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Guardian of the Description Thread
Last time we left our three intrepid heroes, they met in the Flame Champion Hideaway to meet with the fabled hero. However, something wasn't quite right, and the game finally reveals what's up. The Flame Champion is dead.

Wait, wait, what? All the tales Chris and Hugo have heard led them to believe that a bearer of a True Rune lives forever. That's partially true, of course. A bearer of a True Rune does not die... of old age. However, there are methods by which a bearer of a True Rune can still die. A lethal wound can probably do it, and, if the scene of Agares and Jowy in Suikoden 2 is any indication, ingesting poison might do a True Rune bearer in as well. However, neither of these things were ways in which Regor died.

Apparently, Regor used a Cyndarian (This spelling changes, like, every other game.) technique to bear the rune in his body, and was able to live a short time with Sana before passing away. Don't ask me how it's possible to bear a Rune inside one's body, I'm just relaying the message. Anyway, the True Fire Rune is currently sealed away, and Sana will open the way to whoever the successor of the Flame Champion is. Regor told her that Geddoe, Chris, and Hugo would come for this, but never specified who it was that would take on the mantle of Flame Champion.

Sana is totally not saying anything that suggests she's breaking the fourth wall here. If you believe that I've also got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.

The day has come at last. The day of choice which we have long delayed. Who, then, shall become the successor to the Flame Champion?

Actually, the choice was made before I even started, but let's talk about each choice a bit.

With Geddoe, he's was Regor's friend, and one of the heroes of 50 years past. Hell, he still bears the True Lightning Rune from that time! However, I've never felt that he would want to take on the True Fire Rune.

With Chris, her father was a friend to Regor, was a hero of 50 years past, and bore the True Water Rune. Now, one could possibly put forward the possibility that she would take on the True Fire Rune for Zexen. However, her adoration of her father above almost anything else makes me think that bearing the same Rune her father did would be the greatest of honors. Or something like that.

Hugo is something of an odd man out. He could be related to a hero of 50 years past, but, whoever that person was, that person was not a close friend of Regor. Funnily enough, considering the other two, and their relations to the other True Plot Runes of the game, this makes him the perfect choice to take up the mantle of Flame Champion.

However, we can't just claim the True Fire Rune. Hell no. We have to fight a boss first. I am not worried at all, as I've got a party of kick-ass protagonists. Hugo has a few doubts about being chosen as the successor to the Flame Champion, and as he does so, guess who crashes the party?

You know it's funny. When I decided to go all out with my Runes, Hugo doesn't get his spell off, and generally gets clobbered, but when I choose Auto, I'm more or less fine. Maybe it was just lousy RNG the first time around?

Anyway, we wake up in Chisha Village. Apparently, there's a contingent of all the major Grasslands Clans, as well as Harmonian mercenaries (Geddoe's party) and Zexen officials (Chris' party). It seems everybody knows, or at least recognizes, that the Green Bishop is responsible for everything, but, making everybody work together is still going to be tricky.

Sure enough, when we approach, they are arguing over the details of the death of the former Lizard Chief (which Chris was certainly not a party to), and the burning of Kayara (which Chris was a party to). Hugo makes this speech about how he wanted to avenge the death of Lulu, and how confused he was with Chris defending Chisha. However, he's started to think that Chris acted in Chisha with a desire to protect. It is this desire to protect that Regor had, and is now a part of him, and all that good stuff.

A Harmonian force approaches. There's no alliance between Zexen and Grasslands yet, so, it feels like everybody's going to do their own thing, and get wiped out just like the Green Bishop wanted. When I talk to Caesar, I notice an option to not get involved in this war battle. Interesting. Caesar largely suspects that Grasslanders and Zexens will be forced to retreat. He also suspects that they will retreat to Duck Village. Sounds like we've got a place to go, and I've a few people to feed Stat Stones to from Hugo's previous chapter.

When I go to the overworld map, I can't help but to notice the number of roads/locations missing. The only places I can go is the Flame Champions Hideaway, Alma Kinan, and Duck Village. Given that situation, I go to Duck Village to see how bad the battle I skipped was. Maybe it would be better if I went in person, but, eh.

We were supposed to prepare the village for the wounded, and we got there ahead of them for this purpose, but, they weren't too far behind. I didn't quite get a shot of Queen and Alia tending the wounded, but, it's in this sequence. Inside the inn, we get a little scene with Dupa, Lucia, and Salome not getting together, or coming to any kind of understanding. Great teamwork we've got going here.

We go up to the main entrance, and see a Zexen trooper reporting another Harmonian unit coming to Duck Village. That makes three separate units they've fielded against us. I'm not sure what Chris and the Zexens are thinking, but, the Kayara and Lizard Clans are going to fight. Chris doesn't think that attacking head on is going to work, but like they are going to listen to her?

Apple doesn't think this unit's a real unit. She thinks this one, is actually conjured by a magician. We might not know where this magician is, but, Alia's willing to feel her out with her skills. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Not so fast. There's a war battle to fight first. The victory condition is "Destroy enemy", but, I've a feeling it means "Rush Sarah's unit, and take her down." So, that's what I do.

Okay, my guys are falling way too fast for their own good. I take a more defensive position/strategy, still loose two units, and manage to hold out until Chris comes as reinforcements. At which point, Hugo and his company attack Sarah's guards, and can remove the illusionary units she's spawning. However, we still have to retreat, this time to Brass Castle.

We've essentially been routed twice with no signs of things getting any better. 10 potch says we peek into the room next to Chris' quarters and Dupa/Lucia will still be arguing with Salome/Chris.

Well, there were in that room, but were not arguing. Caesar doesn't think it's enough for Grasslands and Zexen to unite to face the Harmonians. They need to unite with tribes from the north and get everybody into one cohesive force.

Lucia sees two issues with this plan. One, Zexen will not take orders from a "barbarian", nor will Grasslanders take orders from an "ironhead". However, if we all get under the banner of the Flame Champion, maybe there's a chance they'd work together as one. There is one other issue, and that is of morale. Everyone just feels so helpless after seeing, and experiencing, the Harmonian armies.

There is a bit of dispersal for now, but, I'm still very much stuck in Brass Castle. I walk to the east side to talk to Sgt. Joe for a pep talk. Back inside, I get an event where Hugo makes a speech to rally the troops, and to unite everyone under the banner of the Flame Champion.

After that, Caesar and Apple approach me, and it's high-time for yet another war battle. Geeze, that's three already! Anyway, I rearrange the units a tad, but, I give the go-ahead. How much difference this battle is from the others when I have no generics in any of my units. Dupa's unit is probably the weakest, though, as only Shiba has been given his fill of Stat Stones.

The battle was won, and we celebrate the hard-won victory. We are joined by Mua, Hallec, then Lilly and her team. Lilly's still looking for the Flame Champion for the same reason as before, and hear that he's around here. Much to her surprise to learn who it is, though, it might take some convincing for her to understand that Hugo is the "new" Flame Champion, and not the guy she's been on the lookout for.

My party's current setup looks a hell of a lot like it did during Hugo's Chapter 3. Which makes a certain amount of sense, but there's one more thing I'd like to clear up before I can call it a day. The newly branded Fire Bringer need a headquarters. Brass Castle may serve Zexen, but is too distant from Grasslands. Neither the Lizard Clan's Great Hollow, nor the Duck Clan's Duck Village particularly work, as they are ill-suited for humans. Alma Kinan and Chisha are nowhere near anywhere, and their representatives aren't even here to discuss the issue. So, where in blazes can we find a place that's a centralized enough to both the Grasslands clans and Zexen that could serve as an headquarters?

How about Arual Castle?

Everyone agrees to gather at Arual Castle. Caesar allows us to set up a party, and the number of choices here is no longer limited to just the people that Hugo recruited during his chapters. So, I figure if I'm not Suiko-screwed, I very soon will be!
Guardian of the Description Thread
I spend some time going to Mt. Hei-Tou and the Mountain Path to fight treasure bosses. However, there's two characters I would like to, no, must recruit to make my life easier. Just my luck, they are not where they are supposed to be yet. Looks like we have to go to Arual Castle.

As a side-note, one might note that, before I played Thomas' chapters, I refereed to the then-called Budehuc Castle as Lake Castle. That's mostly because that's the name of the place on the overworld map, and I never payed to much attention to the spelling of Budehuc until I played Thomas' chapters. Now that we've reached Chapter 4, it's tagged as "Homeland", but, I'll keep calling it Arual Castle because that's what I named it!

Anyway, on to Arual Castle! There's a cut-scene there that empties my party. Hrm. Well, I put another one together, and do some weapons sharpening, armor purchasing, Stat Stones, and all that good stuffs.

I try to leave, only to find an event with Jefferson, and recruit him. So, I think we're Suiko-screwed now. This is usually when I list characters that can be recruited this chapter, but, I'm going to forgo that for a small bit. I go to the Mountain Path to pick up a Star, and get teleported back to Arual. I go right back, taking a small detour to Duck Village to pick up Rhett and Wilder in the process, but, I finally get both Vikis.

I tell ya, there's only one thing that can beat Viki, and that's two Vikis!

Granted that I've already recruited a bunch of people in this chapter already, but, here's the list of recruits I still need to find/recruit: Futch, Bright, Sharon, and Tuta. I happened across Futch earlier in the chapter, but I wasn't recruiting then.

Bright's still very much a whelp, but, Futch has certainly grown since Suikoden 2.

Tuta's in Chisha Village, and I had the idea of walking there via the Ancient Highway "shortcut" to level chibi-Viki, and Futch (they are both level 50+). However, the party notices Jimba going that route, so, I may have inadvertently advanced the plot. However, I can still use the Blinking Mirror and adult-Viki to get to Chisha Village, and come into the Ancient Highway from the opposite direction.

Sure enough, when I use the Blinking Mirror, I get an event with Cecile telling me that everybody's waiting for me in the plot-lock-down war room. Welp! Thankfully, I can still use adult-Viki to teleport me to Chisha and get Tuta, but, if the next event is waiting for me at Arual Castle, I might be able to use the Ancient Highway without issue. Still, I err on the side of caution, take a stop at Duck Village, and call it a day.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I travel the Ancient Highway, and do come across and event where the door the Green Bishop was trying to open in Hugo's Chapter 3 opens. However, I don't have to follow him and his group in right away, so, I should still be okay.

I visit each town to make sure I have the latest supplies in my shops, though I note that the Guild hall in Vinay Del Zexen is closed to Hugo because... I dunno, some dumb reason because it's the Zexen Council we're talking about here. Whatever. Maybe we can get in there later.

In any event, my shops should be up-to-date, and it's time to see what the hullabaloo is in the plot-lock-down room.

So, apparently, that door in the Ancient Highway leads to the True Water Rune, and we already saw it open up. They want me to go back there with my best men, and stop the Green Bishop and his gang from doing their thing. For the sake of irony, I setup my party as Hugo, Sgt. Joe, Fubar, Lilly, Reed, and Samus with Tuta on support.

I eventually find my way to the ritual space where Sarah acts as a barrier stop us from interfering. The Tinto unite and Hugo's Blazing Wall is enough to win the battle, but, of course, we're too late. The power of the True Water Rune goes haywire, and puts the entire area in a deep freeze. Sarah withdraws to find out what went wrong, and we're close on her heels!

We don't find Sarah, but we run into a boss instead.

We get a Flowing Rune as a prize, and it looks like Caesar, Apple, Chris, and Geddoe have arrived on the scene. We get a short scene with Sarah rejoining her allies, and we find the Green Bishop um-masked for a change. I've put it into a hide-tag for now, since this is pretty huge. However, if you don't care for spoilers, let me know!

We was too late. The Revered Nuke saw the light.

So, yeah, Luc's the guy that we've been after this entire time. He's been the keeper of the Tablet of Stars in both Suikoden and Suikoden 2, and only really worked for the allies in those game because Leknaat asks him to. This time, he's trying to take the True Runes of this area, and destroy them for god knows what reason.

Anyway, we find Jimba further in. He says something... interesting. The dialog splits the information between two textboxes, but, he clearly says that he's been trying to put the True Water Rune back into his right hand. Back into his right hand. Let me remind everyone that the last known bearer of the True Water Rune is Wyatt Lightfellow.

Chris puts the pieces together, and calls Jimba "father". Not soon after, he goes up in pyrefiles. I know, wrong game, but that's the best way to relay what happened to his body. Then, as if from father to daughter...

...Chris claims the True Water Rune. Geddoe comments about how the True Runes of old have re-awakened, and is cut off by Caesar about how it could be a portent for victory. He asks us to hustle back to Arual Castle, but, I find it more likely that he just wants to get out of the freezer. Thus, the chapter comes to a close.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Go directly to Chapter 5. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 potch. Not that one has too many choices in the matter.

The chapter opens as the party arrives at Arual Castle. I'm asked if I want to rest now or later. Well, I doubt I'm 100% unlocked right this second, but, I can delay the plot advancement for now.

Then again, I look at the list of recruits for this chapter: Franz, Iku, Ruby, Duke, Nicolas, Gau, Elaine and... well, let's just say that there's four others that are technically automatically recruited, but only if I've recruited everybody else, and only if only plot-related deaths (such as Yun and Jimba) have occurred.

The awkward/funny thing about the ones I've listed, though, is that they are all related to an event (maybe two) in Le Buque. So, what they hey. Let's go into this.

While Hugo sleeps, we see a cut-scene with Nash reporting to Sasarai about the Green Bishop. Who was present, despite some rule of the Temple that Nash is trying to enforce, but Green Bishop more concerned about acquiring the True Earth Rune Sasarai bears.

Next morning, I see Franz collapsed at the entrance to Arual Castle, mumbling something about seeking the Flame Champion. Let's take him to the plot-lock-down war room, shall we?

Well, we go get to the war room, but not with Franz in tow. He comes in later on to tell us that the Harmonians are using the citizens of Le Buque as hostages, with the claim that the are assisting the Fire Bringer.

An outright lie, of course, but, we are inclined to assist. Le Buque may have been under Harmonian rule, and there may have been an agreement between Grasslands and Harmonia, but, obviously, Harmonia isn't up to keeping their part of the deal anymore. However, our forces are still very much disorganized, and the Harmonians are hoping to use that against us.

As we cannot move our army, Geddoe comes forward and volunteers himself, and his unit to go to Le Buque. Alia tags along, as she sees herself as part of Geddoe's gang even if it's not 100% official.

Adult-Viki is out-of-commission, so, teleporting directly to Le Buque is out of the question. When we reach Le Buque, it's like a ghost town: nobody's around except for the innkeeper.

When we visit Iku's house, Franz goes on about his stay at Crystal Valley, and being called a "friend of Harmonia", despite how he never lost his love for Le Buque. Alia butts in, asking us to come with her.

We are shown to another Mantor rider. His wound isn't so bad, but, he tells us that everybody's at the alter of the Mantors of Mt. Senai. Joker smells a trap, but, Geddoe's okay with that. He wants to see for himself what the intentions of Green Bishop are.

We get to the temple in short order (not even one encounter), and Franz reunites with Iku in a touching scene.

...Is what I'd like to say, but, in reality, Green Bishop and Sarah are here, and put up a barrier between us and the citizens of Le Buque. Of course, we fight, and kick their butts. Green Bishop won't stop here, though. He uses the True Wind Rune, but, Geddoe's True Lightning Rune protects us. Sarah's still got a trick up her sleeves, though: The True Earth Rune. With the combined power of the True Earth Rune and the True Wind Rune, they forcefully take the True Lightning Rune from Geddoe, and suffice it to say, it's a rather painful process.

As if that wasn't enough, Green Bishop leaves us a little "present" for us to deal with before the citizens of Le Buque can escape. I think I get somewhere around three prompts to leave the villagers behind and let them fend for themselves. I can't do this for two reasons. One, and most importantly, Duke and his gang wouldn't be recruited, and any chance of getting the 108 Star bonus would go out the window. Two, the Fire Bringer would loose face, and it could be something of a Heroic Sacrifice to protect the villagers.

Now feel the power of Kobolds!

Though, mostly, it's because Duke's party saves my bacon with precise timing. At any rate, we've saved Le Buque and are treated as heroes when we return! Franz is feeling a little left out, though.

Anyway, the villagers gather 'round the party, and one guy comes up to us and is like, "Oh, I'm so glad you came! Even after 50 years of Harmonian rule, we never forgot about Grasslands" and all that rubbish. It shifts a bit two guys talking among themselves about being "bullied by that Harmonian brat", clearly referencing Franz. He's standing right there, and tries to stand up for himself, but, get pretty easily smacked down. They talk about tying him up, calling him a traitor, and the only thing Iku can do is block their path, trying to talk some sense into these idiots.

A guy apologizes profusely to Geddoe, but he just smacks him across the jaw...

...asking what they were doing all this time "waiting" for Grasslands to "liberate" them. He answers his own question with razor-sharp truth:

We leave Le Buque, half-disgusted, with Franz, Iku, and Ruby successfully recruited, fighting for Le Buque as they have always done.

Back at Arual Castle's war room, it seems there's some kind of hullabaloo regarding the Zexen Council again. Geeze, those guys have been a constant thorn in my side, even when I was playing as Chris. Anyway, Chris has to go to Brass Castle to clear it up. Or some such stupid bureaucratic nonsense. Salome, Borus, and Roland are locked into the party, with Percival and Leo being left behind, and are thus unavailable. Again, adult-Viki is out of commission, so we have to hoof it. Thankfully, Chris is on horseback again to make the journey a bit quicker.

I take a small detour to Vinay Del Zexay for the Guild Hall's goods. There's some seriously good equipment in this chapter, and I'm not sure if I can get access to that place as any other character. I then get to Brass Castle to see a little scene of Zexen Knights going to the other side of Brass Castle. No clue what's going on, but, that's a mystery for another time.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I move through the center of Brass Castle and find Yumi, asking a trooper for Lady Chris. Apparently, destructive forces (that's Alma Kinian for "Green Bishop and his gang") are after their shrine, and the Alma Kinan could use a bit of help.

Of course, Chris agrees. Yun sacrificed her life to protect that shrine, and it seals the True Water Rune she now bears. Roland and Salome stay behind for the purposes of dealing with the Guild, so I get two more slots to manipulate. I toss in Rhett and Wilder for a bit of irony.

Somewhere in Kaput Forest, Yumi pauses. She starts asking Chris questions, and it becomes apparent that she's actually Sarah in disguise. Pretty neat trick, actually.

We fend off her, and her summoned creatures. However, she still manages to strip Chris of her True Water Rune with the power of the True Earth Rune.

Geeze, I barely got to use the bloody thing! Er, anyway, we're back once again at Arual Castle. Sgt. Joe asks Hugo is he's willing to do some rounds around the castle. One never knows when Harmonia will strike! He agrees, saying that he hasn't much to do since Chris and Geddoe left.

I put a party together, and try to leave through the main gate. I didn't even try talking to adult-Viki to teleport me. Anyway, I see an event with Cecile, asking if we're doing some rounds. We answer the affirmative, and make a passing mention in regards to visiting nearby towns. She thinks that's a great idea, and notes that Iksay is the closest, but reminds us to be vigilant anyway.

Sounds like that's where my next event is, but, it also sounds like I can delay it a tad. I derp a little bit on the Yaza Plains to level my peeps, and turn back to Arual Castle. When I get there, there's a knight that doesn't look too well, saying something about a report. Hrm. I don't like it.

The message the knight brings is that the Harmonians have attacked Brass Castle! Caesar doesn't think it's possible for them to move that fast, to which Sgt. Joe suggests it could be Sarah. Apple doesn't think that's likely, though. She says that illusions can mystify, but not murder. Whatever the case, we should still help out Brass Castle. It'll take two days to mobilize the army, but, a decision is made to select a few fighters as an advance scout. Which is the game's way of saying to formulate a party with Hugo and Sgt. Joe locked in, and go to Brass Castle.

With his trusty steed (could have used one earlier!) Hugo travels to Brass Castle. Even as we enter, Sgt. Joe senses battle on the other side of the fort. When we get there, we meet with Salome and Roland, doing their best to hold off the attackers with what knights they have. Of course, we join the fray, and engage in three battles with generic Harmonian troops before Green Bishop and his entire gang show up. Of course, he forcefully takes Hugo's True Fire Rune.

Hugo's disturbingly fine, despite everything. He asks what Green Bishop wants with all five elemental True Runes. He answers that he will destroy one True Rune (my guess is the True Wind Rune) with the power of the other four. As one recalls, the Alma Kinan talked to Chris about the possible side effects for such a deed, but, Hugo's blissfully unaware. The Green Bishop, however, is all too willing to educate us, and Hugo just doesn't understand why he's going out to destroy a True Rune when doing so can probably wipe out Grasslands, Zexen, and Harmonia all in one go.

There's a bit more exchange here, but, Green Bishop leaves us, with a group of generic Harmonian troopers, Sarah, and Yuber standing against us. We can't handle so many, even if Yuber wasn't standing against us. However, Chris and a group of Alma Kinan archers have come back from Kaput Forest, and are ready to stand against the enemy force.

Yuber wasn't expecting to be surrounded, and thinks it's wise to retreat. Sarah has used too much of her energy, though, so it's up to Yuber to use their typical teleport-escape instead, leaving behind a throng of monsters (yeah, they were monsters all along), that disappear due to being channeled through Sarah's power, or some-such.

They want me to pursue Sarah and Green Bishop right now. There's one thing I want to check, though, so I delay the order for a bit. On an unsaved game, I use the Blinking Mirror to return to Arual Castle, then go to the Tablet of Destiny. Usually, the Tablet is in HQ, with somebody to talk to to access it. Not so much this game: it's a location on the overworld map that's in the same region as Arual and Iksay Village. It reads 102/108. That's exactly how many I should have at this point in the game, and only Yun and Jimba have died. Good. I'm still on track.

Anyway, war battle time! Our objective is to take out Yuber's unit without loosing Hugo's unit. I don't really see this as a problem, as most of my units are composed of guys that have been given Stat Stones. With the possible exception of Duke's unit. Though, there is the tiny complication of Yuber's unit to not be able to fall until Sasarai's unit hits the field, and promises not to attack us. Apparently, Harmonia has figured out that, while Green Bishop is collecting True Runes, he's not doing it for Harmonia, but for himself.

Back in Arual Castle, things are winding down a bit. Of course, there's a meeting in the war room involving Sasarai, and his forces officially joining that of the Fire Bringer. Huh. Who would have thought? Nash comes by to tell us where Green Bishop intends to perform the ritual where the True Wind Rune is to be destroyed. Now, we could deploy the army right away, but, there's a number of characters that I should now have access to that could use some Stat Stones, among other things.

You'll have to excuse me if I glaze over that last part since it's a huge doozy of a time-waster, and it also includes going out to the Ancient Highway (or wherever) to level up as well. I'm getting the distinct impression that the upcoming war battle is going to be pretty important, seeing as the Tablet is recording 104/108 Stars recruited. That's four stars left, and that's the four that, at this juncture in the game, don't join if people die that aren't supposed to via plot. So, the next session should just pick up when I'm ready for that war battle.
Every misdeed has its own punishment, and every good deed has its reward.
I don't know why, but that look on Chris's face scared me. >_>
Guardian of the Description Thread
With everything that I can think of said and done, the time has come at last to attack Green Bishop.

When I give the go-ahead, I fully expect to be taken directly to the war battle. I don't. However, there is a scene in the courtyard of Arual Castle where Lucia expresses her surprise at how far we've actually gotten. Not only are Zexen and Grasslands working together for a cause, but the Harmonians as well.

Also, Caesar has to make a short rallying speech to the men before we shove off. Lucia joins in saying her piece, as does Salome, Dupa, and, of course, Hugo.

The objective of this war battle is to defeat Yuber's unit. Of course, Sarah is here to spawn units, and generally make our lives miserable. She must have summoned somewhere around ten units before she had to withdraw. As For Green Bishop, he was in the battle for maybe three turns before he withdrew.

We reach the temple, the fighting still raging outside. There's four paths, each one probably leading to a True Rune, with Green Bishop at the center of it all with his True Wind Rune. We decide to split up into groups and follow each path. Hugo will lead one group, as will Chris, Geddoe, and Sasarai.

Geddoe's party goes first. It will consist of the party that we've been using with him pretty much literally the entire game: Geddoe, Alia, Ace, Joker, Queen and Jacques. Before we delve too much deeper, let's save here, and check that Tablet of Destiny.

I believe this calls for an...

Awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeaaaaaah!

Er, anyway, I re-load my save, then proceed with the game. Of course, by choosing those members for Geddoe's party, we get a special scene.

At the end of their tunnel is Yuber. It's a hard fought battle (Yuber is one evasive bastard, among other things), and Geddoe reclaims his True Lightning Rune.

Up next is Chris. Lucia and Dupa have a few words for the White Maiden. Have I said recently how much I loveChris' expressions in this game? Her reaction to Lucia's advice is pure gold.

As for the party make-up, I think there's only one choice to be had here: Chris, Salome, Borus, Percival, Leo, Roland, with Louis on support. By choosing this combination, a special scene ensues when we enter the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel is Sarah. Of course it's Sarah. Sarah kept spamming a board-wipe via Pale Gate or the heal-all spell on Water, plus Azadoneses using a board-wipe (that also silences my spellcasters) makes this a very close battle. However, we are victorious.

Next up is a short scene of Sarasai, Dios, Thomas, and Cecile. We don't even traverse a tunnel, it just jumps straight to the room where the True Earth Rune is housed. It looks empty, but, not for long! We don't see who's there, but, one can probably take a guess.

Next up is Hugo. His party consists of himself, Sgt. Joe, Fubar, Lucia, Mua, and Hallec. I'm not sure about those last two slots, but, there's supposed to be a special scene unlocked by bringing Sgt. Joe, and Fubar. From the combinations I've done, I'm just not seeing it, and I could have sworn Lucia was part of the scene. I dunno. I just remember Hugo talking with Sgt. Joe, and there being a short vision of Lulu in the cave with them for a brief period of time.

Anyway, mid-tunnel, we come across the True Fire Rune and Albert. We don't fight him, though, as he's a non-combatant. We get off super-easy with the True Fire Rune.

Well, this is it, guys. This is the final battle. I pair Hugo with Lucia, Chris with Yumi and Geddoe with Edge.

Of course, Green Bishop is there. He gives us a vision of Kayara Village. But, something's not right. There is no color to this world. No sound. No wind. Nothing. This is the future (or, as he says, "a" future) that the Green Bishop saw through the True Wind Rune, and this is the future he wishes to change by the destruction of his True Wind Rune.

Hugo thinks Green Bishop is mad, and will do what he can to stop him. Hell, maybe Green Bishop is mad, but, they are essentially fighting for the same thing: the ability for Man to shape their own destiny. It's just that they have wildly different ideas of how that can come to pass.

We take a moment to heal what wounds that were caused from previous battles, save, but, the battle is inevitable.

Yumi and Edge fall in the battle, but, we emerge victorious. The ruins have become unstable, however. We must flee! Green Bishop has much to answer for, but, if you excuse the irony, we leave him to his fate.

The game goes through various scenes of people escaping the collapse. First is Thomas and Cecile. Second is Fred and Rico. Third is Sasarai and Dios. Then we see Apple. Then it's back to Hugo and company. Then, then screen turns white.

It eventually fades to Arual Castle. We see Karayarns (Beecham, Lucia, Alia included) and Sgt. Joe in the courtyard. The preparations are being made to return to Kayara Village to rebuild. Looks like Chris wants a word with Lucia, and Alia's run off, probably to find Geddoe. Sgt. Joe has a little chat with Hugo, and Chris butts in a bit later. Hugo still can't forgive Chris for killing Lulu, and Chris is okay with that. Still, she extends a Zexen farewell (shaking hands), and he accepts. Hugo extends a Grasslands farewell...

...and Chris' response here is probably the most heartwarming thing since a while. There's a bit more talk, but, the screen fades to black, then we get the 108 Star of Destiny end-of-game role call, where the game tells us what each person did shortly after the end of the war.

Oh, sorry, did you think I was done? Hell no. I can't fault you for that, though. This is, normally, when these games end. This is not the case, because that's the 108 Star Bonus: a new perspective in the form of Green Bishop! However, that's for another day.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Green Bishop has a bit of intro where he talks to Leknaat. You know, in any other Suikoden game, Leknaat would have had, like, five appearances where she tells the main character to not give up, despite the hardships that the game's tossed that character's way. Not this game! This is the first time we've even seen her, and even she doesn't want Green Bishop to destroy the True Wind Rune!

She can't stop him, however. Her incomplete Blue Gate Rune is not enough.

Our first real "stop" on the Plot Train that is this chapter is the Great Hollow. Our objective here is to assassinate the Lizard Clan chief, Zupon. You may recall (or refer to) Geddoe's Chapter 1 on this point.

Thankfully, the game lets me take control of the party after a short scene at an entrance to the Great Hollow (ie: where Geddoe fought "Chris"). This lets me devise/confirm inventory codes for Green Bishop, so that Stat Stones can be conferred to the party.

We don't travel very far into the Great Hollow before Sarah casts a spell of illusion. The plan is that Yuber goes ahead to assassinate Zupon, and his pursuers will chase an illusion. Meanwhile, we retreat back to where we came where Sarah will use her magic to make the Lizards think they're fighting Zexens when it's really just Sarah and Green Bishop dealing out the pain.

Dargiaaz, the True Wind Rune lets Green Bishop perform The Shredding as a level 1 spell. I mean, Sarah's Flowing Rune and Rage Rune are no slouches either, but, the initial scouting party of four generic Lizard Warriors doesn't have a prayer.

The scene shifts to a recognizable scene from Geddoes' Chapter 1 where "Chris" and her "Zexen Knights" are standing before Shiba and Geddoe's group. Despite the fact that I win this fight, the game still sequences as if Geddoe won, because, uh, that's what happened during this sequence. Consistency!

The game jumps ahead to the burning of Kayara Village. The party consists of Green Bishop and Yuber, and we're looking for Sarah. While we're talking calmly among ourselves (or, such is what I imagine), Kayaran fighters close in and engage us, thinking we're Zexens. Sure. Let them think that.

The are beaten to a pulp. Green Bishop orders Albert and Yuber to return to "the site". Which I largely assume to be the Ancient Highway. He looks about town, and while he does so, an arrow flies by. He seeks it's source to find a man defending a child. I don't feel any need to kill either of them, so, I just scare them away.

My three allies return. Sarah apologizes, but casts some spell anyway. The game doesn't tell me what she's doing right now, but, Albert thinks the Zexens will come to this village based on what he knows of Salome. Sure enough, Yuber sees some Zexens coming this way, and we have to deal with them.

After we do, Sarah's spell is complete. She has erected a force field of hatred. The spell reacts on human emotion, and relies heavily on the conditions of the area. I'm not 100% sure if I understand what this means, but, I think the idea is for this spell to generate hatred/anger to whoever steps into the area, and generally be another factor for Zexen and Grasslands to be at war.

There is one question that comes to mind, though. Why is Kayara Village burning if Solome hasn't gotten here yet? Was that Green Bishop's doing, then? What would the purpose of Salome burning the village be if it was already on fire? I dunno. Maybe I'm thinking too much for my own good.

Oh well. On to the Ancient Highway. This relates to the scene in Hugo's Chapter 2. However, we do not get into the fight with Hugo and company, despite the game sequence suggesting as such. The game skips the fight, and goes directly do Yuber's escape.

Next stop, Crystal Valley's Circle Palace. Here, Green Bishop is anointed bishop. Oh. I thought he was already a bishop. Uh, let's just keep going with "Green Bishop" to avoid spoilers, though it might be inevitable later on when he gets de-masked!

Next stop, Le Buque. This aligns with the events of Geddoe's Chapter 2. There's a small bout of free-roaming here, so, let's take some time to mess with equipment and items. Runes... not so much. We're pretty good there.

I approach the town entrance and meet with Geddoe's party. When I return to Le Buque, Green Bishop claims to be tired from the journey from Crystal Valley. He leaves Sarah alone to talk to the mantor trainers, probably so we can fly into Mt. Senai. She finds Franz quickly enough, and he asks if there was any way for it to be possible for Le Buque to be second-class citizens.

Sarah, of course, refuses to promise anything, but will relay his wishes to Green Bishop. We do see the entire conversation between Sarah and Green Bishop, but, it makes even less sense. All I can gather is that he's talking about the future as "remembered" by the True Wind Rune, and the fact that his attempts to change that future could lead to a whole lot of people dying, including himself.

Next up, Alma Kinan. This aligns with the events of Chris' Chapter 3. Once again, the events entirely skip over the battle against Chris and company, and move straight to the aftermath.

Next stop, Caleria. There's a tad of free-roaming here, so, we can use the trainer, maybe check out the armor, and definitely check out the blacksmith, who's using a level 16 hammer. Being a bishop has it's perks!

Funnily enough, Albert's where I started this affair: up the stairs in the inn. Albert's heard a rumor of a boy in Chisha Village that's claiming himself to be the Flame Champion (see: Hugo Chapter 3). He's also learned of a Cyndar ruins nearby. The Flame Champion Hideaway, perhaps?

Next up is obviously... wait, Serenia? That is not a location that was ever referenced anywhere in this game!

Oh. The Flame Champion Hideaway. I thought so. Geeze, game, what gives? Anyway, while suspicions are always high, both Sarah and Green Bishop sense something big: the True Fire Rune has been unsealed. They come across a very familiar looking teleporter. Normally, only a single person would go through. However, Sarah knows what this is, and how to access it properly so that everybody can go through at once.

Once more, the game skips on the battle between Hugo/Chris/Geddoe vs. Green Bishop/Yuber/Sarah and goes directly to the aftermath. However, there was something in Hugo's eyes that reminded Green Bishop of someone...

Next up is the Ancient Pathway. This is the sequence in Chapter 4 when Chris gets her True Water Rune. Huh. I didn't think I'd have to traverse this maze again. However, I totally luck out, and find the quickest way to the temple and get into zero encounters. As we approach the alter, Sarah senses the the new Flame Champion nearby. She volunteers to stay behind, and let's us conduct our business with the True Water Rune.

Which, we we already knew, goes awry. Jimba has a few choice words for Green Bishop, including a few words about his daughter, Chris, but Green Bishop is still going to go through with his plan. He will alter the fate the True Wind Rune has shown him!

Back to Crystal Valley, we see Sasarai and Nash. As we already knew, Green Bishop is there to crash the party, and takes the True Earth Rune in the process.

So, here's the deal with this, since it was entirely cut off before. Hikusaak, the Big Chesse of Harmonia, wants all 27 True Runes for himself. However, a person typically can only bear one True Rune at a time, and it seems very likely that Harmonia's Circle Rune might be borne by Hikusaak, himself. Also, they have a peculiar tendency to have a mind of their own. In fact, if my memory/Suiko-lore serves me right, the Star Dragon Sword is a True Rune onto itself. I think he once called himself the personification of the Night Rune? Sorry for being a little fuzzy on this point.

Be that as it may, Hikusaak has found a method by which he can technically bear all 27 True Runes: clones. That's what Sasarai and Green Bishop are: clones of Hikusaak that were made for the sole purpose of bearing True Runes. Once Green Bishop reveals this truth, and reveals the vessel by which he can carry True Rune in (which is made out of the same stuff they are), Sasarai literally vomits in response. This grants Green Bishop the perfect opportunity to take his True Earth Rune.

Next up is the Le Buque redux. We aren't taken directly to stealing Geddoe's True Lightning Rune, though. We see a little scene between Green Bishop and Sarah first, then we see the part where we take the True Lightning Rune. Huge difference.

Next up is Brass Castle where we take Hugo's True Fire Rune. I guess we're skipping the part where we steal Chris' True Water Rune. However, I just want to get this quote/screen one more time, though, one must excuse the hide-tag.

Next up is the ritual site. Green Bishop makes another comment about being reminded of people he used to know, this time, I feel it's more a reference to the Fire Bringer.

The game skips to the scene of Thomas, Cecile, Dios, and Sasarai. As if you couldn't guess that it was Green Bishop there before hand. I mean, come on. However, what happens here is a dual between Green Bishop and Sasarai.

Sasarai is so incredibly hard to read, it's not even funny. If I didn't have save states, I'd be dead. However, I do have save states, and Sasarai can be defeated.

However, Thomas and Ceclie stand before Green Bishop. He puts them down, only for them to stand up again. Three time he strikes them down, and they just get right back up. Man, they got a lot tougher since Thomas' Chapter 2 when they were overwhelmed by Zexen Knights, huh?

Fast-forward to after the defeat of the Wind Rancor. As before, the ruins become unstable, and the Fire Bringer leave Green Bishop to his fate. The screen fades out, then fades back in a moment later. Green Bishop is standing, but not for long. He soon kneels over, coughing. Fade out. When it fades in again, we see Sarah approaching the dais.

The Green Bishop could not destroy the True Wind Rune. He could only call forth it's power, and that power was too much for him. He figures he'll die anyway, but feels Sarah should escape, and releases her from his service, freeing her to do so.

However, she refuses to escape the punishment that is due her for killing countless lives. More importantly, she didn't follow him all this way for glory, freedom, power, or anything like that. She followed him out of love.

This is terribly heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. But, wait, there's more.

After all this, the credits roll. Afterwards, there's one little teeny-tiny scene. It involves Leknaat.

She dispenses forgiveness for her wayward pupil. Indeed, both Luc and Sarah have been blessed by the 108 Stars of Destiny, and are allowed to rest in peace.


Whew! That was a doozy! I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I have playing/writing! Questions? Comments? Post away!
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Congrats on finishing! Reading this really makes me want to play the game myself.

What was your final hour count?
Guardian of the Description Thread
My last save recorded a play-time of 46 hours and 11 minutes. This obviously does not count time when the emulator was paused so that I could write, or any save-state scumming that may have occurred.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I know I've finished playing this game, but, have the combat tune!

Every misdeed has its own punishment, and every good deed has its reward.
After seeing the end, I'm not quite sure what to say. o_o

I found it interesting, although I don't know how to fully describe my opinion.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Some time ago, I wanted to do a little something-something for this thread. However, it never really came to pass when it was more relevant. Yet, despite that, here I am, probably making a complete idiot of myself in the process. All I ask is that one forgives the utter lack of editing.

Session 22

Every misdeed has its own punishment, and every good deed has its reward.
You are awesome, my friend.


Enjoy your holiday.
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