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Hey there! It's probably not a good look to ask for help before saying hello but I have a problem that bugged me in VX and has come back to bug me in MV.

In battle, when you're selecting an ally (to use a potion on or a spell) another window pops up and overwrites all the ones below.

Which is fine and dandy but I have NO idea what script it's in or how to find it within that script... I would like to start editing that piece of window code but have had no luck in pinpointing what it's called. If somebody knows where it is and could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated :)
Heya, I think you're looking for Window_BattleActor in rpg_windows.js

It's Window_BattleEnemy for enemies.
That's the one! Thanks for the help Khan, that was my biggest stumbling block so far ^^;.
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