
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Status edition, triple...:
oh shit oh shit they will come for me in the morning.
The most beautiful user on RMN!

Let's work on your Rules and Guidelines

My Account sound effects

mysteries of pointer variables

RMN's Sexy Demographics streaming service
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
New Hamster+ streaming service
Anyone knows how I imagined coming back to RMN....?

I'm musing about changing Your Game Dev Identity/Signature

Anyone knows how to make player be overly self-conscious or pretentious af?

Deleting every let's play I ever made, is just pretentious af?

Ya gotta ask nowadays: am I being just pretentious af?
The TM is for Totally Magical.
[RM2K3]Caterpiller Eventing My Music
New Hampster Eventing
Guardian of the Description Thread
New Hampster Ten years later
Caterpillar Eventing Ten years later
Ten years later: Smoother Transition?
RMN's Sexy Demographics Ten years later
I Am Somewhat Concerned I May Actually Be Ten years later
Super Simple Sexy Demographics

Thread-rules as written, they would be:
New Hampster [IG Maker] Ten years later
Caterpillar Eventing [IG Maker]Ten years later
[IG Maker]Ten years later: Smoother Transition?
RMN's Sexy Demographics [IG Maker] Ten years later
I Am Somewhat Concerned I May Actually Be [IG Maker] Ten years later
[RM VX Ace] Super Simple Sexy Demographics
Hey all! I have 2 podcasts coming up with just the standard RTP
Does anyone still like games with just the standard RTP? Shame!
Does anyone still like Brave Hero Yuusha's game title. Shame!
Hey I got Mirak Shame!
Does anyone still like games! Read this status for more info.
Hey I got Mirak composing a callout to Brave Hero Yuusha's game
this is a callout to Brave Hero Yuusha's game title. this is awesome!
Congrats, again, to everyone who beat the shit out of my self-esteem
2019 beat the shit out of my tuna fish
Humans Are tuna fish
Congrats, again, to Humans
beat the shit out of my self-esteem over the weekend. You guys rocked it!
I haven't added to this in a while. Here we go.

Post some old Internet Drama
#1 in Internet Drama
#1 in old shit
Does anyone remember INDIA?
What do you think was the best year/era for Internet Drama?
What do you think was the best year/era for old shit
you are stuck in Pointless Pokemon Glory
Gammak the RPG Maker Cola
Hello Everyone, I'm everyone.
What does it mean to English Games
In all fairness, bird shrapnel isn't as deadly as wood shrapnel
<_< >_> *fenixdown* First time trying this IIRC, here y'go...

Does anyone remember no emojis
The In-Game Avatar Rates All Emoji Ratings
the now infamous Frogge Rates All Frog Emojis
Post your favorite Floof
Critical Floof (now playing Quest Questers)
rating all Educational games?
2020 Survival 20XX
Steam Educational games? Scene
Good Day Everybody, It's Floof
RPG Maker Emoji Ratings
Notification: Rachel has expired
RPG Maker "Rocketman"
High Level SNEK EMOJIS.. Thoughts?
Frogge Rates All Silvagunner rips
Odd rates The Best/Worst Ironic or Meme Emojis.
Large Floof collision help?
The TM is for Totally Magical.
[RM2K3] weird bug where the game forces me to Be Addicted To RMN's Sexy Demographics
Next Event RMNMeet 2020
Next Event some old shit
Today I dreamt about becoming RMN's Sexy Demographics
[RM2K3] weird bug where the game forces PIXEL SNEK SIGN-UPS
RMN's Sexy Demographics RMNMeet 2020
I would like to return all cat face emojis :3
Thoughts on the state of RPGmaker and it's community? Normal Vs. Inverted
OBSCURE Thoughts on the state of RPGmaker and it's community
rating all Thoughts on the state of RPGmaker
STAT-19 Quarantine :3
the state of RPGmaker and it's community? Quarantine
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Is Trump even ok with the Coronavirus/COVID-19?
What to do if I HATE THE ADMINS
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Experienced Illustrator For Hire, Easy Going, HATE THE ADMINS
THE ADMINS even Human?
You guys ok with THE ADMINS
2020 is denied/pending
RMN's Sexy Demographics = Easy Going, Fast Results.
Is Trump an aspiring developer!
Sexy gaming diary
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Probably should have picked a different ADMINS
Guardian of the Description Thread
Obscure RM Games Request Topic denied/pending
We Are! Talking about index.html on disk
What to do if your game is Easy Going, Fast Results.

Status edition:
My nomination for best video game hero: would like some advise
i'm starting a new rpg and would like some End Game stuff tonight.
dracky should not have Cain
I must be Bear McBearface
dracky should not have RPG maker 2003

Combo edition:
My nomination for best video game hero: denied/pending
What to do if your game is RPG maker 2003
draky should not have Easy Going, Fast Results.
You guys ok with the New RPG Maker incoming?