
Video game characters, as Sailerius put it, lack agency - they are designed a certain way for a certain purpose - and therefore lack that intimacy. They're a poster on the wall for the viewer's pleasure. They are an empty shell that serves as a representation of what society strives for. Women feeling the need to walk around in their underwear everywhere they go just so that men can acknowledge them as women (or people, for that matter) isn't a culture we should aspire to.

Thank you for developing your thoughts here. This is a much more useful kind of comment in my opinion, and I can see where you're coming from.

Yes, many visual depictions can be solely motivated by rather lowly intents, and those can be considered sensible or inappropriate especially if they were to become the norm. Even I, as an artist, were paid to draw stuff that I don't always condone because I need the money and the customers.

I think that in the case of such a well-known and iconic character as Samus, it's just unfair to her legacy to direct our hate at the controversial versions of her, because we reduce her to her sex-appeal in our minds by doing so, blinding us from everything else that she is. At least, from my point of view.

Samus is much more than her actual tight suit and now very fake-looking boobs. She is a strong, smart, brave and compassionate woman we've been following for nearly 30 years now. We've watched this side of her personality grow and play out. And this sexy version still has all those qualities. You might think that they are overshadowed by her sex-appeal, but they're still there. I don't think it's a big deal that we now have this different take on the character as the current alternative.

The version of Samus you favor is still available in previous games. You can choose to ignore the newer versions. The best way to show your support for the original Samus is to spread the words about how she was, keep that version of her alive. Hating the alternative will only increase this sexy version's fame (or infamy). Just as encouraging real people to be strong and follow their beliefs and aspirations is much more helpful than fighting their misrepresentations in the media and advising women not to dress and act like sluts because men are equally stupid and just want to be titillated yada yada.
Positive behavior leads to positive results. Negative behavior spawns only harm.

Who knows if in 10 years we won't get yet another take on her, one that is less controversial and truer to the original design? We sure didn't see that zero suit coming when we first played Zero Mission.

RL girls are sexy.
And that is one aspect among many others that define them as women. It's okay and natural to find women sexy and desirable.
There's no shame in it. (And of course that is true of anyone regardless of your gender, ethnicity, orientation and stuff :) )

Are you saying that game girls look like RL girls?
Haha we can only hope that someday they will. We've been saying they're getting close for years now but there is still a LOT of work to do to achieve that.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
author=Your own source
After Samus uses her Final Smash, the Zero Laser, her Power Suit falls off, leaving her in only the Zero Suit. This form of Samus is quicker and more agile, but also weaker.

You know what the world needs? More vulnerable representations of women.
The world needs less over reacting, too. That change of stats would happen to a man. It's a hefty suit. What next? "Ban female white mages! It furthers the stereotype that woman are weak at physical combat."

but being sexy, much like sex itself, is supposed to be an intimate affair. You are sexy to your lover, but you shouldn't concern yourself with being sexy for the rest of the world.
This is an opinion, not a rule. I find it funny that you would call someone else's viewpoint warped, then follow it up with this.

As games get more realistic, some things will appear more sexualized. RL girls are sexy.

You've completely ignored my point. Please go back and read through what I said again. And frankly, to try and argue that sex isn't intimate is rather dumb.
I'm pretty much with Corfaisus here.
And just as a little side comment from one of the girls .. sure, I like being sexy. I don't like being intentionally sexy to every guy and everyone. Sexuality is more than dressing up. It includes playfulness among other things, which is something reserved for people you are interested in. That doesn't mean that you can't be sexy or desireable even when you don't try to, of course, but there is a clear difference. It also isn't the first or only thing you'd like to be identified as or recognized by.
Striking these very unnatural poses would clearly fall under the category "intentional".

I mean, c'mon, she's even arched her back when she's lying on the ground. Not natural. And not a safe position, either.

What we're going to do about it is another story, and Avee does have a valid point. Yet I don't think anyone here would choose to ignore the past portrayel of Samus and think all would be ruined. Or go on a hate storm of how modern times are the baaaad baddy. She hasn't lost her strength, but I still find it disappointing and would've loved her to stay portrayed as a strong character first and foremost.
We should voice that, at least.

You're magical to me.
I think that in the case of such a well-known and iconic character as Samus, it's just unfair to her legacy to direct our hate at the controversial versions of her, because we reduce her to her sex-appeal in our minds by doing so, blinding us from everything else that she is. At least, from my point of view.

Samus is much more than her actual tight suit and now very fake-looking boobs. She is a strong, smart, brave and compassionate woman we've been following for nearly 30 years now. We've watched this side of her personality grow and play out. And this sexy version still has all those qualities. You might think that they are overshadowed by her sex-appeal, but they're still there. I don't think it's a big deal that we now have this different take on the character as the current alternative.

While you have a point, do you know how rare it is to get a female character who's not created around sex-appeal? Now, it's been mentioned that Samus has always had an element of sex-appeal, given her bikini reveal at the end of the first game. But that's one moment, in a game full of her running around in her power suit, kicking ass.

I can see why you hate people hating on sexy females, and indeed some people like to dress and act that way, and there's nothing wrong with that. But your position seems flawed given how saturated the game-world already is with these sorts of characters. They are literally everywhere.

For females who don't want to be portrayed as having to be sexy to fit in, where are the characters for those of us who want strong females who don't feel the need to show off their bodies all the time? We have to really hunt for these characters, and it's rare and precious when we find one.

So, for those of us who, in past Super Smash games, had an awesome armor-clad bounty hunter who never went into sexy-mode that we could have fun with and could express our desire to be female and badass without being a total sex object, it's pretty disappointing to see that taken away.

If you're honestly saying that I shouldn't be mad at losing yet another character to the sexy side of gaming, if you're seriously saying that I should just accept that a character that I liked in full-armor now is in a skin-tight suit with stripper heels and inflated breasts, then I cannot disagree with you more.

You don't like people hating on sexy, and I get that. Some of us want to be both female and badass without constantly being sex objects, and your stance comes up very much as hating on us, and that's not cool.
While you have a point, do you know how rare it is to get a female character who's not created around sex-appeal? Now, it's been mentioned that Samus has always had an element of sex-appeal, given her bikini reveal at the end of the first game. But that's one moment, in a game full of her running around in her power suit, kicking ass.

.. I think in that case you also needed a special condition (under a time-limit I think?) to get this scene .. so it's not something the majority of players will have seen.
Guardian of the Description Thread
.. I think in that case you also needed a special condition (under a time-limit I think?) to get this scene .. so it's not something the majority of players will have seen.

Or input "JUSTIN BAILEY" as a password? My memory is a tad fuzzy on this.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Granted, I haven't played a Metroid game since the Prime trilogy. But my understanding of Samus as a character hasn't been "I'm a WOMAN! Look how much of a WOMAN I am!" But neither was it, "I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man" It was always, "I'm a woman. Deal with it." and left you to explore and shoot things.

And that's the way I liked it. Samus was there as a conduit for a player to explore the world. Her character was defined by YOU, the player. She felt what you felt: Excitement from surviving an encounter with a huge monster, wonder at exploring an unknown world, and even loneliness when standing in a barren wasteland. Samus didn't need any DEFINED character traits because each and every gamer defined her in their own unique way.

What 90% of Metroid fans can agree on with Samus, however, is that she is NOT a sex object. She was a practical person who didn't care about making a fashion statement. She was a bounty hunter, and dressed appropriately.

Avee, THIS is why the heels are so jarring to us. Not because they that look silly; There are plenty of female game characters that do that. Not because they're impractical; Most JRPGs not only accept that, but embrace it! But because they're so contradictory to Samus' character that you can't help but question why they were needed in the first place.


To give a different example:

Imagine this scenario if you would: I am redesigning Megaman X for the next game. I want him to appeal more to the S&M crowd, so I decided that he's now going to run around with a ball gag.

Let's all pause for a second to let that image sink in... Done? Good.

Anyone with half a functioning brain cell can tell you that the ball gag would be a monumentally STUPID idea. But the S&M crowd will love it! To them, Megaman X will look cool (Or sexy, depending on your point of view). But to the rest of us, it's so different from what kind of robot X is that we would hate it.

Now, my thoughts on the new Zero Suit design (to make an attempt to steer the topic back on track...)

My thoughts on the new Smash Bros Zero Suit:

The Zero Suit itself is fine, in my opinion. I mean, it looks exactly like what she would wear underneath her armor. I'd have a lot more of a problem if it was a revealing, colorful, Final Fantasy style outfit. I mean, who's gonna see that? Hell, the Zero Suit first showed up in Metroid: Zero Mission (hence the name) and it was worn only because Samus' ship was shot down and she had to survive on her own in the new epilogue.

Her new footwear, though, is stupid. High heels? Really? And they don't even look natural compared to the rest of her outfit. They just look tacked on (I'm no fashion designer, but even I think it's silly).

The good news is that Zero Suit Samus is now a whole new character. So everyone that didn't like that Samus' armor popped off in Brawl can now go back to the armor clad, ass kicking bounty hunter we all played as in Melee.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
I gotta laugh when people nitpick about a DESIGN choice that accents what is classically 'feminine'. High heels is not a choice you'd give a male character. If anything I think they are trying to exaggerate that she is a SHE. the power suit disguises this fact and makes her very manly, design wise.

On the other hand, I have to laugh at people being upset at heels when HER BREASTS ARE CUPPED IN THE SUIT DESIGN rather than a sport's bra approach.

Do they bounce when she jumps? Lol
Either gravity doesn't affect boobs here (as usual), in which case they will still jiggle like crazy, or the suit is so hard around the area that it's impossible for them to move anywhere.

Edit: Checking some vids, it appears to be the latter.

Yeah, the handling of boobs is a whole different story. She got a lift ... to accantuate how badass she is, obviously.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
I have no other complaints about the suit. If she were designed by an american comic artist, there'd be so much exposed flesh and a bikini top.
I have no other complaints about the suit. If she were designed by an american comic artist, there'd be so much exposed flesh and a bikini top.

"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
You can't take that outfit to an alien planet.

Let me just say that I love Samus (as much as any non-Metroid gamer can) because she's fucking awesome. Hell, she's cooler than Megaman, and I love that guy.

BR-R-R-R-AP! Suck on that, SpikyBelly McManTits!
And Kraid's all like "grugh"

EDIT: Oh fuck it.

always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
I have no other complaints about the suit. If she were designed by an american comic artist, there'd be so much exposed flesh and a bikini top.


OK, WTF. -tableflip.gif-
"It's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey...stuff."
I don't intrinsically have a problem with Zero Suit Samus' design either in Brawl or the new one, but logically she's a physical impossibility. Considering they've canonically pointed out that she wears the Zero Suit under the Power Suit, the angle to which her feet would be forced in the heels doesn't fit the available foot space in any representation of the Power Suit I've ever seen.

Of course, Samus is also capable of contorting herself into a perfect sphere so what do I know.
I would be more vulnerable and weaker if my powered spacesuit armor fell off.
So, for those of us who, in past Super Smash games, had an awesome armor-clad bounty hunter who never went into sexy-mode that we could have fun with and could express our desire to be female and badass without being a total sex object, it's pretty disappointing to see that taken away.

If you're honestly saying that I shouldn't be mad at losing yet another character to the sexy side of gaming, if you're seriously saying that I should just accept that a character that I liked in full-armor now is in a skin-tight suit with stripper heels and inflated breasts, then I cannot disagree with you more.

I haven't read through all the comments yet, but...

While I do agree the design choices are rather silly, are you saying that separating the "sex-object" aspects to an entirely separate character from the armor-clad design you've grown to cherish somehow takes that all away? That the mere option to choose the alternate design (where I do agree is kinda overkill) diminishes your willingness to play any form of Samus at all? Or do you feel that suited Samus should've been the only option? I wouldn't say I'm against you on this topic, but I do sorta fail to see how you've "lost" Samus, in fact I actually prefer that they separate them than force us to have to switch back and forth between final smashes. It's a binary choice now, rather than waiting awkwardly for a final smash to spawn so you can turn back. I'm not here to defend the Zero Suit design, but are you saying you're going to boycott the Suited version just because the Zero Suit exists in the first place?

(Though, to be fair, Other M still kinda sucks...)
Samus has no agency because Adam never authorized it
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
I'm pretty sure what unity meant was that the damage has already been done and Samus has been tainted by the male-gaze for whatever goddamn reason (it's not like she wasn't already globally respected by everyone across the board or anything) instead of remaining a symbol of what a strong, dignified female character looks like.

I mean, it'd be like if they brought Freya back from FF9 (warning: fanart is fucking awesome) and decided to have her running around the entire game in the get-up of the girl from X-blades and have her shamelessly flirting with everyone, despite her reserved character.

Is this what you want? Because that's the only logical conclusion.

"She kicks more ass than she shows... then again, she's only got one. hue hue hue hue @^@--;"
and your stance comes up very much as hating on us, and that's not cool.

And for that I apologize. I'm human, I tend to become emotionally reactive when it comes to certain subjects, but I wanted to take the opportunity of this thread to share my concerns.
I do like the direction this topic had taken since my last comment.

Imagine this scenario if you would: I am redesigning Megaman X for the next game. I want him to appeal more to the S&M crowd, so I decided that he's now going to run around with a ball gag.

That would be both hilarious and shocking, yes. I'd probably choose not to care about it and keep playing the older games.

What they did with the Valis franchise is one example that I have a hard time ignoring. The first 4 games are great to decent action platformers and while there always was a bit of risqué tension and art style (especially in Valis 2), I never saw it coming that the fifth official game in the series would be a tentacle rape hentai title. They drowned the series' legacy in distaste and shame and effectively killed the franchise.
So you could say that what may happen to Samus in the future could always be worse, and that the current zero suit design is not that shocking. It is highly unlikely considering that Nintendo mainly aims to be family-friendly, but you never know.
The reason people are upset about the heels is because of Other M's character assassination of Samus and the guy who CREATED Samus apparently saying that "this is how she was always supposed to be" (I lost the source ages ago, sorry. :( although I'm pretty sure he did say that).

Everyone looked to Samus in the old days as a champion among female characters. She didn't like taking orders, she was ruthlessly practical, able to handle difficult missions even when they scared her (see Metroid prime 2 and 3), and just all around super capable on her own, while also having a soft side (being unable to kill the metroid hatchling that imprinted Samus as its mother, having massive respect for a previous commander enough to name her computer commander after him.). Then Other M had Samus be shown as a sad emo girl with no emotions who felt "ecstatic" to take orders again, is too stupid to ASK Adam to authorize life-saving upgrades that have ZERO chance of damaging the station when they are needed, and who breaks down into tears unable to fight her main nemesis (whom she has canonically killed 4 times now) and needing to be saved by a man who appears to have a crush on her...AND THEN having the creator of the series go "Samus was always supposed to be like this!"

After seeing Samus so brutally mangled, and being basically told "look, she was ALWAYS supposed to be like this! The old Samus is a LIE you made up!" left a lot of gamers feeling betrayed and made EVERY change to Samus feel suspect.

If Other M had never happened, I'm sure the complaints about the Heels would have been left at "dude, what the hell, that's super impractical, why?" and the bikini top zero suit costume would have been left at "Dude! It's canonical! Look at Metroid 1 and Metroid Fusion! They show her like that! Yeah, it's cheescake, I guess...But still Canon!". There might have been a handful of people who woudl be upset, but most wouldn't have had a problem with it.

But after Other M...Fans of Samus are VERY trigger happy. They really don't trust Nintendo to handle her anymore.

I'm not that huge a fan of Samus (outside the Prime games), and I'm only marginally annoyed (mostly because it looks impractical as hell), although I REALLY see where everyone is coming from on the hate. And a close personal friend of mine REALLY got pissed at Other M. He doesn't really give much of a damn about the heels and costume ("Samus is Samus to me, no matter how badly Nintendo screws her up. Other M isn't Canon to me"), but he is still loath to trust Nintendo with characterizing her.