
^ Is underastimating the power of the food in front of a person

< Should get rid of the bad habit of logging in while having breakfast

v Agrees
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
^ Did not deny that said food could indeed be a sweet pastry

< does not agree, but could be persuaded

v is thinking about the weather.
^ Enjoyed the Twighlight movies.

< It's hopping that it rains.

v It's going to make a new status.
Got any Dexreth amulets?
^ Is prone to typos.

< Currently has no idea what to post a new status about.

v Is going to sarcastically compliment me.
^ Knows too much
< Must find a new hobby
v Watches the Price is Right
^ Has founded the one-hobby-policy

< the rice is right

v wants candy
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
^ has a good sense of humour

< read the first chapter of Twilight and gave the book away to someone I didn't like, never saw the movies...sorry I really just had to ensure that was known.

v Is tired, but soldiering on.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
^ Is definitely not a twilight fan in the closet.

< Three performances of the play today and three more tomorrow. But I will survive!

v Is having a fit over the dilemma whether to drink tea or coffee.
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.
^ Regularly drinks neither coffee nor tea, as far as I know.

< Has a ticket for that specific play, today.

v Had an amazing dream last night but doesn't remember it.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
^ Either has a ticket for that specific play, tomorrow, or didn't show...?

< Has an assignment lecture Mechanics to complete, but doesn't have any time for it due to a certain play. Also drinks coffee and tea regularly, and today even drank both at the same time, when a coffee machine was almost empty and he didn't feel like throwing away the little bit of coffee and just poured hot water on it and added a tea bag to it. Doesn't really remember why he did that, it was a pretty weird situation, really.

v Is an avid fan of Barney the Dinosaur.
I am now certain that you are not scum and are just town trying to play scum as hard as possible.

< Is still having a really hard time practicing Yiruma on the piano.

v Holds secrets from him/herself, and will never find out those things he/she did not want to know.
^ Is apparently posting from an urn. Or a fireplace. Or some other place with very peculiar ashes.

< Commands a great deal of respect.

v Has a strange and unusual affinity for gourmet dog food.
^ is actually zelda

< wants to try, but decides not to.
is also wondering if 'Luftwaffles' are edible. (no really, are they?)

v is half-couch, half-potato.
^ is chairless

< knows that it doesn't even mattress anymore

v can think up better puns
^ Overestimates my sense of humor

< Wondering what to put here

v Questioning my iintellagannce
^ Too stupid right now to read.

< Is relativity calm at times.

v Hits the panic button.
I would have more makerscore If I did things.
^ Gets an enormous sense of foreboding in his space-ship.

< Presses the panic button and gets flown into space.

v Absolutely adores owls.
^ Still needs to get rid of that apostrophe in owls.

< Owl take my tern and tweet that I'm ambivalent about owls. How fowl.

v Enjoys awful puns.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
^ Has an obsession with Owl's apostrophe.

< Practices magick daily.

V Might write a review about something.
^ Is magickally delicious
< Was actually going to review a game(maybe)
v Is watching you