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Is there any way to draw on the screen directly? I'm trying to draw an overlay directly on the ground, so that it will be on top of the terrain but below the player and the events on the map. I tried using a Plane, and I can get it to draw what I want, but unfortunately no matter how high or low I set the Plane's Z value, it always draws above the player and the events. (This seems quite strange, since the documentation says the Plane class is for background images.)

So I'm probably doing something wrong. How do I do it right? Is there any way to draw an overlay directly over the map terrain?
Come to think of it, a list of the default Z values of the layers in the 640 x 480 RPG Maker games would be handy.

Have you tried something extreme, like z = -9999 ? I know that in XP, you can find the default values for Z somewhere in the basic engine scripts.
The order tends to go (from lowest to high):
Parallax, Tile A, Tile B = Events (depending on how they're tagged - stars/above hero are higher, x/same as hero is same and o/below hero is lower), Pictures 1-100.

There are scripts that allow you to place pictures at different z heights, though. I think there's a lighting script that allows it as well as a picture placement one.

This one seems to do what you're looking for. I'll try to find the one I used at one point, though, since I know for fact that it worked. But check that one out in the meantime.

EDIT: Found them. There were two. The first is ModernAlgebra's Fix Picture script - and the one I ended up using since I wasn't going for in-depth at the time. It does have an issue if you want to use looping maps, but it's easy to use and works.

The second is [b]Victor's Fog and Overlay script. I've heard that it works, too, but not used it myself.

Anyway, good luck and hope that helps some~
Thanks, Liberty, but all of those systems appear to be for drawing pictures loaded from disc. I'm trying to actually get a Bitmap object to draw on. I tried hacking Galv's Layer Graphics a little to make it work that way, but it doesn't appear to actually work at all. The "layer" function its documentation says should create a layer instead causes an error: no such function name.

Basically, I'm building a Geo Block system (as in Disgaea) and I need a way to programatically draw the blocks onto the terrain, and update them on the fly if someone breaks a symbol.
You could ask around in the RMW or RMRK forums too. That way you've got more bases covered. Sorry I can't help more. ^.^;
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