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Hi there all! There's this idea that I've been wondering about for some time. So with Ace, it's pretty easy actually to change an actor graphic with an equip through a parallel process event.

@>Conditional Branch: [Actor] is [Weapon] Equipped
@>Change Actor Graphic: [Actor], '$Actor holding Weapon', 0, (None)
: Else
@>Change Actor Graphic: [Actor], '$Actor NOT holding Weapon', 0, (None)
: Branch End

Which is all fine and well, but generally this limits you to changing only one aspect of equipment (weapons or armor). Mainly because it would get to complex/ tedious with events to do additional changes. It'd be like a binomial amount of stuff like:

@>Conditional Branch: [Actor] is [Weapon] Equipped
@>Conditional Branch: [Actor] is [Armor] Equipped
@>Change Actor Graphic: [Actor], '$Actor holding Weapon and Armor', 0, (None)
: Else
@>Change Actor Graphic: [Actor], '$Actor holding just the Weapon 0, (None)
: Branch End
: Else
@>Change Actor Graphic: [Actor], '$Actor NOT holding Weapon', 0, (None)
: Branch End

Which can get disorganized and confusing very quickly. It seems this also carries on into scripts of this feature as well. However, after observation of that script, this script involving stacked events, and the way character generators work through different layers of spritesheets, I began to wonder if you can make visual equips possible by treating each equip slot as one of those layers.

I picture it working as follows:

- As the visual artist I can handle all the graphical stuff, and divide all the spritesheets as needed.
- For the sake of simplicity, I'd probably only need/ want 3 of these spritesheet "stacks", inlcuding the actor's base sprite at the bottom. Essentially it would be: Base Sprite Spritesheet> Torso Clothing / Armor Spritesheet > Headwear Spritesheet > Weapon Spritesheet, with the Z-pos of each being one above the last or something.
- I was thinking each of these "stacks" would be influenced by something like notetags, you would notetag the weapon/armor and the appropriate spritesheet would be called for that stack. On my end I can probably even just make blank spritesheets for when nothing is equipped in that slot. Closest thing I can compare how I'd like it is with the the way Galv's Animated Battlers uses notetags to call battler spritesheets. I picture it where you'd write something like <weapon sheet: $sword> and then the spritesheet '$sword' would be drawn on that layer.

- A stretch / dream goal would be if it could have a similar effect on battler sheets as well, but that might be an add-on or something entirely separate.


Anyway, that's the idea I had in mind. Feel free to share any thoughts on how plausible you'd think it'd be, if it would be difficult, or if it can be done through alternate means. I have no real scripting background as of yet, so I am unsure as to what it might take to accomplish this. Though if it can be done, I think such a simple visual element can do a lot to enhance player immersion and would give them more incentive to want new equipment.
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