
I'm not sure about this but...
(Trig => Par Proc)
@> Script: $game_variables[1] = $game_map.encounter_step
@> Conditional: $game_variables[1] <= 1 ?
.. -> Disable Encounters
.. Else:
.. -> Enable Encounters
.. END
Guardian of the Description Thread
In your scenario, $game_variables[1] is always set to the value of $game_map.encounter_step. Since it's checking if $game_variables[1] is less than, or equal to, 1, it would follow that $game_map.encounter_step would have to be set to 1, or 0, or encounters will always be disabled.

*Edit: I think?
Well... I don't think there's an efficient way to actually test something like this, so I just assumed stuff. I assumed that $game_map.encounter_step increases by 1 with each step the player takes, and is reset to 0 after every encounter.

As for the condition, I don't see anything wrong with it. It checks if encounter_step is less than or equal to 1. If it is, it will disable encounters. Otherwise, it will enable them. (Or so I think it should be doing)

Come to think of it, you could do away with the variable assignment and use encounter_step as the condition directly. Like so:
@> Conditional: $game_map.encounter_step <= 1 ?
.. -> Disable Encounters
.. Else:
.. -> Enable Encounters
.. END
Guardian of the Description Thread
When I tested your original code, I set up a signboard with a Message Box of "\v[1]", and it always printed "30" upon examination, regardless of how many steps I've actually taken.

*Edit: I believe the process the game engine uses to determine the default encounter rate, at least in VX Ace's case, is in Game_Player.make_encounter_count.

def make_encounter_count
  n = $game_map.encounter_step
  @encounter_count = rand(n) + rand(n) + 1

Uhh... somethiiiing like this?
And then... somehow have an event run after encounters to reset the steps count?
Guardian of the Description Thread
Wouldn't both "Player Prev X" and "Player Prev Y" be 0 when those conditional branches are first evaluated? Unless those values are set elsewhere, such as with a teleport-processing event, or after a cutscene is done?

My solution must be so out-of-wack crazy.
Oops I forgot to add the Prev X and Y is initally set to the player's position on entry to the map.

Is it wrong?
Guardian of the Description Thread
Outside of being equally unsure when/where the number of steps would be reset, it would probably work!

Do... do you want see see my craptastrophe of a solution?
Guardian of the Description Thread
And honestly, if you're using eventing to do this in one of the RGSS makes then you're doing it wrong. Just change the scripting that dictates how random event occur; it will be a lot easier than having to add a customised parallel process to every single map in the game.

I'm totally doing it wrong, then.

The process I used in a VX game involved using a variable set to the number of steps players have taken, a variable with a random number based on the size of the map, and a variable that basically added them together to make encounter_steps (out of lack of a better term). After activating a switch, there was a parallel process that compared the player's current steps to the encounter_steps, and when current steps became greater than or equal to encounter_steps, a Common Event (based on the area in question) was called to determine what encounter was fought. After the encounter resolved, the switch turns off, re-activating the initial process.
I... figured that a script solution was not allowed, so I didn't go that way.
Oh, yes please, Marrend!

My next challenge:

You can send an actor through this event to gain +1 Strength.
Given that your 4-man party can be assembled from any combination of actors (let's say you have 30 actors and any 4 of them forms your party), how do you make this event reward the stat to the right actor?
~~ tilde ~~
@> Show Choices: \P[1], \P[2], \P[3], \P[4]
.. -> When \P[1]:
.. -> -> Control Variables: [0001] = 1
.. -> When \P[2]:
.. -> -> Control Variables: [0001] = 2
.. -> When \P[3]:
.. -> -> Control Variables: [0001] = 3
.. -> When \P[4]:
.. -> -> Control Variables: [0001] = 4
@> Change Param: Variable[0001], STR + 1
I think.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Oh, yes please, Marrend!

Need screenshots? 'kay.

First page

Second page
Yeaaaaa Karin got it!

I was super surprised to find out that you can add to a party member's stat via variable just through event commands.
Yay! I has challenge.

Anyone who went through any sort of programming class *must* have done this one way or another. While I'm not exactly sure how this will be applied to game making, it still is good practice to shake things up a bit. Here goes:

Print out the nth number in the Fibonacci Sequence

No scripts AND script calls allowed! (they make it too easy)

Explaining: The Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence of numbers where the next number is the sum of the two numbers that directly come before it. As reference, here's the first 8 numbers in the sequence: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)

Now, what I want is an event that takes input 'n' from the user, and prints out the nth number in the sequence. So if the player inputs 21 to the event, the game should display the 21st number in the sequence (which is 10946), and so on.

Edit: I did this with 5 variables. If you guys can come up with a solution that uses fewer variables (but still w/o scripts and script calls), then you may have some cake ;D
>Number entry for user (n)
>Set Variable A = n (n doesn't need to be saved in a variable, it can be taken from the input)
>Loop until A == 0
>If Variable B == 0
>>B = 1
>>Variable C = 0
>>B += C
>>C = B
>A -= 1
>Loop End
>Print B

That's three variables. Do I get cake?
@LightningLord2> Your implementation won't work properly. It returns the wrong result. Though it's getting there ;p

I redid my solution, and I ended up using 4 variables instead. So...