
So it seems like forever since I dedicated any real time to doing work on RMN's codebase. In fact, it has been about 1.5 years (about when I made the resolution to work on game development in earnest! You see how well that turned out...)

so like I said, it's been nearly 2 years since I've done anything significant, but Ankylo has been silently plugging away at new features and bug fixes. My backlog of promised feature improvements is longer than my list of unfinished games, so it is well past time to address them!

I am officially dubbing ankylo's efforts over the past two years (2013 to present) as RMN v4.5

This is based on my completely informal versioning system.

New work, starting this past weekend, will be v4.6, and be dubbed "The Backlog Project". The goal will be to deal with the backlog of feature improvements and requests from the past X many years.

The next version, RMN 5.0, will be considered the "Responsive Web Design revamp initiative", and will be a pipedream project dedicated to bringing up RMN to more modern web design standards and functionality. The exact components of this version is a bit nebulously defined, but that's okay because we haven't really thought or discussed it yet.

Anywho, the first step of the Backlog Project was to compile a list of the past requests. I have tabulated my first pass here: WARNING! LONG BARELY READABLE LIST.

FeatureCategoryWill we do this?Notes/Comments
Reviews for Demos/Episodic GamesReviewsUndecidedReviews and their scores are being applied to the gameprofile regardless of if the review is for a demo, the full game, on for only one of the episodes. Need to determine a good way to account for this fairly and accurately. Consider adding the ability to associate a review with a particular download, and also (optionally) discount reviews that predate the Completion Date on a gameprofile (if there exists reviews that are after the Completion Date)
Was this Review Helpful Y/N?ReviewsLikelyAdd a way for readers of reviews to flag a review as helpful or not. Must be logged in. Track votes. Consider generalizing this functionality to other submissions like articles, tutorials, resources, scripts, and even gameprofiles (except call it "Favorite" or "Recommended" instead of "Helpful")
Rate a game without writing a reviewReviewsUndecidedThere has been repeated calls for somehow rating a game without having to write a review. It has merit worth considering. This could be considered its own mini-project.
Review CategoriesReviewsUndecidedAdd in review category dropdown to to review submissions. social commentary & critique; mechanical/technical reviews; general opinion pieces
Reviews for denied/deleted gamesReviewsYeshave a way to read reviews independently of gameprofiles (and whether they've been hidden or denied)
Allow a Let's Play to be tagged as a Review, with a scoreReviewsUndecidedPeople who do lets play should be able to give a rating to a game (Why can't ... The video took just as much effort as writing the damn review.).
Prompt people who've downloaded a game to write a reviewReviewsUndecidedPrompt people who have downloaded a game to post their thoughts as a Review ""How many stars would you give 'The Travels of Marco Polo - Volume 1'?" - option to turn that off, too. REQUIRES that downloads be tracked for logged in users.
Ability to subscribe to many things (uses, engines, articles, ...)SubscriptionsYesGeneralize the subscription and notification system; Statuses, Scripts, Engines, Users, Articles
Ability to Push custom notifications to all usersSubscriptionsYesAn admin tool to push a notification with custom text and link to all users
Favorite topicsSubscriptionsUnlikelyFavorite topics (you can subscribe to topics now, maybe just a favorites list so you don't get the notices?)
Custom shortcut links bar in the user headerSubscriptionsUnlikelyAllow the user to add a current item to a "shortcut" list in their profile.
Resource spotlight on Dev PortalResourcesYesSpotlight a resource on the Dev Portal, like we do for other things
Add a Marketing section to the Development HighlightsSite/LayoutYesIn the fixed list of articles, add a section for things like CSS, Reviewing guidelines, etc...
A true Games PortalSite/LayoutUndecidedneed to determine what would be worthwhile on a Games portal that wouldn't already be worthwhile on the frontpage
Latest Blogs on the Community PageSite/LayoutYesshow latest 4 or 5 blogs on the Community portal, under Latest Posts and above Statuses
Expand functionality of PollsSite/LayoutLikelyAdd polls to the site and make it easy to insert a poll into anything (custom page, forum post, blog, frontpage, comments); also ability to edit polls
Ability to "merge" postsModeratorsUndecidedAdd the ability to "merge" posts / topics into other topics
Central area for reported postsModeratorsYesCreate a central area for post reports that allows for marking of completion and discussion among mods
"Un-warn" functionModeratorsLikelyun-warn a user or post
Deny/delete statuses functionalityModeratorsYesdeny/delete/edit statuses functionality for Mods
Add Changes Required as a 3rd option to Deny/AcceptSubmissionsUndecidedHow about a third button with a yellow color scheme: "On Hold" or "Changes Required" or something like that? I'm wondering if that will help bring back some of those games and drive home the point I'm trying to make with those types of denials.
Batch entries for achievementsAchievementsUndecidedAdding several users to an achievement at once
More achievements listed per page in Admin consoleAchievementsYesmake it 20 or 30
Edit Achievements defaults to the Recipients pageAchievementsLikelydefault to the recipients list when you click Edit
Automatic achievements for achieving milestonesAchievementsLikelyGiven out with the CRON jobs overnight (or maybe automatically on approval) for when a user achieves a milestone number of Reviews/Articles/Resources/Scripts/Media
Add new "Episode Complete" status to gamesGamesYesAdd new "Episode Complete" status to games
New Genres RevampGamesLikelyKentona has a list; may need to up tagging limits for game profiles
Indexed ImagesGamesUndecidedthe ability to tag and group images
More detailed stats for game profilesGamesUndecidedMore detailed stats for game profiles (downloads per day, views per day, etc)
Adding a spoiler tag option for game imagesGamesUndecidedAdding a spoiler tag option for game images
Last updated timestamp for imagesGamesUndecidedLast updated timestamp for images
The ability to pass the position of Lead Developer to someone elseGamesUndecidedThe ability to pass the position of Lead Developer to someone else
Progress bar for uploadsGamesUndecidedProgress bar for uploads
An option to download games right from the games listGamesUndecidedAn option to download games right from the games list
Options for customizing game pages without knowing CSSGamesUndecidedOptions for customizing game pages without knowing CSS
Toggle showing Gameprofile summary elementsGamesUndecidedthat is, choose which items (latest blog, media, review, images, etc...) are shown or not on the summary page of gameprofiles
Games like this panel on a game's pageGamesUndecidedshowing a list of other games with similar tags or on same playlists, etc...
Allow users (players) to tag gamesGamesUndecidedIdeally would wait until the new tags are added before considering this
Easier searching of tagsGamesUndecidedeasier searching of tags
Buy Now button for commercial gamesGamesLikelyWould need a new field for URL to location to buy; opens in new window
Linking gameprofiles in a seriesGamesUndecidedAbility to link separate gameprofiles that are part of a series
Add searching Game by title to Game ListGamesYesadd searching Game by title or partial title on Games list/Games portal
Game StatusesGamesUndecidedgame' statuses (checkbox on the current status system flagging it to be pertinent to games, show on Dev portal)
Search/Sort by Notable flagGamesLikelymake Notable a searchable term for games
@GameName taggingGamesUnlikelySends developers a notification that their game has been tagged in a post; would be tricky to do since game names aren't slugified
Length tag for gamesGamesUndecidedPerhaps a length tag for games, I think I'd just give subjective categories - Short: Roughly an hour or two. Moderate: An afternoon. Long: Multiple afternoons. Variable: Sandbox or procedural games.
Preview for submissions open in a new windowGamesUndecidedIs it possible to make the preview for submissions open in a new window
Set Gamepage min requirements to 400 charsGamesUndecidedPlease lessen gamepage requirements to 400 characters :(
Adding text alongside image uploadGamesLikelyWhen a user uploads images to games, allow them to fill out a description at the same time; also consider adding checkboxes for "Feedback" and "Main"
Latest Resources on Dev PortalResourcesYesJust a list on the frontpage; see if anything more elaborate can be done on the dev portal - actually, other dev items like Tuts aren't on frontpage - made a list for now
Associate Resources with one or more enginesResourcesYesexplore option of having an 'All' or 'Any' option
Add comments to playlistsPlaylistsLikelyComments!
Copy Playlist functionPlaylistsUndecidedAbility to copy another users playlists as your own
Show game status on playlistsPlaylistsUndecidedcan you add game status to the playlists?
Site Rules updateSite/LayoutYesGame Submission Rules: Sample Maps update + addendum; code of conduct updates; clarification of other rules as required
Topics you've posted in HistoryUsersUnlikelyPost History option to only show topics you've participated in
Hide ignored users from Post History and NoticesUsersYesHide ignored users from Post History and Notices; also Latest Posts
Sort your game page listUsersLikelyby A-Z, Z-A, Rating, subscriptions, etc; Cancelled games should be sorted to the bottom of a user's History when viewing their profile. Ideally, it should sort Completed, then Production, then Hiatus, then Cancelled; and then sub-sort by completion date if any.
User Profile Contact Information more sitesUsersLikelyDeviantArt? SoundCloud? Google+? Steam? tumblr?; rename MSN as Skype
Public full list of users pageSite/LayoutUndecidedSort by Makerscore
Show current status on user profileUsersLikelyShow current status on user profile
Submitted resources link on user profileUsersYesthere's no link on profile pages to people's resources, unlike with scripts and tutorials and the like.
Discussion feature of people's profilesUsersUnlikelyHow about adding a sort of Discussion feature to peoples' profiles?
Download History for usersUsersUndecidedUsers could have a 'download history' section in their profiles...and we could periodically send them mail asking them to review games they've downloaded.
Ability to have both Reviews and Media submitted to EventsEventsUndecidedAbility to have both Reviews and Media submitted for an event (possibly other combinations as well)
Add formatting widget to event page descriptionEventsYesAdd the formatting widget to the event page description box in event admin
Ability to say what was updated for Event Updated noticeEventsUndecidedAdd a section to event notices that allows you to attach a description. Basically, so I know what got updated. Maybe just a textbox that goes along with the notices?
@username taggingSubscriptionsLikely@username tagging notice for users in posts (or soemthing), also if this is done, adding @username to quotes; add setting "Receive Notices for Username Tagging" default to TRUE
A details page for RMN Store itemsStoreUndecidedProbably worthwhile to do, but is a low priority
Revamp store logosStoreYesSome of the logos for game engines are bad and inconsistent
Engine ManagerEnginesUndecidedBuild in functionality to assign someone as an Engine Manager so that they can update Engine pages and post bulletins for that engine.
Submit Multiple scripts per page/submissionScriptsUndecidedAllowing the submission of multiple scripts per page. This would help a lot with scripts that are segmented or have add-ons that not everyone will use or are add-ons dependent on other scripts like compatibility patches. ; this would require a division between a SCRIPT ARTICLE, and SCRIPTS, where an SCRIPT ARTICLE can have ONE TO MANY SCRIPTS; Naming the scripts "View Scripts code" button if the above suggestion is implemented. This would help a lot to differentiate the scripts by name. Button label to change to SCRIPT NAME
Allow for uploads for ScriptsScriptsUndecidedsometimes a demo project, or a zip of scripts or .rb files is easier to do!
Track view counts for all submissionsSubmissionsLikelyjust like gameprofiles, but for scripts, reviews, articles, blogs, images, statuses, etc
Associate tutorials with one or more enginesTutorialsYesJust like resources will be
beginner/intermediate/advanced categories for tutorialsTutorialsUndecidedfor sorting and searching, I suppose
The Hurt LockerLockerUndecided*Locker sorting after performing search/searching after sorting (ie -persistent search results and filtering?). *Locker thumbnail view compatible with search and sorting. *Locker Private button that works first time. *Locker "Upload as private" tick box option. *Locker display as many results on a single page as desired (10, 50, 100, all optionf for instance) * Mark many things in locker as private and update in one go (like deletion currently works) * Multi-selection uploading.
Counts next to submissions on your profileUsersUndecidedcounts next to submissions on your profile (games, articles, reviews, posts, topics, etc); would need to be recalculated every time - perhaps add them to the database under Users?
Allow uploads for TutorialsTutorialsUndecidedsometimes a demo project, or a zip is easier to show!
Automated emails to absent usersSite/LayoutUndecidedSend automated messages to users who have not updated their games in a while suggesting that they visit RMN and update their game
X people found this useful' systemSite/LayoutUndecidedX people found this useful' system for scripts, resources, articles/tutorials, and reviews? -> was this article/review/script etc good?
Full single page lists of RMN's submissions by submissionSite/LayoutUndecidedfull lists of articles, scripts, tutorials, utils, grouped by category (by engine??); like, a full listing of all scripts on a page, a full listing of all games on a page; etc.; very simple layout
Buzzing concept applied to forum topicsPostsUndecidedGet those hot topics!
Liking of postsPostsUndecidedMight be able to tie into the "Was this Review Helpful Y/N" system to accomplish this.
A 'Show More' javascriptSite/LayoutUndecidedto optionally hide large chunks of text; useful on gameprofile homepages for long blogs, for example.
Important header a dropdown with 5 things, customizable title.Site/LayoutUndecidedFor those times when we have a lot going on!
Get rid of dropdownsSite/LayoutUndecidedFor the Portal links, remove dropdowns and replace with sublinks on portals below main links; dropdowns aren't very mobile friendly; alternatively, make dropdowns mobile compatible
Make links more visible (brighter!)Site/LayoutYesThe blue used for links is too low contrast compared to the white background and black text;
extend the list of Latest PostsSite/LayoutYesMake the query grab more latest posts.
Makerscore value revampMakerscoreLikelyMakerscore value revamp for game profiles (more for a base game, smaller increments for average score value, bonus per review - ie: make the review score matter less in the amount of makerscore garnered); there is a post in the rmnBuilder forum about it
Add a submit button to Resources pageResourcesYesThere are submit buttons in every section except Resources though. What's the thought behind that?
Add a submit button to Status page (if it is your own page)UsersYesso hard to do on mobile!
Permanently Delete game from Manage GamesSubmissionsLikelysome people are really OCD
Manually flag PMs as ImportantMessagesUndecidedCan we mark certain PMs as important? also, filter or sort by that
Admin console page for ObjectPermissionsPermissionsUndecidedI swear there are still administrative functions that aren't available in the admin console, like ObjectPermissions
Clicking on Review Stars image will link to list of reviewsGamesLikelyJust seems intuitive

If I missed anything, please let me know. I think I missed some bugs in that v4.3 topic...

Any brand new requests will probably be relegated to the next version (either v5.0, or a intermediate v4.7 depending on how much headway ankylo and I make on the backlog).

Can search mail has plox? :3

This looks great though~
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Wow, that's a list and a half. I'm pretty much behind or don't have a compelling opinion on all the ones marked with yes and likely except for username tagging as I'm not sure what 'Receive Notices for Username Tagging' actually means. Most of the ones marked undecided I'm not particularly fussed about though there are a couple that I wouldn't necessarily want to see though I know some people do, and I'm with you on the unlikely's.

You're going to have your hands full.
The ability to customize your gamepage without knowing CSS would be awesome! XD

I hope that feature gets added!
Got any Dexreth amulets?
That is one huge list! I agree with nhubi that some of the ideas don't sound as great to me (especially those connected to tracking people's downloads/sending people unwanted(?) messages), but in general, many of those things would be great additions to the site.
You've got quite a lot ahead of you, it seems. Good luck!
So you might have noticed that there was a minor set of updates pushed out last evening.

As a bit of background, I am working on the code during my downtimes at work. I do not have access to our server admin from work (blocked!) or our code repo (blocked!) so what I am doing is copying the site's code and taking it to work, coding on it blind (moreorless) and then bringing it back home to promote it to our DEV machine en masse. So expect things to come in bunches. But anywho, that is why all of the first wave of updates were minor and almost trivial - I wanted to make sure that my process works.

Add a Marketing section to the Development Highlights
Latest Blogs on the Community Page
More achievements listed per page in Admin console
Latest Resources on Dev Portal
Submitted resources link on user profile
Add formatting widget to admin event page description
Make links more visible (brighter!)
extend the list of Latest Posts
Add a submit button to Resources page
Add a submit button to Status page

Let me know if the color for links is good enough.
These options look good, but I don't think people should be allowed to rate a game without a review, because then the creators will wonder what is so bad about their game, and what they need to work on if it is a low score without a review. Just voicing my opinion about that.
These options look good, but I don't think people should be allowed to rate a game without a review, because then the creators will wonder what is so bad about their game, and what they need to work on if it is a low score without a review. Just voicing my opinion about that.


If my own two cents are worth anything, I'd also request that the 'rate without leaving a review' feature be left out.

I've seen quite a few threats passed around on game pages where people threaten to spite another dev with a 1 star review. Having to write a review rather than just rating prevents a vindictive rating from getting through or being taken seriously.
Got any Dexreth amulets?
Nice work, kentona! I especially appreciate the inclusion of the Latest Blogs on the Community Portal, and the expanded Latest Posts.

Rose_Guardian and Elder71, I do agree with you about not being fond of the idea of Rating a game without reviewing it, but there was a long discussion on this Topic a while ago, and apparently many people wanted such a rating system. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but I also see no reason not to be confident it can and will be implemented in a way that does not make reviews obsolete at all.
So, my thoughts on the select areas:

Clicking on Review Stars image will link to list of reviews: Yes. That is the one thing I've been missing so far.

Add Changes Required as a 3rd option to Deny/Accept: Sounds like a good idea, too.

Automated emails to absent users: Only if it's opt-in/opt-out thing when creating the game page. From my experience over at the TVTropes and a few other sites, such automatic/depersonalised remainders can feel really annoying after a while.

Download History for users: Against the idea for similar reasons. Plus, there are probably more than a few games on here that people would rather not admit to downloading for whatever reason. In the long run, I think it will only hurt the download numbers.

Rate a game without writing a review: Against, because that's just no fun. The ability to vote on reviews as helpful/unhelpful should already give devs sufficient message if the 1.5 star review has 40 upvotes and 4 star review 7, for example.

Buy Now button for commercial games: Not a bad idea, but should we also provide links to Metacritic/professional reviews alongside it? On one hand, nearly all of the mainstream reviews on our work are mixed-to-negative for a range of reasons, and a lot of the current crop of commercial games won't have any reviews at all. On the other hand, people are going to be spending real money, so they deserve the option of outside opinion when it's available. Doing so might also encourage those buyers to write reviews of their own on here should they disagree with outside opinion.

Lastly, a 128-thousand CAD question: are any HTTPS changes officially moved back to version 5? This is something I've brought up on the PMs once, after reading this article. Basically, a lot of the websites are going to be disrupted once the Firefox users among us will see HTTP websites (i.e. 98% of them) as unsafe, and there's going to be a mad rush to upgrade to HTTPS. If we get a head-start, or complete the transition before the search engines force us to, it's going to provide a sizeable advantage to say the least.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Nice work, kentona! I especially appreciate the inclusion of the Latest Blogs on the Community Portal, and the expanded Latest Posts.

Rose_Guardian and Elder71, I do agree with you about not being fond of the idea of Rating a game without reviewing it, but there was a long discussion on this Topic a while ago, and apparently many people wanted such a rating system. I'm not sure it's a good idea, but I also see no reason not to be confident it can and will be implemented in a way that does not make reviews obsolete at all.

I haven't read the review, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but what about something similar to a like system? I do think it's a bit unfair that a star review with no text would carry the same weight as one with text, but not everyone has the time or energy to put out a bunch of words.

It could look something like: "X out of Y people liked this game."
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Oh the rating without a review one is the one I am most against. One of the reasons I like RMN so much is its review/star system because of the fact that you have to justify your score. If you want to give a game a good rating, you have to say something more than 'this game rocks, yo' and hit a 5/5 and if you want to bring it down 'this game sucks, yo' and a 1/5 isn't enough, nor should it ever be. It prevents popularity contests and spite fests. I've had arguments discussions with people on other forums about the way the review/star system works on RMN and having pointed out how it works it tends to turn them around in their opinion. Because up until it is pointed out to them they think it's a rate without thought and they can't see how it is any different or better, which given the effort that needs to be made on the part of the reviewers as well as the attitude of the community to insist on rational justification for a score, it is.

This community is pretty supportive, but we've had plenty of people through the years who haven't been, and many people who get offended easily and decide to cause a ruckus. Giving the option for people to simply rate a game they don't like because they don't like the dev, or one of the people involved in the game somehow annoyed them in an unrelated forum post or something of that nature is a bad idea.

I do remember in the discussions of this there, at the very least, had to be a way to see if the person voting had even downloaded the game, but I think that ended up being problematic, and I don't believe in that original discussion that there was an overwhelming consensus to change the system to one without a review, it was just an idea that was floated.

Edit: Oh and the link colour change is fine Kentona.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Here's another change you said you liked at one point, and then I'm not sure if you decided against it or just forgot about it: Make the "Latest Screenshots" section on the front page show a maximum of about 3 screenshots from the same game, since most people upload screenshots in batches and it's extremely common for that entire section to just show one game.
In reality for site feature that is broken on mobile (like the drop down you mentioned). You could just make a mobile friendly site and a regular PC site.

And also you should start making the "Linking gameprofiles in a series" Feature possible since there some games around that is part of the series now instead of making a separate page on the game page on the full list of games from one series.

And if you guys have plans to have download tracking feature into RMN I suggest to have a notification if the game you already downloaded has an update. (especially for people who didn't subscribe to a certain game)

Here's another change you said you liked at one point, and then I'm not sure if you decided against it or just forgot about it: Make the "Latest Screenshots" section on the front page show a maximum of about 3 screenshots from the same game, since most people upload screenshots in batches and it's extremely common for that entire section to just show one game.

Yeah it true most of the time I saw a image set for one game. Or maybe just make all the screenshot from one game into a album set. If the system detect 3 or more image in a game. so if a user click on the album it will show the photo that is uploaded simultaneously.
I could "just" make a mobile friendly site.

But anyway, the site RWD revamp is slated for never v5.0

I'll see what I can do about the Latest Screenshots.
Lastly, a 128-thousand CAD question: are any HTTPS changes officially moved back to version 5? This is something I've brought up on the PMs once, after reading this article. Basically, a lot of the websites are going to be disrupted once the Firefox users among us will see HTTP websites (i.e. 98% of them) as unsafe, and there's going to be a mad rush to upgrade to HTTPS. If we get a head-start, or complete the transition before the search engines force us to, it's going to provide a sizeable advantage to say the least.

This is what you are talking about:


FAQ here:


This isn't happening 'soon' by any means (unless a few years is 'soon' to you).

Also, Google starting doing the ranking change almost a year ago...


Also also, I have not done ANY sort of SEO for RMN. I just looked and 62% of our traffic comes from organic searches HOWEVER, 93% of those searches are (not provided) http://www.notprovidedcount.com/what-is-not-provided/ : when a search is made on a secure Google webpage and the result clicked, the search term would no longer be passed to the destination website. Instead, these visits would simply be grouped together in Google Analytics under the keyword "(not provided)".

In a nutshell, if someone is logged into google and does a search, Google Analytics hides the search term from the website's analytics page. Yay google.

here are the top 10 search terms leading to RMN last month, for those interested:

10. "april was a fool"
9. dreaming mary
8. rmn
7. pom gets wifi
6. (not set)
5. rpgmaker
4. rpg maker games
3. using gimp parallax mapping
2. rpg maker
1. (not provided)

Anywho, SEO was nothing something I was overly concerned with and it is still something I am not overly concerned with.

As for the SSL cert push - we can't afford to buy an SSL certificate and renew it every year. Plus, that whole initiative is a bit short-sighted and fraught with issues. I think that that plan at Mozilla gets scrapped before it is implemented.
Fortunately Lenovo understands our plight of not being able to afford properly signed certificates. If every computer in the world got Superfish installed on it we could pass our own self signed certificate as legitimate! Just check this out of how you can get Superfish to sign self signed certificates making them valid!
Hahaha that's awesome.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Comodo PositiveSSL resells for $9/yr from Namecheap. We can afford it, if the need absolutely arises...but I'm not sure that specific initiative from Mozilla actually goes anywhere. And if it does, it's still years away.