on the others IF time from being 'stuck' on G1 is used on 2&3, yes of course but hopefully only changes needed will be if someone points out a plothole i missed.

Also, everyone else who posted (Lita_LeCotta, Dyhalto, Liberty & LockeZ) good point. Do any of you know of any projects that would take on someone with 0exp?
Also, do you think I should post the full storyline as 'up for adoption' or wait until i can concievably make the game myself?
You could take part in an event - there should be one held in the next month, I think. Or just fire up the maker and mess around for a while, learning how to do different things.
Or look at recent blogs and see if anyone is asking for help. Playing games can also inspire and give you a feel of how to do things better.
Also, everyone else who posted (Lita_LeCotta, Dyhalto, Liberty & LockeZ) good point. Do any of you know of any projects that would take on someone with 0exp?

It all depends on what you do.
Game making may require artists, musicians, spriters, scripters, mappers, rippers, etc. Those are just off the top of my head. Find something you're good at and market it. It's really no different from real life and looking for a job.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
No one's gonna adopt your storyline, everyone has ideas of their own that they want to make. If you're not going to do it, hold onto it until you can.
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