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Hello I am working on a fantasy MMORPG. I need a writer to help me finish the all story and the aspect of the game. I have already start working on 5 classes which are not finished.

Synopsis about the game:
The game will be happening in a wonderful magical world, where the player will be discovering a lot of fictional monsters and animals. The world is divided in 5 kingdoms ( one kingdom for each race). The player will be spawning in his kingdom (classes choosen) then the story can start. The story will be different in each kingdom, to give different quests in. It will be possible to equipe armors, weapons and lot of stuff. Im also working on a crafting system (to upgrade weapon) and fishing system too. Player will be able to collect ressources from monsters and chest. The ressources will allow them to use the crafting sytem.

Some extra stories will have to be made for event. for example:

The invasion of some monster in a special map (town).
The discovery of a new kingdom.
Special stories for christmas, halloween...
And up to your own imagination for more.

The story of the game will change the whole aspect of the game, that's why I need a writer to help me finish the story. Then I will start designing the maps, within the story concept and quests...

This is what I have worked on for a bit.


Game Logo

Game prototype screenshot
I've been writing on RPing sites for several years now and I've always wanted to get into writing as a career in some form, so I'd love to get involved in this project! I've got quite a bit of experience in characterization, setting up story and plot structures, and I don't have a heavy course-load this semester so I'm open to talk and get to work on things at almost any time of the day.

So if you're interested, please make a post or something and we can maybe set up a chatzy or something to get things going and see what happens.
Ok I am very happy that you took time to read my topic. It would be with pleasure to collaborate with you.

Here is what we are working on already (a lot is missing)
Alright! So here's what I'm thinking. Right off the bat, we've got five storylines to set up and work with, so what if we have each race's storyline be kind-of tied into the feel of that race? Like the humans are probably going to be a basic more general-purpose standard build, I imagine, so I'm thinking of setting up a much more traditional standard questline for their story. Go out, explore X dungeon and kill the boss, earn the king's favor, that sort of thing.

Then with the Elm, they're very knowledgeable and more sort-of elegant and elf like, so with their unwillingness to take direct action, I think it would be cool if their story would be more based around political agreements and covert operations with the player being sent out to send messages to ally with other groups or take out specific targets in secret at the risk of being outcast if he fails. Stuff like "Sneak into the Uder ranks and kill the monsters they send to fight" or "Sabotage this person's quest to frame the Uder and force them into a fight on two fronts".

For the Uder, you mention a ritual where they have to go out into the world which can probably be a storyline in itself, but I'm thinking that maybe you could start with some solid equipment for the first outing to prove yourself and then someone manages to steal it. So the player sets out on a quest for revenge where you just destroy anything in your way to find where the person/monster who took your stuff is so you can take it back. I feel like if someone picks a strength-focused more brutal group like this that they'd probably want to just feel like an action-based force of destruction, so I think this will work out pretty well.

With the Boduid, I think a bit of a goofier tone would probably work best. I'm actually kind-of considering setting the main quests around a trading group. Like something where the player can go around defending some form of caravan or small group of merchants that can have fun conversations bouncing back and forth until things get more serious for some reason and they have to deal with defending themselves from another kingdom or something. Like I'm thinking it will probably be a lot more of a reactionary thing where you're defending characters the player can get attached to instead of actively going out for personal gain or something like with the other stories.

And then there's the werewolf, which could honestly go in any number of ways. I feel like the most interesting way to take, though, would be if they're enemies that the player has to deal with in every other storyline but in their storyline you see how they're more focused on protecting or avenging their own and keeping the balance of nature, which could be a reoccurring thing hinted at with each other storyline. We might even be able to tie it all in with the way magic actually works in this world depending on how we explain it.


Anyways, that's what I'm thinking about the main questlines as a general idea. Also, I'd like to ask a few questions about what you generally want. Like would you rather have the storylines of each race tie together into a single threat? Or would you rather have each of them find their own final boss that's built up over the course of that race's story? Also, would you rather have the player character have their own history and personality, or would you want them to be more of a blank slate? I imagine it's probably going to be something more along the lines of "this race looks like this" instead of having like a male and female option for each one, but I could be wrong.

I think that should cover just about everything that I'd kind-of want to mainly know outside of the magic system and stuff like approval on what you would and wouldn't want and how groups and stuff should interact.

So does everything so far sound good?
I think your ideas are very intersting, we should discuss togeteher about it. If you want to send me your details or join our discord channel.
Sure! What's your channel? I'm pretty new to discord, so it might take a bit for me to find it, lol.
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