
If you haven't already, you should also switch to grid view. Makes finding things so much easier.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
I still need to figure out that new ping system. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M PLAYING ANYMORE RIOT!
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Having a signature is too mainstream. I'm not part of your system!
I've found that 2 adc on bot seems to work well at the lv 20~ level.

Also would like to address this. Typically this does not work higher than level 20. Reason being that ADC is typically a 'sleeper' position where they start out really weak but need proper itemization in late game to deal ridiculous damage. Two people competing over CS isn't ideal in a lane because they will hinder each other from reaching that late game. Also, I have seen an Ashe support work because of constant slows, big stun, and line of sight, but it's still not as effective as your typical support. As someone who loves to try and win troll lanes and break the meta, I can still admit that the current meta exists for it's consistent effectiveness :3

Oh realize the stupidity of this troll lane. I just find it fun because I play lots of LoL and SC2 so my micro is usually enough to compensate for the difference. Also this does work higher than level 20 level, but probably not at 30.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Reminds me of the time I went Fizz support because I was in a bad mood during ranked play. Me and the carry were wrecking the shit out of a Taric + Graves lane. I ended up stealing most of the kills, but it worked out in the end because I was killing them so much that both Graves and Taric fell behind in CS and experience compared to my carry, so he could kill both of them on his own.

Troll lanes can work sometimes.
I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered there was an RMN League community. My summoner name is PizzaTheFace, started playing with a group of IRL friends about three-four weeks ago. We meet up every Saturday for 5v5s, and play often during weeknights.

I just sent invites out to you guys, although I'm not sure if we'll ever play, since I don't really do very many 3v3s and usually only go on when I'm teaming with my friends. In any case, I play Nunu mainly, just started learning Hecarim. Very rarely I'll use Warwick or Vlad.
they keep changing the free heroes :< I don't know how any of these guys play. I miss being olaf :<
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Spend your IP on Olaf!
Didn't know other people on RMN played League!
I more muddle along than play....

Spend your IP on Olaf!
I am 2000 IP short. :< It's like they want me to spend money or something!
You could always look into cheaper characters that have a similar play-style to Olaf, and use one of those until you get enough IP for him. Some of the guys in my League group did that while they were starting off.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Indeed. There's always Tryndamere for cheap! He's probably the closest. I think Yi is cheap too, and he's like a more agility-based Olaf in terms of pure survival and killage.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Similar to olaf? I really can't think of anyone else who has a physical damage skillshot, deal massive true damage with the click of a button, and has crowd control negation effects.

Oh and Tryndamere is a terrible option. :[
One of the free-to-play ones this week sounded interesting. Sin-something. She rides a wolf/boar and has a magic flail. I think I will try her out.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
deal massive true damage with the click of a button

One of the free-to-play ones this week sounded interesting. Sin-something. She rides a wolf/boar and has a magic flail. I think I will try her out.

The boar-riding lady is Sejuani.
How the hell did we almost lose to a Intermediate Bots match? I thought you guys were pros.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
That was my first ever match as Kassadin, haha. I think Craze was... having his first time with Twitch?

also you will never stop having occasional bad matches
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
like second-time thresh