
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
"I'm the liar? If they believe that you truly are the 'Ultimate Lucky Student', why would I hit you in the face for no reason? If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead, so why beat you up? It was in self defence, duh!"
I feel bored. How odd.
"Stop fighting, both of you." I sighed. "If you two are going to fight, don't do it now, do it after we all leave this place alive."
Upupupupupupuu~! You still believe you can all get out of here together?
Hehe, You know what? Keep believing... It'll make the despair all that much sweeter!
"I still highly doubt that there's not a single way out of this place. But yeah, may be hard to we all make out of this alive with some freaks on the loose."
"You are looking pretty well for someone that had to fight in, quote unquote, self-defense by the way."
The TM is for Totally Magical.
"Maybe everyone could just calm down explain what happened."
Just gonna quickly swoop in to say that you may not directly quote any PMs concerning the game. You may describe what happened in you own words, but no copy/pasting. This is quite a common rule in these kinds of forum games, but I thought I'd address it just in case.
On sunny days, I go out walking
No one was killed, so no milk was spilled.
On sunny days, I go out walking
I am going to go the kitchen, to get some cereal, which I will eat.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Everyone, don't forget to send us your move action either in your personal chatzy room or via PM before the end of this phase, in about 7.5 hours.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
damn kevin, now you gotta change your profile pic to an injured version of Manako

"So, all this fuss about killing is making me hungry. If I don't eat I'll die and become an Alakazam-bie."
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
"Anyway, sorry for the cracks on the table. I may have flipped it up in the air yesterday trying to make it fly."
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
This looks too cruel...

(that makes me feel really guilty ^_^;)

"Fine, let's stop fighting about it Manako, it's oooobvious you attacked me first, so let's focus on how, if we can, get out of here!"
We forgot to start the new phase on time again... >.<
Phase 7 starts now.
PMs will be sent shortly.

Phase 8 starts at 18:00 on Wednesday (GMT).
Rule update: Poison.
We discovered that we hadn't updated the rules concerning poison when we changed the rules concerning items before the start of the alpha.
This is the new ruling concerning poison:
  • Using a poison to poison an item is a non-main action, so it can be done next to your regular main action.

  • Poisoning one of your own items still functions the same as before and it may be spotted by any player in the same room if their perception is high enough and your agility low enough.

  • Poisoning another player's item will poison a random food item in the target's inventory if their perception is low enough and your speed high enough. If the target has no food items the poison attempt will fail. A failed poison attempt will not consume the poison.
2 hours left until the end of phase 7.
If you haven't sent in your movement yet, make sure to send it before the end of the phase, even if you decide to stay in the same room. If you have not sent in a movement by then, you will remain in the same room.
Phase 8 has now started. the phase will end at 17:00 on Thursday (GMT).
PMs will be sent soon.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Phase 9 has started. The phase will end Thursday, 17:00 GMT.
PMs will be sent soon.

We noticed that very few of you sent in a move action, or even any action at all last phase. Was everyone just busy, or is there some other reason? You may post this in the thread.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
I don't have access to my computer as much as I used to, and doing stuff on phone is a pain.