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I'm sure this has happened to all of us before. You're playing a game and start a boss fight. The boss opens with Firagajagajada, so you immediately reload your save file so you can equip your fire resistance gear. Doing this is annoying, especially if it happens with every fight. While your locale can sometimes give hints to what types of monsters you'll be fighting, it isn't always applicable to everything the party can prepare for. For example, the player will know to equip ice resistant gear for the ice cave, but how will they know what status effects the monsters inflict?

The point is that the player has to prepare for fights they know nothing about, and when they do figure out what they need, it often means annoyingly reloading an earlier save file. How could this issue be resolved? Do you just flat-out tell the player what enemies they'll be fighting? Or do you just throw a Game Over screen at them for not properly preparing for the fight?

EDIT: This should be in Game Design & Theory, whoops.
That's amusing :3

Part of me likes getting a gameover, AS LONG as the boss doesn't seem impossible. I've had this issue in SSP where a
boss will easily wipe out my party unless I do X Y and Z on the first few turns. (I still love this game ^o^;)
I believe there are four good ways to make a hard boss or chain of bosses, without making them complete assholes.

1. In-combat bestiary, that somewhat explains the bosses' attack patterns, and weaknesses.

2. Give the boss breathing room, and make the beginning part of the fight somewhat easy. Don't allow the boss to use Firagajagajada until the player had enough time to setup decent defense buffs.

3. Fix the freakin' F12 button, and allow the player to skip before-boss cutscenes- FOR THE LOVE OF... X-P

4. After every hard boss, have an easy mode boss. This makes the player feel like a badass- which equates to more fun.

I love hard games, but I don't like the game throwing bosses that seem impossible on my first attempt. It's a little
too disheartening for your audience.
Especially if your game doesn't have a difficulty setting.
(kinda funny this pop up. I've been thinking about this a lot after beating SSP.)
My opinion is that the old paradigm of "Gear resistance" is too tiring, and overused. Why would you have to reload a game?

What if, for instance, your party/character is not exactly the killing machine or the huge pool of hitpoints tank, or the swift healer, but a balanced combination? Not someone who can dish massive amounts of damage while outhealing any damage done to him, but someone who can defend and attack, finding some sort of middle ground. There wouldn't be any need to reload/warn the player before hand.

Now, those concepts are actually difficult to convey/put down in a game. Look at WoW: It still has the Holy Trinity in MMO games (Tank, DPS, Healer). Look at GW2: For all their claims of doing away with the Holy Trinity, they replaced it with something similar (Support, Damage), that, while dynamic, still has that Tank-Nuke-Heal ring to it.
Developer, Starless Umbra / Heroes of Umbra
I usually reserve dungeon gimmicks and hints for some nearby villagers to explain. A lot of customization comes from choosing your own gear and abilities, but going in with a strategy beyond resistant gear is usually a must for boss fights.
Bosses should be designed to be able to be beaten without most optional equipment that makes life easier. Yes, fireproof armor makes fighting the dragon easier, but not having it still allows the player to win, but different strategies must be used (ex. the lack of flame protection means that more turns must be spent healing than attacking, so on). That reduces the 'roadblock' effect of not knowing what you have to equip beforehand. Although it is definitely possible to warn the player beforehand or give hints. Some games let you change equipment on the fly.

And if you die, you die. If people can't handle the concept of losing in a game I mean what else do you want the game to do suck your dick?

My opinion is that the old paradigm of "Gear resistance" is too tiring, and overused. Why would you have to reload a game?

What if, for instance, your party/character is not exactly the killing machine or the huge pool of hitpoints tank, or the swift healer, but a balanced combination? Not someone who can dish massive amounts of damage while outhealing any damage done to him, but someone who can defend and attack, finding some sort of middle ground. There wouldn't be any need to reload/warn the player before hand.

Now, those concepts are actually difficult to convey/put down in a game

They're difficult to put down in a game because they're awkward/boring/too simple. Those same tired concepts are done because generally they work. Not to say that innovation can't be tried, but with all innovation, its a dangerous game that might work or not work. Something isn't better just because it's new. Keep that in mind.
author=Feldschlacht IV
Bosses should be designed to be able to be beaten without most optional equipment that makes life easier. Yes, fireproof armor makes fighting the dragon easier, but not having it still allows the player to win, but different strategies must be used (ex. the lack of flame protection means that more turns must be spent healing than attacking, so on). That reduces the 'roadblock' effect of not knowing what you have to equip beforehand. Although it is definitely possible to warn the player beforehand or give hints. Some games let you change equipment on the fly.

And if you die, you die. If people can't handle the concept of losing in a game I mean what else do you want the game to do suck your dick?

My opinion is that the old paradigm of "Gear resistance" is too tiring, and overused. Why would you have to reload a game?

What if, for instance, your party/character is not exactly the killing machine or the huge pool of hitpoints tank, or the swift healer, but a balanced combination? Not someone who can dish massive amounts of damage while outhealing any damage done to him, but someone who can defend and attack, finding some sort of middle ground. There wouldn't be any need to reload/warn the player before hand.

Now, those concepts are actually difficult to convey/put down in a game

They're difficult to put down in a game because they're awkward/boring/too simple. Those same tired concepts are done because generally they work. Not to say that innovation can't be tried, but with all innovation, its a dangerous game that might work or not work. Something isn't better just because it's new. Keep that in mind.

New things are some times worse in some cases :P
Example some of the older rpg makers (2k example) have unlimited tile sets to use while something slightly newer such as Rpg maker VX has a max of 5 unless you do something overly complicated to use more.
So yup your right about newer not always being better.
Games are becoming more transparent about this. The trial-and-error approach isn't as prevalent as it used to be in modern commercial games.

For those that remain, the trial and error tactic is leftover from an era when commercial games had to create some obfuscation. This created a puzzle--albeit an indirect one--in which players had to use trial and error in order to figure out battle tactics. In the original Final Fantasy, one couldn't know that the EYE in the Ice Cave had some deadly attacks; deadly attacks were simply something to prepare for the next time around. Dying became an act of reconnaissance. There was no other way to do this back then, possibly due to hardware limitations, possibly due to that kind of RPG culture which was being forged.

To take the more modern approach, the player should be given some strong hints, in some form. If a boss uses fire, place a melted NPC before its chamber.
I don't think I've ever voluntarily reset a game because I had the wrong set-up for a battle. I tried my best to plow through, get a read on what the boss did just in case I'd need to redo it, then just try to beat the crap out of it.

Do you know how many times it took me to defeat Ozma or Emerald Weapon? A hell of a lot. Did I feel accomplished afterwards? Hell yes, I did. Why? Because I found my own way of dealing with them through trial and error and I freaking won.

Boss fights are the games way of telling you that the next part will be harder than the last. They're like end of year tests - you're about to go up a grade and they want to see if you remember what you learned so far as well as prepare you for harder times ahead. Nerfing them is just silly. Besides, there's nothing like a good challenge to keep the heart pumping~
I think you already answered the question yourself. Just don't do it every fight. Also, making the player learn something from getting a game over is good too. A great example of this is Soul Shepherd.

In Soul Shepherd, you can become the enemy, thus whatever you see the enemy's using, you can use it too once you defeat them. Hence, getting a game over mean not only you learn what the enemy does, but also what you will get from that enemy.

Also, while enemies are deadly in that game (the game is really really difficult), for random encounter, it's possible to survive without getting wipe out. There is also a save point before you enter a new area, warning you that you are about to enter an area where new enemies will appear, and might require different setup.
Why didn't the player equip the asbestos underwear? There's an opportunity cost in play with equipment to consider. Something else is in that equipment slot: What is it and why would the player put it there? There should be an intentional design that guides the player towards the asbestos undies. Like the OP said setting is one. Another way is the enemies you fight. The boss can have Fire*1000 but the Salamanders you fight early on only have Fire*10 and the Molten Golems you fight later have Fire*100. Over the course of the dungeon the player should, ideally, come to realize they have suboptimal equipment and replace those Radical Shades with the Asbestos Undies. It's similar to status effects but instead of Fire*x reduce the number of targets it hits or supplemental actions enemies can take. A Dream Eater can put you to sleep but his damaging attack does little for example but the boss won't be so kind. Effective use of palette swap enemies can do the same. The player may not know what a green hydra does the first time he fights one but learns the basis of how they act through experience. Then three dungeons later when red hydras show up the player can assume they'll act similar but expand on how their green family members act.

Give the player patterns. Brains looks for patterns all the damn time. Trust that the player will figure it out.

also let the player retry a battle they lost and give them menu access between attempts tia
Even newspapers have those nowadays.
Well, I prefer "Library approach". Basically every (or most) towns/cities have a library where you can read interesting things about game's world, including types of monster and what they can do to player. If player cares to read it, then he/she probably will know how to prepare. If they don't - well their loss.
also let the player retry a battle they lost and give them menu access between attempts tia

Pfft. My 'giving them a retry' is a save point/prompt before the battle. You lose, you try again. Simple, effective.

I'm sorry, I'm not nice. I'm sick of the newer games that let you try something over and over and over and not die just because 'dying is bad'. It's wimp behaviour. You die, you try again. They say they're trying to be more realistic but take out death as a consequence? Consequences of taking on that fifty-headed hydra unprepared is death. There are no second chances here, sunshine.

If Mario taught me anything it's that people will replay if the game is addicting enough, even if they end up dying and having to go back to the last 'saved' spot. Making things easier is just another way of saying 'not good enough to make people want to play over again'.

Re-playability. That's what it's all about. You don't want to make the game so hard that people can't pass, sure, but you don't want them to never pick it up again because there was no challenge. Show of hands. How many people have replayed games like Tetris, Mario, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 1-10? How many have replayed newer RPGs? Which ones, when you first played through, did you die on during bosses, without resetting or taking the wimps way out?
You lose, you try again. Simple, effective.

This is quite literally what my suggestion is. You lose, it goes "sorry bro wanna try again? Yes/No" and yes gives you a menu so you can reequip or change other stuff and then you fight what killed you again from scratch. It is effectively the same thing as going back to the title screen, selecting your save, loading your save, opening the menu, reprepare yourself, close the menu, walk into the boss trigger, rewatch some cutscene, and fighting the boss. Repetition of triggering the boss isn't fun or exciting. The obstacle is still there waiting to be overcome except with an option to retry and cutting the pointless intermediate steps. It isn't a case for pretending it affects difficulty (spoilers: it doesn't), it's a case of not wasting the player's time.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Bosses shouldn't surprise you TOO badly, because hopefully the normal battles that come before them should be preparing you for what the boss does. If the boss uses temporary invulnerability, area ice damage, and paralysis, there should almost certainly be a battle in the dungeon that uses temporary invulnerability, another battle that uses single-target ice damage, and another battle that paralyzes one of your characters (but doesn't have enough MP to do more than one). This will train the player to deal with these issues, in an environment where planning for them helps but isn't necessary. And then the boss will test the player by using all three at once, in a more deadly manner, so that if the player didn't gain the skills and knowledge he was supposed to, he will fail.

Now, if some of the normal battles are tough enough that you can't survive them without preparation, then hopefully there have been easier ones beforehand to prepare you, or at least other clues to prepare you. Like, hey, we're entering an active volcano, and this chest just contained the Flame Armor. Maybe I should wear my fire-resistant gear and spend my next 500 AP to learn my mage's fire-immune buff spell. (This is depending on the player to be genre-savvy. How good of an idea this is depends on your target playerbase.)
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