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How can I make a Menu that it only gets the Variable or Means to say Preview The variable that is stored into a Menu type without using the the Event Show Text to preview the variable Something like this \v

Don't replace Scene_Menu with this. This just updates/changes a few def, paste this above Main, below Materials.
I over complicated it at first and make it a window that displayed a list of variables. But then I came back here and saw the pic and just recreated it instead, not sure if that's exactly what you want.
As for text size you can jump down to lines 91-99 and edit that around if you have some scripting knowledge.

Few ways to change font:
make_font_bigger # makes it bigger by 8

make_font_smaller $ smaller by 8
contents.font.size = #any number you want

Make sure you reset the font settings after the text lines.
Can do so by putting

If you do change those, you may need to change the x, y, width and heights for the draw_text
draw_text(x, y, width, height, text, align)
align = 0, 1 or 2 (0 is left, 1 is center, 2 is right)

Not sure how well you know rgss so I gave some examples on how to edit it. If you still can't figure it out I can edit it for you.
So I'll just gonna paste it out to the script editor? and also about the \v6 this the Control variable | Operation (Add) | Operand Constant to (10) that I Used to gather the Score The only thing to show the Control Variable is to use this \v6 in the Event Commands using Message Show Text is just a Follow up if the code you gave me is correctly correspond to my request and thank you so much waiting for your reply
Hello Mate I've encounter a Problem if I am going to click now the score menu I need to double tap the ESC button ?? any clues for this
This should show the exact value that the variable is equal too, if that's what you mean. Oh I forgot to delete the super. Go to line 39, and it should say "super", just delete that out, and it should work if I understood the problem correct.
Thank you Mate can I ask again how can I add text for this mate ? Thank you
edit the refresh method in the class Window_Variables

# * Refresh
def refresh
var = Quasi::VARIABLE
var = $game_variables[var].to_s

tot = Quasi::TOTAL.to_s
self.draw_text(0,0,200,24, Quasi::MENU_TITLE)
self.draw_text(0,24,224,24, var + " Out of " + tot + " Points")

Looks like line 88-99

to put in text it's
self.draw_text(x,y,width,height, -text-, align)
-align can be left blank but its 0, 1, or 2 if you want to set an align
for text if you want to write your own make sure it's in like "example" or 'example2' if they don't have " it'll give an error. If the text is from a variable you can just name the variable like I did. I'm bad at explaining, so you may want to look up rgss3 tutorials.
Again you want to pay attention to the Y's, you have to change them your self
draw_text(0,0,200,24, "Line 1")
draw_text(0,32,200,24, "Line 2")

would put out 2 "lines" if the y were the same they would be ontop of eachother.
Hello mate there is one problem and I guess it is recommended to implement about the Scoring menu Is it possible for you or anybody to do this script. I would like to have this

And this one shows that It illuminates the Poor Category below the Rubrics (sorry for the Spelling I was in a hurry and also I over Deleted the FAIR)

T_T Hoping For this

Its More Likely like This algorithm

if score >=0 && score<=5
status = "POOR"
else if score>=6 && score <=10

But with the Color Text being change
Yeh it'll be pretty easy, and your algorithm is quite close to it :P, but since I don't have the script you edited, I'll make a snippet, and you can just add it into the refresh method. I'll edit this post with the results in a few mins.

Edited: Finished.
put inside refresh, and just replace the variables to the one you're using.
    var = $game_variables[1]
if var < 5
color = text_color(10)
color = normal_color
self.draw_text(0,48,200,24, "Poor")
There's different ways to get color. The one that one is using, grabs the 10th color in the Windowskin (those like 30? colors on the bottom right, starts from 0 and goes up )
If you want a more specific color you can use
color =,0,0)
# (red, blue, green, alpha)
alpha can be left blank, it defaults to 255
alpha changes the transparency, so (255,0,0,155) would be semi transparent

as long as you know the rbg numbers, that one would be better for getting the perfect color if its not in your windowskin colors.

the change color is above poor makes it red or normal. The one below, resets the color so anything written below it wont have the color change as well.

Some helpful info on text.
There's a few other features for text, there's:
contents.font = font name (I'm not sure if this one is correct)
contents.font.size = some #
contents.font.outline = true or false
contents.font.shadow = true or false
contents.font.bold = true or false
contents.font.italic = true or false
contents.font.out_color = a color using,b,g,a) or text_color(x)
contents.font.color = a color, pretty much same thing as change_color(x)
It seems that it is so confusing mate :(
can you make it the rest of it POOR FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT mate
Something like if the score is going up the Rubrics sub categories will Also change the color according to the Score and it will go up I mean not to change the color but it will just Indicate what level of understanding he is now
Not completely sure I understand you. Do you just want it to show 1 category and hide the rest? Or add colors to all of them?

Replace the whole Refresh method with this, or just copy the rubric part + change_color(normal) under that

# * Refresh
def refresh
var = Quasi::VARIABLE
var = $game_variables[var].to_s

tot = Quasi::TOTAL.to_s
self.draw_text(0,0,200,24, Quasi::MENU_TITLE)
self.draw_text(0,24,224,24, var + " Out of " + tot + " Points")

rubric = $game_variables[6]
if rubric >= 90
color =,255,0)
self.draw_text(0,48,200,24, "Excellent")
elsif rubric >= 70
color =,200,55)
self.draw_text(0,48,200,24, "Very Good")
elsif rubric >= 50
color = normal_color
self.draw_text(0,48,200,24, "Good")
color =,0,0)
self.draw_text(0,48,200,24, "Poor")
^ This one shows only 1 at a time + color changes. Not sure what math or variable you used for it though. This uses variable 6. If it's above 90 it shows excellent, if its between 70-89, shows very good, between 50-69, shows good, and below 50 is poor.
Bright green for excellent, green for very good, normal (white) for good, and red for poor.
If you didn't want it like this, and wanted to show them all but add colors. It'd be pretty much the same idea. But I want to pass this by before doing the other, since I don't know if the math is consistent with yours or if they all use different variables.
It is now Functioning mate I've change the variable to 18 but I doesn't show the rest of it it will only show One at a time
and also Mate Do you have an Idea or Script for this sort of a Quest Log
Yes as I stated "This one shows only 1 at a time + color changes". I'm not sure how you want it set up. If they're all checking on the same variable, they will all be the same color. So I need some extra information.
Information such as, all the variables that are being used or clearer detail / another edited image on how it should look.
Again if you want them all to display, but different colors that'd need multi variables, unless for example
score is below 30, so Poor should be red, and if poor is red, the rest are grey
or if
score is between 40-50, Good is shown white, and the rest are grey.
that way can be done with 1 variable.
You can do them all through one variable, it's just gonna take some complex logic to pull off - check the content of the variable right before each output; if it's in the right range, set the colour to what you want, if not, set it to the default colour, then repeat just before each text out...
Hello Guys I've figure It out guys Its kind of funny but I guess it works.. the concept I use is more likely Layering

Another request Guys is their Any Script For Quest Log or How can I Review My my Quest and also can anyone arrange my code for this I wan't to add another Variable I wan't to get how many wrong answer the students got something like this
reworked the refresh a bit. New method checks for color as long as its between 0-9 numbers of the set number. so poor would turn red if it's between 0-9 and fair would change color if it's between 10-19, ect.
also for draw text you didn't need to make a variable in module quasi, you could have just put "Excellent" inside the draw_text instead of Quasi::MENU_GAMEDS1
I like the module version better though, since you can edit it easily.

And there should be a couple of quest log scripts around, try looking through the scripts here or google rmvxa quest script, or something :P
It works Like A charm yepey :D
Can I ask for another help Guys I'll explain to you and also with graphical representation so here it is

I am building A game that is a E-learning game With analytical learning or Algebra so it is the same concept to pop up a certain question like this

But the Problem is it is so time consuming because what I did is this

I put 3 question in each NPC so means of that is half of the NPC in the game would have a 3 questions that is Randomize and all those 3 question that they have is it will never pop up to the another NPC and again it is randomize if you could see the Control Variables Above the question is almost 50 items If you could scroll above the Post you could clearly see that it has 50 Points overall my question and problem is Is there any way that I can Put all my question and Randomize it to all NPC in the Game or Designated NPC ?? PLEASE Help me For This Guys T_T but I am wondering If Common Event can Help This because putting a Question in the Game is A lot of Hard work because I need to put it every question in every NPC and a Concern I wan't that After Answering the question either Right Or wrong it would not gonna get back Means of that is the question would no longer be available to answer or the question that is being answered would be disregarded and another set of unanswered questions will be roll for randomization...

HELP ME GUYS FOR THIS if some concern about grammar or hard English please Let me know
I haven't messed with eventing in vxa yet, so I'm not completely sure how to help. One way I'm currently thinking to "simplify" it would be to make a database (common event or script) with all the questions inside. Scripting wise, they would be an array or hash. I'm old school scripter and I haven't learned how hash works yet lol so I'll explain with array. So it would look something like:
questions =
questions =

the true/false would check if that question was already asked, by default they would start on false, and after it gets asked it flips to true.
when making the event for the random, it would look through the list and ignore/skip any probably that is equal to true.
I'm not sure how you would replicate this in a common event though, since like I mention I haven't tried eventing much, but in my older days in xp I remember being able to set variables into arrays with a script call, so that may work.

But that's only for the database I'm not sure how the event would call into/type those in. I'd need to look at the event commands.
When it comes to scripting I am totally out of nowhere guys :'(
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